Between Darkness and Light

Between Darkness and Light

When I stepped into the office of Danny Layani, Assistant to the Chairman of the Jerusalem District of the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization, he was sitting across from his computer working energetically. “Hold on! You’ve gotta be kidding me”, I said without introducing myself. “I was told I was coming to interview a blind fellow”.

The Story of Dudi Saido

The Story of Dudi Saido

Up until the morning of August 11, 2003, Saido was just an ordinary guy: 24 yrs. old, living with his parents in Ariel, planning to rent his own place in Jerusalem, not far from his work place, planning to propose to his girlfriend of the past year and mostly: a tough man, eldest brother to his five brothers and sisters. But then, fate intervened

Moving Bar Mitzvah Gift Received at ZDVO

Moving Bar Mitzvah Gift Received at ZDVO

From Australia with love: A very moving donation was received recently at the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization from a young lad from Sydney who decided to donate his Bar Mitzvah gifts – for the benefit of wounded soldiers. “They defend Israel, they deserve it”, he explained his decision.

Rowing Towards His Goal

Rowing Towards His Goal

During Operation Protective Edge he lost his leg, but Ron Halevi (21 yrs.) from Kibbutz Gesher in the north doesn’t give up* After a long and difficult rehabilitation process he went back to Kayaking and will soon be taking part in the World Championship for Disabled in Italy* “I live a normal life and don’t think about my injury”

Beit Halochem Canada hosts 38 ‘Kids of Courage’

Beit Halochem Canada hosts 38 ‘Kids of Courage’

Beit Halochem Canada, Aid to Disabled Veterans of Israel, is excited to announce that in Summer 2015 we welcomed 38 bar and bat mitzvah aged Israeli children of disabled veterans from Beit Halochem Israel.


Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M
Branch No. 93200/18
Iban: IL69 0106 3100 0000 9320 018

Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund
49 Shmuel Barcay St.,
Tel Aviv, 6139201