
Fun field trip for the blind members organized by ZDVO

On October 9th a group of 18 blind veterans, accompanied by their spouses, went on field trip to the Ella Valley and the Beit Govrin Limestone Caves. The Zahal Disabled […]

Posted In: 22/10/18       ZDVF - Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund      

On October 9th a group of 18 blind veterans, accompanied by their spouses, went on field trip to the Ella Valley and the Beit Govrin Limestone Caves.
The Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund raises funds to support special activities and projects for the benefit of its more than 100 blind members. Amongst others, activities include special lectures, courses, performances, special events and trips.

For the full album please check our official FB page:

Photo Gallery

Build a supportive atmosphere, which will help the disabled veterans resume their normal lives as quickly as possible.

Foster the full reintegration of the veterans into society by establishing sports & rehabilitation centers, offering a comprehensive range of services.

By setting challenges and daily targets, both physical and mental, it aims to restore a better quality of life.

Safeguard their legal rights and promote their interests through legislation or economic and social measures.



Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M
Branch No. 93200/18
Iban: IL69 0106 3100 0000 9320 018

Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund
49 Shmuel Barcay St.,
Tel Aviv, 6139201