
Beit Halochem Ashdod

  • Beit Halochem Ashdod

The General Assembly of the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization (the ZDVO’s governing body) approved the construction of a fifth Beit Halochem to be located in the City of Ashdod.

An integral part of the ZDVO’s mission is to give disabled veterans and their families all the possible tools to rehabilitate and reintegrate into society. A vital component is to offer them the ability to become members and rehabilitate at a Beit Halochem center which is close to their homes.

Ashdod was chosen as the site of the fifth Beit Halochem center after years of research and surveys. Situated on 7.4 acres (30 dunams) donated by the Municipality of Ashdod, the new center will be a hub for disabled veterans that live in Israel’s Southern Coastal Plain. There are 6,700 ZDVO members in the area and, together with their families, number over 15,000 people, that will benefit from the new Ashdod Beit Halochem.

For a simulation of the proposed new Beit Halochem in Ashdod, click on the video.


Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M
Branch No. 93200/18
Iban: IL69 0106 3100 0000 9320 018

Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund
49 Shmuel Barcay St.,
Tel Aviv, 6139201