Annual BHUK Fundraising Dinner

Annual BHUK Fundraising Dinner

450 guests attended Beit Halochem’s 6th annual dinner at The Dorchester on 17 May 2017. The evening raised in excess of £1 Million. Two Beit Halochem veterans and a mother of a veteran, spoke movingly throughout the evening about the impact that their injuries had had on their lives, their experiences at Beit Halochem and subsequent rehabilitation.

Six Day War veterans raising funds to build rehab facility for disabled soldiers

Six Day War veterans raising funds to build rehab facility for disabled soldiers

There is a select group of soldiers in the history of Israel’s ongoing existential struggle who either gave their lives or became disabled fighting to ensure its survival. The mission of the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization is to rehabilitate and help return the nation’s tens of thousands of wounded soldiers to a stable, fruitful life.


Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M
Branch No. 93200/18
Iban: IL69 0106 3100 0000 9320 018

Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund
49 Shmuel Barcay St.,
Tel Aviv, 6139201