
The Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund (ZDVF)

  • The Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund (ZDVF)

The State of Israel cannot cope with the many needs of the disabled veterans in their long rehabilitation process. To be able to raise the necessary funds to answer these needs, the Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund (ZDVF) was established by the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization (ZDVO). The Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund is a separate, registered NPO recognized for tax purposes.

The Fund’s goal is to raise funds in Israel and abroad for building Beit Halochem Centers, purchasing equipment and operating the vast rehabilitation network of the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization.
This includes the wide array of physiotherapy, sports, occupational therapy, workshops, cultural and social activities.Funds are also regularly raised for special projects such as Academic Scholarships. It also raises funds for Beit Kay in Nahariya as well as support for 12 Rehabilitation Day Care Clubs serving some of the most severely disabled veterans throughout the country.

The ZDVF Goals

Promoting the Cause

By hosting visits of individuals and delegations, creating personal encounters with disabled veterans, both in Israel and overseas.

International Partners

Work with existing Friends Organizations the world over for the benefit of our cause and creating new ones.


Serve as the fundraising branch of the ZDVO to support all rehabilitation programs and projects for the benefit of its members.

Creating Awareness

Educating through all available marketing channels.


Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M
Branch No. 93200/18
Iban: IL69 0106 3100 0000 9320 018

Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund
49 Shmuel Barcay St.,
Tel Aviv, 6139201