Ofer Varfel

Ofer Varfel

In these very moments, Ofer can be found in the middle of a jeep tour in South Africa, together with two of his best friends from the army. Sounds pretty ordinary, doesn’t it? Ofer was declared to be paralyzed 100+ percent from the waist down after being injured while protecting his teammates in Nablus in July 2004.

Izzy Ezagui

Izzy Ezagui

It was a tense, highly stress-filled afternoon. Izzy Ezagui and his seven buddies in the Haruv Kfir unit of the Israel Defense Forces, were in a tent by the Gaza border this past January, during Operation Cast Lead — the War in Gaza.

Matan’s Bionic Leg

Matan’s Bionic Leg

When the Second Intifada broke out, Matan’s unit was sent to the Gaza Strip. There he encountered areas filled with explosive devices and booby traps. One of those devices went off, wounding him severely and killing three of his friends.


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Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund
49 Shmuel Barcay St.,
Tel Aviv, 6139201