
Amazing achievements of our Athletes in Recent International and Local Competitions

Amazing achievements of our Athletes in Recent International and Local Competitions

Posted In: 27/01/17       ZDVF - Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund      

At the 2017 FISA International Para Rowing Regatta competition in Gavirate, Italy, Israeli rower and Paralympic Bronze Medalist Moran Samuel set a new world record and won two Gold Medals.

In the Mixed Double Sculls Israeli rowers Achiya Klein and Shay-Lee Mizrachi won the Silver Medal.
In the Mixed Co-Ed Four category, Israeli rowers Shay-Lee Mizrachi, Simona Goren, Achiya Klein, Barak Hatzor and Leah Sas won the Bronze Medal.

This is an important competition on the way to qualifying for the World Championship.

Wheelchair Dancing – Ballroom Dancing:
At the recent Polish Open, a qualifying competition for the World Championship, wheelchair dancers Maytal Wax and Sammy Dahan of Tel Aviv’s Beit Halochem won the 2nd Place in the Couples (both wheelchair dancers) category. Anna Wishbein won 1st place in the Singles (solo dance) Women category
Adam Greenfeld and his standing partner Natalia Kutik came in 4th place in the Couples category (a wheelchair dancer with a standing partner).

Table Tennis:
At the World Championship in Slovakia Carmit Dor and Inbal Bahar of Tel Aviv’s Beit Halochem came in 6th.

Field Tennis:
At the Israel Open International Tournament, Haim Lev of Beersheva’s Beit Halochem came in 2nd place in the Singles Quad category
Haim Lev and Shraga Weinberg won the Couples category.



Gold Medal in Gavirate, Italy May 2017                                             Rowing Championship in Italy

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Build a supportive atmosphere, which will help the disabled veterans resume their normal lives as quickly as possible.

Foster the full reintegration of the veterans into society by establishing sports & rehabilitation centers, offering a comprehensive range of services.

By setting challenges and daily targets, both physical and mental, it aims to restore a better quality of life.

Safeguard their legal rights and promote their interests through legislation or economic and social measures.




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Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund
49 Shmuel Barcay St.,
Tel Aviv, 6139201