Tennis Court

Tennis Court 2 In Memory of Kenneth N. Vernon MBA By Sheridan Vernon EA USA Jews support IDF Heroes

Tennis Court 2 In Memory of Kenneth N. Vernon MBA By Sheridan Vernon EA USA Jews support IDF Heroes

Tennis Court 2 In Memory of Kenneth N. Vernon MBA By Sheridan Vernon EA USA Jews support IDF Heroes

Donated by the Garry Hurvitz Foundation For the brave men and women on the front lines who dedicate themselves to the protection of the State of Israel and the Jewish people all over the world Canada 2019

Donated by the Garry Hurvitz Foundation For the brave men and women on the front lines who dedicate themselves to the protection of the State of Israel and the Jewish people all over the world Canada 2019

Donated by the Garry Hurvitz Foundation For the brave men and women on the front lines who dedicate themselves to the protection of the State of Israel and the Jewish […]

In honour of Dylan Wachsberg  This tennis court is dedicated to the brave and wounded heroes of Beit Halochem, with heartlfet appreciation for their tremendous sacrifices endured in defence of our Homeland.  Toronto, Canada  March 17, 2018

In honour of Dylan Wachsberg This tennis court is dedicated to the brave and wounded heroes of Beit Halochem, with heartlfet appreciation for their tremendous sacrifices endured in defence of our Homeland. Toronto, Canada March 17, 2018

Tennis Court in Memory of Mr. Max Sochor, London November 1995

Tennis Court in Memory of Mr. Max Sochor, London November 1995


Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M
Branch No. 93200/18
Iban: IL69 0106 3100 0000 9320 018

Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund
49 Shmuel Barcay St.,
Tel Aviv, 6139201