Sports Scholarship Award Ceremony

Sports Scholarship Award Ceremony

Sports Scholarship Award Ceremony

Germany’s Open Golf Championship – Shlomo Ivgy takes first place

Germany’s Open Golf Championship – Shlomo Ivgy takes first place

The Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization Golf Team, which operates under the responsibility Haifa’s Beit Halochem, brought great pride and honor to the ZDVO and Beit Halochem.

Beit Halochem UK Held Successful Annual Gala Dinner

Beit Halochem UK Held Successful Annual Gala Dinner

More than 350 guests of Beit Halochem UK helped raise a staggering £820,000 for disabled IDF veterans and their families. The day was Wednesday, the venue was The Dorchester and the speakers were highlyesteemed, including Lord (Danny) Finkelstein, Israeli Ambassador Daniel Taub and top lawyer Anthony Julius.

Beit Halochem Canada’s Celebration of Life 2015

Beit Halochem Canada’s Celebration of Life 2015

Celebration of Life 2015 honoured four designated heroes from Operation Protective Edge, who were wounded and who appeared in videos as well as in person to standing ovations: Sergeant Sariel Teper, Lt. Colonel (Res.) Alon Vollozny, Captain (Res.) Ofir Anidjar and civilian Nati Hakshur.

Itai Erenlib Won the Polish Wheelchair Tennis Championship

Itai Erenlib Won the Polish Wheelchair Tennis Championship

At the singles finals, Paralympic wheelchair tennis player Itai Erenlib beat his Italian opponent and at the couples finals, together with Patrick Ben Oliel beat the Italian and British couple. He may win the ticket to the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games.

The 16th Annual Wexler Bridge Tournament was held at Israel’s four Beit Halochem Centers

The 16th Annual Wexler Bridge Tournament was held at Israel’s four Beit Halochem Centers

On Friday, June 26th, 2015 the 16th Annual Wexler Bridge Tournament was held at Israel’s four Beit Halochem Centers in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa and Beer Sheva. This year’s tournament had 444 participants (222 pairs) – a new record!


Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M
Branch No. 93200/18
Iban: IL69 0106 3100 0000 9320 018

Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund
49 Shmuel Barcay St.,
Tel Aviv, 6139201