Servicios de rehabilitación
Vuestra donación es esencial para el funcionamiento de los centros Beit Halojem – centro de deportes, rehabilitación y recreación que se encuentra al servicio…
Vuestra donación es esencial para el funcionamiento de los centros Beit Halojem – centro de deportes, rehabilitación y recreación que se encuentra al servicio de los soldados heridos y sus familias. El tamaño de los centros varía, de 5.500 a 10.000 m2.
Los soldados heridos pueden participar en el centro de actividades deportivas adaptadas a sus discapacidades específicas. Dichas actividades incluyen, emtre muchas otras: básquetbol en sillas de ruedas, natación, ciclismo de bicicletas biplaza, tenis en sillas de ruedas, clases de pintura, arte, cursos de música.
Los programas deportivos contribuyen al éxito de la rehabilitación, al mantener el estado físico de los miembros y prevenir el deterioro de su salud. Cada centro ofrece además una amplia variedad de actividades sociales y creativas. La mayor parte de los centros incluyen un auditorio, salas bien equipadas, aulas, gimnasios de musculación, piscina, piscina de hidroterapia, una unidad de terapia ocupacional, una unidad de fisioterapia, cafetería, oficinas y un ala de bienestar social.
Please note that for donations to be tax deductible they must be channeled through our local Friends Organization in your country of residence.
ZDVO Beit Halochem Australia has recently received tax deductibility status (DGR1). All donations over $AU2 are fully tax deductible.
For further information please visit our website BEIT HALOCHEM AUSTRALIA
Beit Halochem Canada, Aid to Disabled Veterans of Israel is a registered Canadian charity that supports the rehabilitation of Israeli disabled veterans and severely injured victims of terror, funds are raised to purchase equipment and run programs at the Beit Halochem Centres throughout Israel. All eligible donations over $10 will receive a Canadian official income tax receipt. Canadian registration number: 11877 9081 RR0001
For further information please visit our website BEIT HALOCHEM CANADA
You can boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate at no extra cost to you. This can be done by declaring you want to Gift Aid this donation and any donations you make in the future or have made in the past 4 years to Beit Halochem UK. You are a UK taxpayer and understand that if you pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax then the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations in that tax year it is your responsibility to pay any difference. Gift Aid is reclaimed by Beit HalochemUK from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Please note: this declaration is only valid if BHUK have your initial, surname and home address.
For further information please visit our website BEIT HALOCHEM UK
Friends of Israel Disabled Veterans (FIDV) – Beit Halochem is committed to caring for Israeli servicemen and women disabled in the line of duty, and victims of terror attacks. Beit Halochem centers provide therapeutic treatments, sports and recreational facilities, cultural and educational programs, scholarship support, and family-oriented activities to help them resume lives of purpose and dignity. In the United States, FIDV – Beit Halochem [501 (c)(3)] is the only authorized organization whose purpose is to support the rehabilitation of disabled Israeli veterans and victims of terror through the Beit Halochem centers in Israel.
For further information please visit our website FIDV – BEIT HALOCHEM US