Make your life events uniquely meaningful!



BRIT mila






There are important milestones in our lives. Dozens of people have already chosen to dedicate their special day to raise awareness and support for the Israeli soldiers who were wounded while defending the State of Israel and were left disabled for life.

Supporting these brave men and women is an exceptional opportunity to do something truly amazing and selfless.

Embrace this important cause by making a donation in honor of your special day.

Planning a visit to Israel?
That’s an event in itself! Come to Beit Halochem Jerusalem and make an ordinary day a very special one.

$1,800 USD

Tour one of the Beit Halochem Centers and receive a certificate of acknowledgment and appreciation from the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization.

$3,600 USD

Invite your guests to a special tour of one of the Beit Halochem Centers, receive a certificate of appreciation and enjoy an exhilarating and unique experience of playing wheelchair basketball together with members of the Beit Halochem Team.

$5,400 USD

Invite your guests to a once in a lifetime tour of one of the Beit Halochem Centers, receive a certificate of appreciation and enjoy an exhilarating and unique experience of playing wheelchair basketball together with members of the Beit Halochem Team.
A professional photographer will accompany the event and produce a special photo album for the family.

$10,000 USD & MORE

Invite your guests to a once in a lifetime tour of one of the Beit Halochem Centers, receive a certificate of appreciation and enjoy an exhilarating and unique experience of playing wheelchair basketball together with members of the Beit Halochem Team.
A professional photographer will accompany the event and produce a special photo album for the family + personalized basketball T-shirts + a basketball with signatures of all the Beit Halochem wheelchair basketball team*.

*Cost subject to change according to number of participants

Show Your Love for Israel and its heroes on Your Big Day

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Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M
Branch No. 93200/18
Iban: IL69 0106 3100 0000 9320 018

Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund
49 Shmuel Barcay St.,
Tel Aviv, 6139201