Wall of Honor

Sincere thanks to the Jewish Schools in London for their invaluable support to Beit Halochem UK.  Their ongoing commitment is deeply appreciated

Sincere thanks to the Jewish Schools in London for their invaluable support to Beit Halochem UK. Their ongoing commitment is deeply appreciated

Humbled and Honoured to Support the Important Work of Beit Halochem Charles Gourgey London England

Humbled and Honoured to Support the Important Work of Beit Halochem Charles Gourgey London England

Humbled and Honoured to Support the Important Work of Beit Halochem Charles Gourgey London England

Sincere thanks to Yishai Kander, Aaron Kruskal, Zeke Noe and Rafael Shelley For their creative Purim fundraising spiel for Beit Halochem UK

Sincere thanks to Yishai Kander, Aaron Kruskal, Zeke Noe and Rafael Shelley For their creative Purim fundraising spiel for Beit Halochem UK

Sincere thanks to Yishai Kander, Aaron Kruskal, Zeke Noe and Rafael Shelley For their creative Purim fundraising spiel for Beit Halochem UK

In Memory of Chaya and Meyer Krieger Longtime Friends and Supporters of israel Dedicated by the Krieger/Chadha Family New York, USA

In Memory of Chaya and Meyer Krieger Longtime Friends and Supporters of israel Dedicated by the Krieger/Chadha Family New York, USA

Natalie Tahan a True אשת חיל Who has given so much to Beit Halochem With grateful thanks From the Trustees of Beit Halochem UK

Natalie Tahan a True אשת חיל Who has given so much to Beit Halochem With grateful thanks From the Trustees of Beit Halochem UK

In loving memory of Karin Bauman z”l sister of Orly Wolfson Trustee of Beit Halochem UK לזכרה של קארין באומן ז”ל, אחות אהובה של אורלי וולפסון

In loving memory of Karin Bauman z”l sister of Orly Wolfson Trustee of Beit Halochem UK לזכרה של קארין באומן ז”ל, אחות אהובה של אורלי וולפסון

אלברט ורות גסטפרוינד ז”ל אנו מקדישים תרומה זו באהבה לשיקום חיילי וחיילות צה”ל אשר שרתו את המדינה ישראל

אלברט ורות גסטפרוינד ז”ל אנו מקדישים תרומה זו באהבה לשיקום חיילי וחיילות צה”ל אשר שרתו את המדינה ישראל

Generously donated by: Alex and Irene Arkin In memory of their beloved grandson Shlomo Danzinger Toronto, Canada 2023

Generously donated by: Alex and Irene Arkin In memory of their beloved grandson Shlomo Danzinger Toronto, Canada 2023

In Memory of Barbara Cohen z”l a unique lady and passionate supporter of Beit Halochem UK

In Memory of Barbara Cohen z”l a unique lady and passionate supporter of Beit Halochem UK

In memory of Yaakov Rainshtein IDF Veteran Dedicated by family and friends USA

In memory of Yaakov Rainshtein IDF Veteran Dedicated by family and friends USA

In Loving Memory and Honor of Dr. Julia Taub-Katz, Andrew Katz, Dr. Henry Taub For their unwavering commitment to Israel USA 2023

In Loving Memory and Honor of Dr. Julia Taub-Katz, Andrew Katz, Dr. Henry Taub For their unwavering commitment to Israel USA 2023

In loving memory of my mother Blanca Raubvogel, My dearest son Aleksander Ferber Liliana Ferber, USA

In loving memory of my mother Blanca Raubvogel, My dearest son Aleksander Ferber Liliana Ferber, USA

לזכר בצלאל גמורמן ז”ל ופפי אביבי ז”ל בהוקרה על תמיכתם הנדיבה בנכי צה”ל רמת גן 2023

לזכר בצלאל גמורמן ז”ל ופפי אביבי ז”ל בהוקרה על תמיכתם הנדיבה בנכי צה”ל רמת גן 2023

Dedicated In Memory of Michael Chaimberg z”l by his friends and family in support of Therapeutic Aquatic Activities Montreal, Canada 2023

Dedicated In Memory of Michael Chaimberg z”l by his friends and family in support of Therapeutic Aquatic Activities Montreal, Canada 2023

In appreciation of Doug Mayoff For his dedication and commitment to Israel’s injured Heroes Montreal, Canada 2023

We are grateful to The Rajsky Family for honouring their parents Esterita, Chananie Rajsky and Oskar Rajsky z”l Toronto, Canada 2022

We are grateful to The Rajsky Family for honouring their parents Esterita, Chananie Rajsky and Oskar Rajsky z”l Toronto, Canada 2022

With sincere thanks to the Trustees of The Israel Lazarus Charitable Trust For their longstanding Commitment and generosity to Beit Halochem UK

With sincere thanks to the Trustees of The Israel Lazarus Charitable Trust For their longstanding Commitment and generosity to Beit Halochem UK

With Sincere Thanks To The Beit Halochem UK Trustees Susie Kahn, Daniel Kattan, Nathaniel Meyohas, Daniel Naftalin, David Tahan, Andrew Wolfson and Orly Wolfson. Their remarkable enthusiasm to endorse the work of Beit Halochem, has helped transform the lives of countless wounded IDF veterans, victims of terror and their families.

With Sincere Thanks To The Beit Halochem UK Trustees Susie Kahn, Daniel Kattan, Nathaniel Meyohas, Daniel Naftalin, David Tahan, Andrew Wolfson and Orly Wolfson. Their remarkable enthusiasm to endorse the work of Beit Halochem, has helped transform the lives of countless wounded IDF veterans, victims of terror and their families.

A le memoire de M. Jean Ben-Guigui z”l En reconnaissance pour son soutien et son devouement envers les blesses handicapes de Tsahal Nice, France

A le memoire de M. Jean Ben-Guigui z”l En reconnaissance pour son soutien et son devouement envers les blesses handicapes de Tsahal Nice, France

In loving memory of Monica Slater z”l A tribute to a beautiful and inspirational lady.  London, UK November 2022

In loving memory of Monica Slater z”l A tribute to a beautiful and inspirational lady. London, UK November 2022

In gratitude to the Azrieli Foundation Canada-Israel Generous and longstanding supporters of Zahal Disabled Veterans

In gratitude to the Azrieli Foundation Canada-Israel Generous and longstanding supporters of Zahal Disabled Veterans

In loving memory of our parents and grandparents, Robert and Ruth Cohn, z”l Dedicated by Evan, Amy, Ellen and Sophie Cohn USA

In loving memory of our parents and grandparents, Robert and Ruth Cohn, z”l Dedicated by Evan, Amy, Ellen and Sophie Cohn USA

In Honour of the Late Gertrude Laufer, Austria

In Honour of the Late Gertrude Laufer, Austria

In Honour of Irving Carter z”l For his outstanding Commitment and generosity To Beit Halochem

In Honour of Irving Carter z”l For his outstanding Commitment and generosity To Beit Halochem

לזכר המנוחה רושה (רוזה)  קורנבליט (לבית נאאס)

לזכר המנוחה רושה (רוזה) קורנבליט (לבית נאאס)

In Blessed Memory of Ruth Bachner Smulowicz Nov. 12 1918 March 16 1983 Vienna

In Blessed Memory of Ruth Bachner Smulowicz Nov. 12 1918 March 16 1983 Vienna

David Tessel

David Tessel

Don Offert Par Mme. Josie Laloum a la Memoire de Son Epoux Raymond Nessim Laloum z”l 29 aout 1934-3 november 2021 Marseille, France

Don Offert Par Mme. Josie Laloum a la Memoire de Son Epoux Raymond Nessim Laloum z”l 29 aout 1934-3 november 2021 Marseille, France

לזכר ברטה מייזלס ז”ל (לבית רוזנבאום) ויוסף מייזלס ז”ל בהוקרה על תרומתם הנדיבה מאי 2007

לזכר ברטה מייזלס ז”ל (לבית רוזנבאום) ויוסף מייזלס ז”ל בהוקרה על תרומתם הנדיבה מאי 2007

Helen and Peter Simpson in Memory of Our Fathers Ernest Simpson Arthur Anisfeld

Helen and Peter Simpson in Memory of Our Fathers Ernest Simpson Arthur Anisfeld

Donated by Gloria and Eugene Landy NJ, USA In the Memory of Adv. Shlomo Sharon z”l a Fighter on Behalf of Zahal Disabled Veterans

Donated by Gloria and Eugene Landy NJ, USA In the Memory of Adv. Shlomo Sharon z”l a Fighter on Behalf of Zahal Disabled Veterans

In Honor of USA Friends of Beit Halochem for Their Tireless and Devoted Efforts in Raising Funds for Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization U.S.A

In Honor of USA Friends of Beit Halochem for Their Tireless and Devoted Efforts in Raising Funds for Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization U.S.A

לזכר קהילת זלוצ’וב (פולין) שניספתה בשואה 1944

לזכר קהילת זלוצ’וב (פולין) שניספתה בשואה 1944

לזכרה של רומה פרניק ז”ל בעלה עזרא ובנם האהוב אבנר ובהוקרה על תרומתה הנדיבה לארגון נכי צה”ל חיפה 30.1.98

לזכרה של רומה פרניק ז”ל בעלה עזרא ובנם האהוב אבנר ובהוקרה על תרומתה הנדיבה לארגון נכי צה”ל חיפה 30.1.98

לזכר המנוח נורמן (נחמן) וולפר ז”ל In Memory of Norman (Nachman) Wolper

לזכר המנוח נורמן (נחמן) וולפר ז”ל In Memory of Norman (Nachman) Wolper

Eric and Rachel Teltscher We Salute All the Heroes USA

Eric and Rachel Teltscher We Salute All the Heroes USA

S.A. Friends of Beit Halochem Johannesburg

S.A. Friends of Beit Halochem Johannesburg

Stichting Vrienden van Beth Halochem, Holland

Stichting Vrienden van Beth Halochem, Holland

A la Memoire de Fany Amarant Nathan Amarant Regina Parker-Amarant Clermont-FD France 1987

A la Memoire de Fany Amarant Nathan Amarant Regina Parker-Amarant Clermont-FD France 1987

תרומת יצחק נחמן גוזיצ’נסקי מסנדומיר-פולין ורעיתו ידז’ה לבית ריישר מרדום-פולין

תרומת יצחק נחמן גוזיצ’נסקי מסנדומיר-פולין ורעיתו ידז’ה לבית ריישר מרדום-פולין

לזכרם של מגדלנה ויוסף פנסקי ז”ל In Memory of Magdalena and Jozef Panski

לזכרם של מגדלנה ויוסף פנסקי ז”ל In Memory of Magdalena and Jozef Panski

Leonard & Ethel Landau

Leonard & Ethel Landau

Alexander L. & Ruth Silberman

Alexander L. & Ruth Silberman

David E. & Jeanette Molish

David E. & Jeanette Molish

Joseph Luterman, Vice-Chairman

Joseph Luterman, Vice-Chairman

Leonard Landau, Vice-Chairman

Leonard Landau, Vice-Chairman

Charles Conston, Vice-Chairman

Charles Conston, Vice-Chairman

Alexander F. Stanton, Chairman

Alexander F. Stanton, Chairman

In memory Richard and Tola (nee Leinkram) Wehrman Montreal, Canada 2020

In Loving Memory of Dr. Morton and Ethel Weisman Dedicated to Wounded Veterans of Israel Beit Halochem, Tel Aviv Harvey and Bo Weisman, USA

In Loving Memory of Shuyin Chang and Biyun Wu Dedicated to Wounded Veterans of Israel Beit Halochem, Be’er Sheva Harvey and Bo Weisman, USA

In loving memory of our dear cousin Rina Cohen Forever in our Hearts Harvey and Eileen Grossman and Family Montreal, Canada 2022

In Honour of British Friends of Israel War disabled (BFIWD) For their friendship and outstanding support over the years

ZDVO Beit Halochem Australia לוח זכרון זה הוצב על ידי אניטה סקינר (מלבורן, אוסטרליה) לזכרם של הוריה האהובים, ניצולי השואה מגרמניה, ליאו ואנה סקינר ז”ל This plaque was erected by […]

In Loving Memory of Our Parents and Children Marc Aaron, Robert Aaron, Sharon Vivian, z”l Dedicated By Batsheva and Louis Appleman and Family USA

לזכרה של זהבה קרייזמן, בני ברק

לזכרה של זהבה קרייזמן, בני ברק

The Cilina Donation, Zurich,  קרן ציליאן, ציריך

The Cilina Donation, Zurich, קרן ציליאן, ציריך

The Bluston Charitable Settlement are honoured to support the work of Beit Halochem UK In memory of the late Lily and David Bluston

Donated by Karen, Mark, Akiva, Ariella, Yona and Asher Franks Melbourne, Australia

Donated by Karen, Mark, Akiva, Ariella, Yona and Asher Franks Melbourne, Australia

Ongoing support for IDF injured heroes dedicated in honour of my dear friend Gershon Bassman Chicago, USA In appreciation and הכרת הטוב for many years of wonderful friendship Brian Wiener […]

In honor of our brave veterans Amigos de Beit Halojem Mexico

In loving memory of Ludi Stern, z”l Friends of Beit Halochem, USA

In loving memory of Warner Cowan Toronto, Canada 2021

In loving memory of Warner Cowan Toronto, Canada 2021

In Appreciation to Leon Cutler, Richard Myerson and Stan Myerson MCAP UK For their generous contribution towards the Beit Halochem PTSD Projects United Kingdom 2021

With sincere thanks to Leon and Katie Cutler For their generous contribution towards the Beit Halochem PTSD Projects United Kingdom 2021

In Rememberance of Karl & Rosa Roth U.S.A

In Rememberance of Karl & Rosa Roth U.S.A

In Rememberance of Karl & Rosa Roth U.S.A

In Honor of All Beit Halochem Heroes Dr. Stephen Greenberg Toronto, Canada 2019

In Honor of All Beit Halochem Heroes Dr. Stephen Greenberg Toronto, Canada 2019

In Honor of All Beit Halochem Heroes Dr. Stephen Greenberg Toronto, Canada 2019

In memory of Szajndla and Szmul Kufel who perished at the Lodz Ghetto Bryon and Carmen Chomey Calgary Canada 2019

In memory of Szajndla and Szmul Kufel who perished at the Lodz Ghetto Bryon and Carmen Chomey Calgary Canada 2019

In memory of Szajndla and Szmul Kufel who perished at the Lodz Ghetto Bryon and Carmen Chomey Calgary Canada 2019

This project was donated with all our love for Jacobo and Hermosa Farca z”l Mexico

This project was donated with all our love for Jacobo and Hermosa Farca z”l Mexico

This project was donated with all our love for Jacobo and Hermosa Farca z”l Mexico

Donated by Karen, Mark, Akiva, Ariella Yona and Asher Franks Melbourne, Australia

Donated by Karen, Mark, Akiva, Ariella Yona and Asher Franks Melbourne, Australia

Donated by Karen, Mark, Akiva, Ariella Yona and Asher Franks Melbourne, Australia

This project was donated with all our love for Zeide Pablo Smolensky z”l, Mexico

This project was donated with all our love for Zeide Pablo Smolensky z”l, Mexico

This project was donated with all our love for Zeide Pablo Smolensky z”l, Mexico

In loving memory of Sofia Kaidanov Elena and Izrail Vainberg Canada 2020

In loving memory of Sofia Kaidanov Elena and Izrail Vainberg Canada 2020

In loving memory of Sofia Kaidanov Elena and Izrail Vainberg Canada 2020

With thanks to the generous support of The Parasol Foundation

With thanks to the generous support of The Parasol Foundation

With thanks to the generous support of The Parasol Foundation

Donated by Karen, Mark, Akiva, Ariella Yona and Asher Franks Melbourne, Australia

Donated by Karen, Mark, Akiva, Ariella Yona and Asher Franks Melbourne, Australia

Donated by Karen, Mark, Akiva, Ariella Yona and Asher Franks Melbourne, Australia

In Loving Memory of Joseph “Erez” Tenenbaum, Fighter for Israel and The Jewish People

In Loving Memory of Joseph “Erez” Tenenbaum, Fighter for Israel and The Jewish People

In Loving Memory of Joseph “Erez” Tenenbaum, Fighter for Israel and The Jewish People

In memory of Ernest and Eva Braun, Toronto, Canada

In memory of Ernest and Eva Braun, Toronto, Canada

In memory of Ernest and Eva Braun, Toronto, Canada

In Loving Memory of Henry Wolf, Toronto Canada, A Survivor of the Holocaust

In Loving Memory of Henry Wolf, Toronto Canada, A Survivor of the Holocaust

In Loving Memory of Henry Wolf, Toronto Canada, A Survivor of the Holocaust

In loving memory of Avrum Paul Orenstein Generously donated by Donald Cherry & Family, Montreal, Canada

In loving memory of Avrum Paul Orenstein Generously donated by Donald Cherry & Family, Montreal, Canada

In loving memory of Avrum Paul Orenstein, Generously donated by Donald Cherry & Family, Montreal, Canada

In loving memory of Beila Treister, Elena and Izrail Vainberg, Canada 2020

In loving memory of Beila Treister, Elena and Izrail Vainberg, Canada 2020

In loving memory of Beila Treister Elena and Izrail Vainberg, Canada 2020

Dr. Jacob Isler, Foundation

Dr. Jacob Isler, Foundation

Dr. Jacob Isler, Foundation

Em memoria de Mordekhay Bracha por su generosa donacion y su amor a los discapacitados de Zahal, Israel 2008

Em memoria de Mordekhay Bracha por su generosa donacion y su amor a los discapacitados de Zahal, Israel 2008

In loving memory of Chazan Leibele Waldman, z”l Donated by Rhoda and Abe Greenberg, z”l, Miriam, Mitchel, Lila, Mark, Debbie, Matt Greenberg, New York, USA To the Young Veterans Club

In loving memory of Chazan Leibele Waldman, z”l Donated by Rhoda and Abe Greenberg, z”l, Miriam, Mitchel, Lila, Mark, Debbie, Matt Greenberg, New York, USA To the Young Veterans Club

In loving memory of Chazan Leibele Waldman, z”l Donated by Rhoda and Abe Greenberg, z”l, Miriam, Mitchel, Lila, Mark, Debbie, Matt Greenberg, New York, USA To the Young Veterans Club

In loving memory of our parents Gertrude and Irving Dach, zl And Rose and Louis Greenberg, zl donated by Rhoda and Abe Greenberg, zl Dedicated by Greenberg Family, New York, USA To the Gil-On Club

In loving memory of our parents Gertrude and Irving Dach, zl And Rose and Louis Greenberg, zl donated by Rhoda and Abe Greenberg, zl Dedicated by Greenberg Family, New York, USA To the Gil-On Club

In loving memory of our parents Gertrude and Irving Dach, z”l And Rose and Louis Greenberg, z”l donated by Rhoda and Abe Greenberg, z”l Dedicated by Greenberg Family, New York, […]

In Honour of Dolf van de Vegte director TV Station Family 7 Netherlands His love for Israel led to an overwhelming support for Beit Halochem

In Honour of Dolf van de Vegte director TV Station Family 7 Netherlands His love for Israel led to an overwhelming support for Beit Halochem

In Honour of Dolf van de Vegte director TV Station Family 7 Netherlands His love for Israel led to an overwhelming support for Beit Halochem

In Honor of Lina and Gabi Tamman true Friends and Generous Supporters of Zahal Disabled Veterans, By Gabriel Tamman Foundation

In Honor of Lina and Gabi Tamman true Friends and Generous Supporters of Zahal Disabled Veterans, By Gabriel Tamman Foundation

In Honor of Lina and Gabi Tamman True Friends and Generous Supporters of Zahal Disabled Veterans, By Gabriel Tamman Foundation

Lowy Family Tel Aviv

Lowy Family Tel Aviv

En Honor a Moises y Nejame Vainer zl y a Elias Lasky London zl Con Carino a Tzahal Familia Vainer Lasky Mexico

En Honor a Moises y Nejame Vainer zl y a Elias Lasky London zl Con Carino a Tzahal Familia Vainer Lasky Mexico

En Honor a Moises y Nejame Vainer zl y a Elias Lasky London zl Con Carino a Tzahal Familia Vainer Lasky Mexico

En l’honneur et a la memoire De Therese Cohen dit Musnik France Par l’intermediare de l’Administrateur General

En l’honneur et a la memoire De Therese Cohen dit Musnik France Par l’intermediare de l’Administrateur General

En l’honneur et a la memoire De Therese Cohen dit Musnik France Par l’intermediare de l’Administrateur General

In gratitude to the brave soldiers of Israel Guillermo Strauss Buenos Aires, Argentina

In gratitude to the brave soldiers of Israel Guillermo Strauss Buenos Aires, Argentina

In gratitude to the brave soldiers of Israel Guillermo Strauss Buenos Aires, Argentina

In loving memory of Isabella, Kenneth, Lillian, Rosalie and Sidney Vernon, MD Abraham and Molly silverstein, Jacob Holin, Jules Silver, DVM Dedicated by Sheridan Vernon, EA USA

In loving memory of Isabella, Kenneth, Lillian, Rosalie and Sidney Vernon, MD Abraham and Molly silverstein, Jacob Holin, Jules Silver, DVM Dedicated by Sheridan Vernon, EA USA

In loving memory of Isabella, Kenneth, Lillian, Rosalie and Sidney Vernon, MD Abraham and Molly silverstein, Jacob Holin, Jules Silver, DVM Dedicated by Sheridan Vernon, EA USA

In Honour of the late Jenny Chaenkel Melbourne Australia

In Honour of the late Jenny Chaenkel Melbourne Australia

In Honour of the late Jenny Chaenkel Melbourne Australia

In Honour of Dennis Levine Founder of Beit Halochem UK For his unwavering support and devotion to the Zahal Disabled Veterans United Kingdom

In Honour of Dennis Levine Founder of Beit Halochem UK For his unwavering support and devotion to the Zahal Disabled Veterans United Kingdom

In Honour of Dennis Levine Founder of Beit Halochem UK For his unwavering support and devotion to the Zahal Disabled Veterans United Kingdom

בהוקרה למלי אלחנני ולבניה יאיר ודורון על 40 שנים של התמדה בנתינה ובהענקה ובקידום ההשכלה הגבוהה של נכי צה”ל באמצעות קרן מלגות לנכי צה”ל ש”ש מלי אלחנני ז”ל

בהוקרה למלי אלחנני ולבניה יאיר ודורון על 40 שנים של התמדה בנתינה ובהענקה ובקידום ההשכלה הגבוהה של נכי צה”ל באמצעות קרן מלגות לנכי צה”ל ש”ש מלי אלחנני ז”ל

בהוקרה למלי אלחנני ולבניה יאיר ודורון על 40 שנים של התמדה בנתינה ובהענקה ובקידום ההשכלה הגבוהה של נכי צה”ל באמצעות קרן מלגות לנכי צה”ל ש”ש מלי אלחנני ז”ל

In loving memory of Isabella, Kenneth, Lillian, Rosalie and Sidney Vernon, MD Abraham and Molly Silverstein, Jacob Holin, Jules silver, DVM Dedicated by Sheridan Vernon, EA USA

In loving memory of Isabella, Kenneth, Lillian, Rosalie and Sidney Vernon, MD Abraham and Molly Silverstein, Jacob Holin, Jules silver, DVM Dedicated by Sheridan Vernon, EA USA

In loving memory of Isabella, Kenneth, Lillian, Rosalie and Sidney Vernon, MD Abraham and Molly Silverstein, Jacob Holin, Jules silver, DVM Dedicated by Sheridan Vernon, EA USA

In Honor and Memory of Hilda Kneller FIDV Beit Halochem USA

In Honor and Memory of Hilda Kneller FIDV Beit Halochem USA

In Honor and Memory of Hilda Kneller FIDV Beit Halochem USA

In loving memory of Isabella, Kenneth, Lillian, Rosalie and Sidney Vernon, MD Abraham and Molly Silverstein, Jacob Holin, Jules Silver, DVM Dedicated by Sheridan Vernon, EA USA

In loving memory of Isabella, Kenneth, Lillian, Rosalie and Sidney Vernon, MD Abraham and Molly Silverstein, Jacob Holin, Jules Silver, DVM Dedicated by Sheridan Vernon, EA USA

In loving memory of Isabella, Kenneth, Lillian, Rosalie and Sidney Vernon, MD Abraham and Molly Silverstein, Jacob Holin, Jules Silver, DVM Dedicated by Sheridan Vernon, EA USA

In memory and honor of Moshe Ben Menachem Mendel Siegman, z”l משה בן מנחם הכהן זיגמן, ז”ל USA

In memory and honor of Moshe Ben Menachem Mendel Siegman, z”l משה בן מנחם הכהן זיגמן, ז”ל USA

In memory and honor of Moshe Ben Menachem Mendel Siegman, z”l משה בן מנחם הכהן זיגמן, ז”ל USA

In Honor of Golda Kaufman Rodolph and Lily Horowitz Dedicated by  Michael Goldman USA

In Honor of Golda Kaufman Rodolph and Lily Horowitz Dedicated by Michael Goldman USA

In Honor of Golda Kaufman Rodolph and Lily Horowitz Dedicated by Michael Goldman USA

Goldie and Josef Guttman z”l Holocaust Survivors Henry Guttman z”l Their Dedicated son Action and compassion for Israel defined their lives A gift from the Guttman estate New York, USA

Goldie and Josef Guttman z”l Holocaust Survivors Henry Guttman z”l Their Dedicated son Action and compassion for Israel defined their lives A gift from the Guttman estate New York, USA

Goldie and Josef Guttman z”l Holocaust Survivors Henry Guttman z”l Their Dedicated son Action and compassion for Israel defined their lives A gift from the Guttman estate New York, USA

In memory of the Family Pivnik and Family Wandersman of Bedzin and Family Lefkovitch of Wadaslaw Poland

In memory of the Family Pivnik and Family Wandersman of Bedzin and Family Lefkovitch of Wadaslaw Poland

In memory of the Family Pivnik and Family Wandersman of Bedzin and Family Lefkovitch of Wadaslaw Poland

The Late Eva (Chawa) Rosenzweig-in Memory of her late brother Lev and sister Hella of Bad Manheim W. Germany

The Late Eva (Chawa) Rosenzweig-in Memory of her late brother Lev and sister Hella of Bad Manheim W. Germany

The Late Eva (Chawa) Rosenzweig-in Memory of her late brother Lev and sister Hella of Bad Manheim W. Germany

In Memory of My Dear Husband Max Einhorn Holland

In Memory of My Dear Husband Max Einhorn Holland

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Radzeli Cleveland USA in Memory of Their Beloved son Moshe Ben Ami (1958-1983)

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Radzeli Cleveland USA in Memory of Their Beloved son Moshe Ben Ami (1958-1983)

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Radzeli Cleveland USA in Memory of Their Beloved son Moshe Ben Ami (1958-1983)

In memory of Don Savitt loving husband, father and grandfather.  Joan Savitt and family

In memory of Don Savitt loving husband, father and grandfather. Joan Savitt and family

In memory of Don Savitt loving husband, father and grandfather. Joan Savitt and family

In Memory of Wolf and Anna Kuczynski Sydney, Australia

In Memory of Wolf and Anna Kuczynski Sydney, Australia

In Memory of Wolf and Anna Kuczynski Sydney, Australia

The Fineberg Foundation In Memory of Fanny Fineberg (nee Rappaport) 1880-1960 A modest, loving, and generous woman who nobly aided the rescue of many of the persecuted from Belarus/Lithuania.

The Fineberg Foundation In Memory of Fanny Fineberg (nee Rappaport) 1880-1960 A modest, loving, and generous woman who nobly aided the rescue of many of the persecuted from Belarus/Lithuania.

The Fineberg Foundation In Memory of Fanny Fineberg (nee Rappaport) 1880-1960 A modest, loving, and generous woman who nobly aided the rescue of many of the persecuted from Belarus/Lithuania.

Renovations to the basketball court and swimming pool were made possible thanks to the generous donation of John Rector Sydney, Australia 2017

Renovations to the basketball court and swimming pool were made possible thanks to the generous donation of John Rector Sydney, Australia 2017

Renovations to the basketball court and swimming pool were made possible thanks to the generous donation of John Rector Sydney, Australia 2017

In loving memory of Bertha and Jacobo Stern, Irving Kastner, z”l In honor of Arturo, Rebeca and Samuel Stern, Dedicated by Sheridan Vernon, EA USA

In loving memory of Bertha and Jacobo Stern, Irving Kastner, z”l In honor of Arturo, Rebeca and Samuel Stern, Dedicated by Sheridan Vernon, EA USA

In loving memory of Bertha and Jacobo Stern, Irving Kastner, z”l In honor of Arturo, Rebeca and Samuel Stern, Dedicated by Sheridan Vernon, EA USA

In memory Frank and Rosie Nelson. They loved the Jewish people and the State of Israel Abbotsford, British Colombia, Canada 2018

In memory Frank and Rosie Nelson. They loved the Jewish people and the State of Israel Abbotsford, British Colombia, Canada 2018

In memory Frank and Rosie Nelson. They loved the Jewish people and the State of Israel Abbotsford, British Colombia, Canada 2018

In memory of Simon and Ethel Flegg Montreal, Canada

In memory of Simon and Ethel Flegg Montreal, Canada

In memory of Simon and Ethel Flegg Montreal, Canada

נתרם ע”י גיטל וילנר לזכר אחיה – הלוחם האמיץ אריה וילנר (Jurek) ז”ל מנושאי נס המרד בגטו ורשה

נתרם ע”י גיטל וילנר לזכר אחיה – הלוחם האמיץ אריה וילנר (Jurek) ז”ל מנושאי נס המרד בגטו ורשה

סטודיו הקרמיקה והפיסול נתרם ע”י יפה נישויסקי ז”ל לזכר בעלה נורברט נישויסקי (פיליפ בן) וילדיה יצחק ומשה, ישראל

סטודיו הקרמיקה והפיסול נתרם ע”י יפה נישויסקי ז”ל לזכר בעלה נורברט נישויסקי (פיליפ בן) וילדיה יצחק ומשה, ישראל

לזכר ריטה זינגר שטרום ז”ל בהוקרה על תרומתה הנדיבה לשיקום נכי צה”ל In Loving Memory of Rita Singer-Strom Israel 2015

לזכר ריטה זינגר שטרום ז”ל בהוקרה על תרומתה הנדיבה לשיקום נכי צה”ל In Loving Memory of Rita Singer-Strom Israel 2015

לזכר שחר גנוסר בן רינה לבית לויא ויוסי גנוסר נפל בפעילות מבצעית בעזה בהיותו בקורס מ”כים, נולד בירושלים 2.8.1972 נפל ב-11.3.1991 צבי ורינה גנוסר לב עמי רמת השרון

לזכר שחר גנוסר בן רינה לבית לויא ויוסי גנוסר נפל בפעילות מבצעית בעזה בהיותו בקורס מ”כים, נולד בירושלים 2.8.1972 נפל ב-11.3.1991 צבי ורינה גנוסר לב עמי רמת השרון

לזכרה של רחל זיידנר ז”ל 1902-2003, בהוקרה על תרומתה הנדיבה

לזכרה של רחל זיידנר ז”ל 1902-2003, בהוקרה על תרומתה הנדיבה

לזכרה של שרה רשקובן ז”ל ע”י בעלה דוד רשקובן

לזכרה של שרה רשקובן ז”ל ע”י בעלה דוד רשקובן

לזכרו של שלמה זוהר חבר ארגון נכי צה”ל ופעיל קבוע בספורט בבית הלוחם ירושלים יהי זכרו ברוך ירושלים דצמבר 2002

לזכרו של שלמה זוהר חבר ארגון נכי צה”ל ופעיל קבוע בספורט בבית הלוחם ירושלים יהי זכרו ברוך ירושלים דצמבר 2002

לזכרם של אברהם ןסוניה ליס ז”ל אשר תרמו מעזבונם למימון פעילויות ספורט בבית הלוחם ירושלים 2009

לזכרם של אברהם ןסוניה ליס ז”ל אשר תרמו מעזבונם למימון פעילויות ספורט בבית הלוחם ירושלים 2009

לזכרם של ברטה ובעלה חיים מילר מרמת גן

לזכרם של ברטה ובעלה חיים מילר מרמת גן

לזכרם של ישראל וצילה גסנר

לזכרם של ישראל וצילה גסנר

לזכרם של ליאון ושרה חנה וישי מנדל ז”ל דצמבר 2009

לזכרם של ליאון ושרה חנה וישי מנדל ז”ל דצמבר 2009

לזכרם של רחל ובעלה חיים שלמה פורת

לזכרם של רחל ובעלה חיים שלמה פורת

לזכרם של בני דודי היקרים יהושע (זיסה) סברין וסרשטרום יליד לובלין פולין ואשתו דוניה זלטה ולזכר אבי היקר יהושע וסרשטרום ומשפחת וסרשטרום שנספו בשואה. פרחיה ואריה וסרשטרום ומשפחתם

לזכרם של בני דודי היקרים יהושע (זיסה) סברין וסרשטרום יליד לובלין פולין ואשתו דוניה זלטה ולזכר אבי היקר יהושע וסרשטרום ומשפחת וסרשטרום שנספו בשואה. פרחיה ואריה וסרשטרום ומשפחתם

לזכרם של שלמה (סלק) ואידה (לבית סולקוביץ) גרינברג

לזכרם של שלמה (סלק) ואידה (לבית סולקוביץ) גרינברג

מיכאלזון ז”ל מרגוט, חיפה

מיכאלזון ז”ל מרגוט, חיפה

מעזבונה של אינג אירנה לנדאו In Memory of Ing. Irena Landau, Sydney, Haifa

מעזבונה של אינג אירנה לנדאו In Memory of Ing. Irena Landau, Sydney, Haifa

נתרם לזכרם של לאה ושלמה קודיש, ישראל 2002

נתרם לזכרם של לאה ושלמה קודיש, ישראל 2002

לזכר אמי היקרה תפאחה לבית משעל אשת ראובן לויא, נעמי לויא, ירושלים 1922-1999

לזכר אמי היקרה תפאחה לבית משעל אשת ראובן לויא, נעמי לויא, ירושלים 1922-1999

לזכר בני משפחתי היקרים יהודה קינץ הי”ד שמואל ומלכה פוירשטיין הי”ד שולרמיה פוירשטיין הי”ד תרומת שרה פלדי-קינץ ז”ל נתניה תשנ”ח

לזכר בני משפחתי היקרים יהודה קינץ הי”ד שמואל ומלכה פוירשטיין הי”ד שולרמיה פוירשטיין הי”ד תרומת שרה פלדי-קינץ ז”ל נתניה תשנ”ח

לזכר בעלי היקר משה וגנר ז”ל דמותך תהיה עמנו לעד. אשתך האוהבת, קלרה לבית רוזנבלום, הילדים אריה, פרומה ומשפחותיהם. יולי 2003

לזכר בעלי היקר משה וגנר ז”ל דמותך תהיה עמנו לעד. אשתך האוהבת, קלרה לבית רוזנבלום, הילדים אריה, פרומה ומשפחותיהם. יולי 2003

לזכר גדליהו בת-שבע ז”ל בת מישאל בהוקרה על תרומתה לרכישת ציוד למטרות שיקום נכי צה”ל

לזכר גדליהו בת-שבע ז”ל בת מישאל בהוקרה על תרומתה לרכישת ציוד למטרות שיקום נכי צה”ל

לזכר ד”ר שרה וד”ר מקס גרף ז”ל על תרומתם הנדיבה לקרן מלגות ארגון נכי צה”ל, ישראל

לזכר ד”ר שרה וד”ר מקס גרף ז”ל על תרומתם הנדיבה לקרן מלגות ארגון נכי צה”ל, ישראל

לזכר הורי יצחק ואלה, אחי משה וישראל בת אחי אולגה מאת חנה סליטן (יחילצק) ישראל 2005

לזכר הורי יצחק ואלה, אחי משה וישראל בת אחי אולגה מאת חנה סליטן (יחילצק) ישראל 2005

לזכר הינדה ושמעון הקה ז”ל ישראל 1996

לזכר הינדה ושמעון הקה ז”ל ישראל 1996

לזכר המנוח ברטהולד (יהודה בן שאול) ורנר ז”ל

לזכר המנוח ברטהולד (יהודה בן שאול) ורנר ז”ל

לזכר המנוחה רבקה רובנוביץ ז”ל אשה צנועה לחמה בשורות הפרטיזנים בנאצים צוותה את כל רכושה לארגון נכי צה”ל פברואר 2005

לזכר המנוחה רבקה רובנוביץ ז”ל אשה צנועה לחמה בשורות הפרטיזנים בנאצים צוותה את כל רכושה לארגון נכי צה”ל פברואר 2005

לזכר ג’קלין אודט גרשמן זל לזכר בעלה אריק יאיר גרשמן זל בהוקרה על תרומתם הנדיבה לנכי צהל ישראל 2015

לזכר ג’קלין אודט גרשמן זל לזכר בעלה אריק יאיר גרשמן זל בהוקרה על תרומתם הנדיבה לנכי צהל ישראל 2015

לזכר יצחק וטובה וינר ז”ל על תמיכתם ותרומתם הנדיבה לארגון נכי צה”ל ישראל

לזכר יצחק וטובה וינר ז”ל על תמיכתם ותרומתם הנדיבה לארגון נכי צה”ל ישראל

לזכר לאה ארבל ז”ל על תרומתה הנדיבה לארגון נכי צה”ל ישראל

לזכר לאה ארבל ז”ל על תרומתה הנדיבה לארגון נכי צה”ל ישראל

לזכר מרגלית מלס ז”ל על תרומתה לארגון נכי צה”ל לזכר בעלה יצחק מלס ז”ל

לזכר מרגלית מלס ז”ל על תרומתה לארגון נכי צה”ל לזכר בעלה יצחק מלס ז”ל

לזכר נורה תבור ירושלים

לזכר נורה תבור ירושלים

לזכר פייגה אנצל ז”ל ובהוקרה על תרומתה הנדיבה לארגון נכי צה”ל ישראל 2013

לזכר פייגה אנצל ז”ל ובהוקרה על תרומתה הנדיבה לארגון נכי צה”ל ישראל 2013

לזכר פלה בלומנברג ז”ל על תרומתה הנדיבה לשיקום נכי צה”ל ישראל

לזכר פלה בלומנברג ז”ל על תרומתה הנדיבה לשיקום נכי צה”ל ישראל

לזכר רבקה קלאוזנר זל A la Memoire de Rebecca Klausner zl En reconnaissance pour son soutien aux Soldats Invalides de Tsahal Paris, France 2015

לזכר רבקה קלאוזנר זל A la Memoire de Rebecca Klausner zl En reconnaissance pour son soutien aux Soldats Invalides de Tsahal Paris, France 2015

לזכר רזי גרשון ז”ל חבר הארגון, על תרומתו הנדיבה מרץ 2006

לזכר רזי גרשון ז”ל חבר הארגון, על תרומתו הנדיבה מרץ 2006

לזכר ריטה זינגר שטרום ז”ל בהוקרה על תרומתה הנדיבה לשיקום נכי צה”ל

לזכר ריטה זינגר שטרום ז”ל בהוקרה על תרומתה הנדיבה לשיקום נכי צה”ל

With deep appreciation to Rabbi Mordecai and Sylvia Green for their true friendship Hamilton, Canada

With deep appreciation to Rabbi Mordecai and Sylvia Green for their true friendship Hamilton, Canada

With Deep Appreciation to Tonya and Michael Herskovitz for their true friendship and support Philadelphia, USA 2015

With Deep Appreciation to Tonya and Michael Herskovitz for their true friendship and support Philadelphia, USA 2015

With generous suppuort from Charles and Renee Abrams Sydney, Australia

With generous suppuort from Charles and Renee Abrams Sydney, Australia

With gratitude to the State of Israel From one hero to many heroes Jozef Majerowicz a fighter for his people Montreal, Canada

With gratitude to the State of Israel From one hero to many heroes Jozef Majerowicz a fighter for his people Montreal, Canada

With much love and respect for Fannie and Alex Stanton from Shirley Conston Betsy Conston and Linda Noltzman Cindy and Robert Savett Marcia and Stuart Conston Philadelphia, USA

With much love and respect for Fannie and Alex Stanton from Shirley Conston Betsy Conston and Linda Noltzman Cindy and Robert Savett Marcia and Stuart Conston Philadelphia, USA

Wolyner Society of Los Angeles

Wolyner Society of Los Angeles

Yafa and Feiwel Klocman, Melbourne, in Memory of Mayer Benjamin and Fraida Klocman and of Yosef David and Sara Grinstein Victims of the Nazis

Yafa and Feiwel Klocman, Melbourne, in Memory of Mayer Benjamin and Fraida Klocman and of Yosef David and Sara Grinstein Victims of the Nazis

Yaffa Nishwesky in memory of her late husband Norbert & her children Yitzhak & Moshe

Yaffa Nishwesky in memory of her late husband Norbert & her children Yitzhak & Moshe

Yehuda & Yehudit Morgenstern in memory of their children Blima & Huna Shmil z”l

Yehuda & Yehudit Morgenstern in memory of their children Blima & Huna Shmil z”l

Yosef Fuchs & Ray (Rachel Fuchs z”l, Israel)

Yosef Fuchs & Ray (Rachel Fuchs z”l, Israel)

Yvonne and Leon Fink, Melbourne In Memory of her parents Rae and Eddie Gold

Yvonne and Leon Fink, Melbourne In Memory of her parents Rae and Eddie Gold

ZDVO in Australia, Sydney

ZDVO in Australia, Sydney

Zipora and Zvi Mordakowitz, Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, Sydney Australia

Zipora and Zvi Mordakowitz, Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, Sydney Australia

בלנקה שטוייר ז”ל לזכר בנה תיאודור שניספה באושוויץ

בלנקה שטוייר ז”ל לזכר בנה תיאודור שניספה באושוויץ

ויולה וגרשון פיק ז”ל ירושלים

ויולה וגרשון פיק ז”ל ירושלים

לזכר אבא, סבא מקס מרדכי זילברגלייט ז”ל מהמשפחה האוהבת, אבירז-רוזנפלדת יהב. ארה”ב, ישראל 2011

לזכר אבא, סבא מקס מרדכי זילברגלייט ז”ל מהמשפחה האוהבת, אבירז-רוזנפלדת יהב. ארה”ב, ישראל 2011

To Honor our Parents and inspire our Children & Grandchildren Donated with Love by Irving & Gillian Carter on Behalf of Locker Foundation England, 2010

To Honor our Parents and inspire our Children & Grandchildren Donated with Love by Irving & Gillian Carter on Behalf of Locker Foundation England, 2010

To Israel’s Heroes: You Made World Jewry Stand Up Straight. We Love You. Diane and Guilford Glazer, FIDV, USA- 2001

To Israel’s Heroes: You Made World Jewry Stand Up Straight. We Love You. Diane and Guilford Glazer, FIDV, USA- 2001

Toby & Saul Feldberg & family

Toby & Saul Feldberg & family

Tonia West and David Komesaroff

Tonia West and David Komesaroff

Tova Handles in memory of her late husband Zvi

Tova Handles in memory of her late husband Zvi

Tusia and George Zbar in Memory of her father Wolf Gurwicz

Tusia and George Zbar in Memory of her father Wolf Gurwicz

United Synagogue of America

United Synagogue of America

Ursula and Felix Flicker in Memory of her sister Jareczka Biszowicz and his mother Riwka

Ursula and Felix Flicker in Memory of her sister Jareczka Biszowicz and his mother Riwka

Ursula and Felix Flicker Melbourne in Memory of her parents Helena and Archik Biszkowicz and his parents Rivka and David Flicker

Ursula and Felix Flicker Melbourne in Memory of her parents Helena and Archik Biszkowicz and his parents Rivka and David Flicker

Victory Lodge # 42

Victory Lodge # 42

Vigdor and Anna Widawski

Vigdor and Anna Widawski

Vigdor Lodge # 502

Vigdor Lodge # 502

Vivette Baharlia née Politi Estate, France

Vivette Baharlia née Politi Estate, France

William & Bette Sobel

William & Bette Sobel

William S. & Selma Fishman

William S. & Selma Fishman

William J. & Berta V. Stein

William J. & Berta V. Stein

With Appreciation for Your Courage and Heroism, Simon & Lee Lench, Florida Chapter

With Appreciation for Your Courage and Heroism, Simon & Lee Lench, Florida Chapter

With appreciation to Catharina and Maurits Van Thijn, for their generous contribution towards Equipment in the Fitness Hall, Holland June 2006

With appreciation to Catharina and Maurits Van Thijn, for their generous contribution towards Equipment in the Fitness Hall, Holland June 2006

With Appreciation to Los Angeles supporters – 2008. Dr. Sharona R. Nazarian, Vice-President FIDV. Dr. Daniel Nazarian Dr. Sylvia and David Shapiro Vivian & Ronald Alberts, Sharone & Gabriel Frig, Shirin & PeymanYadegar

With Appreciation to Los Angeles supporters – 2008. Dr. Sharona R. Nazarian, Vice-President FIDV. Dr. Daniel Nazarian Dr. Sylvia and David Shapiro Vivian & Ronald Alberts, Sharone & Gabriel Frig, Shirin & PeymanYadegar

With appreciation to The Sephardic Temple Tifereth Israel for their generous support of Beit Halochem athletes Los Angeles, California, 2014

With appreciation to The Sephardic Temple Tifereth Israel for their generous support of Beit Halochem athletes Los Angeles, California, 2014

The purchase of equipment for the care & the rehabilitation were donated by Milton Ely z”l In Loving Memory of his mother Mollie Anna Glazer z”l

The purchase of equipment for the care & the rehabilitation were donated by Milton Ely z”l In Loving Memory of his mother Mollie Anna Glazer z”l

The Meir Sherman Fund

The Meir Sherman Fund

The Staff & Management of Israel’s Aircraft Industries

The Staff & Management of Israel’s Aircraft Industries

The Synagogue was erected with the assistance of Bnei Akiva – Great Britain and Ireland

The Synagogue was erected with the assistance of Bnei Akiva – Great Britain and Ireland

Thelma and Fred Rappaport, Sydney Australia

Thelma and Fred Rappaport, Sydney Australia

Theodore & Dorothy Molish

Theodore & Dorothy Molish

Theodore Roosevelt Lodge 15

Theodore Roosevelt Lodge 15

This plaque is dedicated to George Szalmuk on the occasion of his 65th birthday Melbourne, 18th February 1994

This plaque is dedicated to George Szalmuk on the occasion of his 65th birthday Melbourne, 18th February 1994

This plaque is erected in the blessed memory of Harry Schultz (deceased 30.12.1994) his wife Tauba and his children Abraham and Esther (all perished in the Holocaust) for his generous bequest towards the welfare and rehabilitation of Israel’s Disabled War

This plaque is erected in the blessed memory of Harry Schultz (deceased 30.12.1994) his wife Tauba and his children Abraham and Esther (all perished in the Holocaust) for his generous bequest towards the welfare and rehabilitation of Israel’s Disabled War

This room is sponsored by Vera Draft in the Memory of the late Berta Zbar of Melbourne

This room is sponsored by Vera Draft in the Memory of the late Berta Zbar of Melbourne

This room was sponsored in Memory of the late Isaac Cherny by his loving wife Fay, Melbourne 1977

This room was sponsored in Memory of the late Isaac Cherny by his loving wife Fay, Melbourne 1977

To Benefit Israel’s Disabled Veterans, Nathan Straus Jewish Center. Bronx, New York

To Benefit Israel’s Disabled Veterans, Nathan Straus Jewish Center. Bronx, New York

To Commemorate our 30th Anniversary Bnei Brith Unit Etz Chaim 5067 Sydney Australia

To Commemorate our 30th Anniversary Bnei Brith Unit Etz Chaim 5067 Sydney Australia

To Honor Dr. O. and B. Freyer on their 50th wedding anniversary by Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, Sydney

To Honor Dr. O. and B. Freyer on their 50th wedding anniversary by Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, Sydney

The late Else von Selve Wieland

The late Else von Selve Wieland

The late Ernestina Heilpern, Israel

The late Ernestina Heilpern, Israel

The late Esrael Lazarus, South Africa

The late Esrael Lazarus, South Africa

The late Fania and Morris Grynblat

The late Fania and Morris Grynblat

The late Grisha and Nina Kagan of Cape Town

The late Grisha and Nina Kagan of Cape Town

The late Hanna Goldring in memory of her late brother Shimon

The late Hanna Goldring in memory of her late brother Shimon

The late Harold Eugene Chaucer, South Africa

The late Harold Eugene Chaucer, South Africa

The late Herta Hoffman, in memory of Walter Hoffman, Marta Hoffman & Jenny Scheuer

The late Herta Hoffman, in memory of Walter Hoffman, Marta Hoffman & Jenny Scheuer

The late Idit Behrmann (née Landau), South Africa

The late Idit Behrmann (née Landau), South Africa

The late Meir Gusman bequest

The late Meir Gusman bequest

The late Moshe & Luba (Ahuva) Shvom

The late Moshe & Luba (Ahuva) Shvom

The late Nahari Yehiel, Israel

The late Nahari Yehiel, Israel

The Late Pinchas Sztajer of Melbourne

The Late Pinchas Sztajer of Melbourne

The late Rebbeca Globziner & Dr.Yehuda Leib

The late Rebbeca Globziner & Dr.Yehuda Leib

The late Samuel Cohen, USA

The late Samuel Cohen, USA

The late Sara Gertrude Milin, S.A. Mahal & Hebrew Order of David, South Africa

The late Sara Gertrude Milin, S.A. Mahal & Hebrew Order of David, South Africa

The late Vera Weizmann

The late Vera Weizmann

The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, USA

The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, USA

Tadiran Ltd, Israel

Tadiran Ltd, Israel

Tamara and Alex Grossman of Melbourne

Tamara and Alex Grossman of Melbourne

Ted & Pauline Alexander

Ted & Pauline Alexander

Tewel and Keila Pruzanski on the Occasion of Tewel’s 65th birthday, Melbourne 12.12.1989

Tewel and Keila Pruzanski on the Occasion of Tewel’s 65th birthday, Melbourne 12.12.1989

The “1939” Club Inc., Los Angeles

The “1939” Club Inc., Los Angeles

The “1939” Club Inc, USA

The “1939” Club Inc, USA

The Avny and Glickson families honor the Memory of their aunt Stefania Herzberg nee Glickson, God Rest Her Soul

The Avny and Glickson families honor the Memory of their aunt Stefania Herzberg nee Glickson, God Rest Her Soul

The British Social Club Los Angeles

The British Social Club Los Angeles

The Fellowship of Jewish Doctors of N.S.W, Sydney, Australia

The Fellowship of Jewish Doctors of N.S.W, Sydney, Australia

The Fineberg Foundation in memory of Dr. Joseph Fineberg Lost Angeles USA

The Fineberg Foundation in memory of Dr. Joseph Fineberg Lost Angeles USA

THe Fineberg Foundation In Memory of Fanny Fineberg (nee Rappaport) 1880-1960) A modest, loving, and generous woman who nobly aided the rescue of many of the persecuted from Belarus/Lithuania

THe Fineberg Foundation In Memory of Fanny Fineberg (nee Rappaport) 1880-1960) A modest, loving, and generous woman who nobly aided the rescue of many of the persecuted from Belarus/Lithuania

The Grossfeld Family, In Loving Memory of Mina, Guta & Fred z”l and In the Honor of Israel, Morris, Sue & Miriam, USA 2008

The Grossfeld Family, In Loving Memory of Mina, Guta & Fred z”l and In the Honor of Israel, Morris, Sue & Miriam, USA 2008

Sarah Pressler, USA

Sarah Pressler, USA

Saul J. Cohen – National Financial Secretary

Saul J. Cohen – National Financial Secretary

Senior citizens activities program donated by Carlo Baldassarra in Honor of his 35 year partnership with Jack Wine & Philip Rechtsman, Toronto Canada

Senior citizens activities program donated by Carlo Baldassarra in Honor of his 35 year partnership with Jack Wine & Philip Rechtsman, Toronto Canada

Charles & Shirley Conston

Charles & Shirley Conston

Shlomoh et Sabina Bierzwinski – TA

Shlomoh et Sabina Bierzwinski – TA

Sid Bari, Director

Sid Bari, Director

Sidney & Gertrude Dubin

Sidney & Gertrude Dubin

Simon and Erika Garini – Melbourne

Simon and Erika Garini – Melbourne

Sociedad Hebraica, Argentina

Sociedad Hebraica, Argentina

Sofie Weil & the late Max, Switzerland in memory of their son Meinhard

Sofie Weil & the late Max, Switzerland in memory of their son Meinhard

Sol Birnbaum, Assistant Secretary

Sol Birnbaum, Assistant Secretary

Sonya Weinfeld Melbourne

Sonya Weinfeld Melbourne

Sophie Dora Margulies, Belgium in memory of her late husband Leon Leib

Sophie Dora Margulies, Belgium in memory of her late husband Leon Leib

Stan & Judy Hirsch, Kings Point, N.Y

Stan & Judy Hirsch, Kings Point, N.Y

Steven and Anna Goldberg – Melbourne

Steven and Anna Goldberg – Melbourne

Stichting Vrienden van Beth Halochem, Holland

Stichting Vrienden van Beth Halochem, Holland

Sue and Greg Rosshandler and family, Melbourne

Sue and Greg Rosshandler and family, Melbourne

Susan Chrapot and Philip Lewis, Melbourne

Susan Chrapot and Philip Lewis, Melbourne

Swiss Evangelical Brotherhood Mission L.A.E. Papua, New Guinea

Swiss Evangelical Brotherhood Mission L.A.E. Papua, New Guinea

S. & G. Goldstein, Sydney, in Memory of their parents Ch. &

S. & G. Goldstein, Sydney, in Memory of their parents Ch. &

S.A. Friends of Beit Halochem, Johannesburg, South Africa

S.A. Friends of Beit Halochem, Johannesburg, South Africa

SA Friends of Beit Halochem, Johannesburg, South Africa

SA Friends of Beit Halochem, Johannesburg, South Africa

Sala and Herschel Balter Chajscu and David Schon of Melbourne

Sala and Herschel Balter Chajscu and David Schon of Melbourne

Sally & Charles Drimer Estate, Australia

Sally & Charles Drimer Estate, Australia

Salomon and Halina Bloch of Melbourne In Loving Memory of our dear brother and his wife Kazik (Kasriel) and Carola Bloch of Northern Ireland

Salomon and Halina Bloch of Melbourne In Loving Memory of our dear brother and his wife Kazik (Kasriel) and Carola Bloch of Northern Ireland

Salomon and Halina Bloch, Melbourne

Salomon and Halina Bloch, Melbourne

Sam Switzer and Family, Calgary, Canada 2012

Sam Switzer and Family, Calgary, Canada 2012

Sammy Davis Jr., USA

Sammy Davis Jr., USA

Samuel & Rose Green

Samuel & Rose Green

Samuel E. & Elizabeth W. Kratzok

Samuel E. & Elizabeth W. Kratzok

Samuel H. & Rose Landy

Samuel H. & Rose Landy

Samuel J. & Mary Needleman

Samuel J. & Mary Needleman

Samuel Schapire – National Secretary

Samuel Schapire – National Secretary

Samuel Sukloff Lodge #164

Samuel Sukloff Lodge #164

Sandor and Susan Guttman Winnipeg, Canada

Sandor and Susan Guttman Winnipeg, Canada

Sara and Fred Liebmann – Melbourne, in Memory of their families Blumenkranc – Liebmann, perished in the Holocaust

Sara and Fred Liebmann – Melbourne, in Memory of their families Blumenkranc – Liebmann, perished in the Holocaust

Sarah Meller in memory of her late husband Shneior

Sarah Meller in memory of her late husband Shneior

Rachel & David Wiener in appreciation for their donation towards the purchase of a “Sonar” boat

Rachel & David Wiener in appreciation for their donation towards the purchase of a “Sonar” boat

Rachel and Michel Wenig

Rachel and Michel Wenig

Rachel et Jacques Dabbah, Geneve Suisse, Le 7 Mai , 1998

Rachel et Jacques Dabbah, Geneve Suisse, Le 7 Mai , 1998

Rachel Gold a la memoire de son mari David Gold Clermont – Ferrand

Rachel Gold a la memoire de son mari David Gold Clermont – Ferrand

Rachel Tobias, Israel in memory of her late son Shlomo

Rachel Tobias, Israel in memory of her late son Shlomo

Rachel, Jacques, Maurice & Alain Dabbah – Geneve, Switzerland

Rachel, Jacques, Maurice & Alain Dabbah – Geneve, Switzerland

Radomer Holocaust Survivors of Greater Miami

Radomer Holocaust Survivors of Greater Miami

Radomer Societies in Israel & the Diaspora

Radomer Societies in Israel & the Diaspora

Raphael Abrams

Raphael Abrams

Reba & Joseph Luterman

Reba & Joseph Luterman

Rebecca Lecoff

Rebecca Lecoff

Rebecca Moskovitz in memory of her late husband Moshe Yaacov

Rebecca Moskovitz in memory of her late husband Moshe Yaacov

Rena and John Birner, Melbourne

Rena and John Birner, Melbourne

Renovations to the basketball court and swimming pool were made possible thanks to the generous donation of John Rector Sydney, Australia 2017

Renovations to the basketball court and swimming pool were made possible thanks to the generous donation of John Rector Sydney, Australia 2017

Reuben Rochvarg – National Vice President

Reuben Rochvarg – National Vice President

Richard A. and Linda. S. Gutman

Richard A. and Linda. S. Gutman

Robert Beer,Venezuela in memory of his late wife Lisa

Robert Beer,Venezuela in memory of his late wife Lisa

Rose & Harry Pearlstein, Holocaust Survivors, Toronto Canada 2009

Rose & Harry Pearlstein, Holocaust Survivors, Toronto Canada 2009

Ruth and Ben Gershov, Melbourne In Memory of Harry (Zvi) Gershov

Ruth and Ben Gershov, Melbourne In Memory of Harry (Zvi) Gershov

Ruth Borgen and Gary Friedman of Melbourne on the occasion of their Engagement

Ruth Borgen and Gary Friedman of Melbourne on the occasion of their Engagement

Our very special thanks to the brave men and women who have sacrificed to protect Israel’s freedoms each and every day, Richard & Ann Golden, USA

Our very special thanks to the brave men and women who have sacrificed to protect Israel’s freedoms each and every day, Richard & Ann Golden, USA

Overbrook Park Wolf Baron Lodge # 56

Overbrook Park Wolf Baron Lodge # 56

Paul I Schock – National Vice President

Paul I Schock – National Vice President

Pearl (nee Balter) and Sam Schon of Melbourne

Pearl (nee Balter) and Sam Schon of Melbourne

Pela and Tom Fonti, Melbourne

Pela and Tom Fonti, Melbourne

Philadelphia Wise Willig Lodge # 1

Philadelphia Wise Willig Lodge # 1

Philip & Charlotte Pritzert

Philip & Charlotte Pritzert

Philip & Esther Klein

Philip & Esther Klein

Philip & Maryanne Sklarz

Philip & Maryanne Sklarz

Pola Rozenberg, Melbourne

Pola Rozenberg, Melbourne

Polish Jewish EX- Servicemen Association LTD- London

Polish Jewish EX- Servicemen Association LTD- London

Pollen Family, USA in memory of the late Isaac Pollen

Pollen Family, USA in memory of the late Isaac Pollen

Prayer for Israel, England

Prayer for Israel, England

Presented by BFIWD to Avris and Leon Leboff & Rite and Gerald Levy in recognition of their outstanding service to ZDVO

Presented by BFIWD to Avris and Leon Leboff & Rite and Gerald Levy in recognition of their outstanding service to ZDVO

R. Robert Solomon

R. Robert Solomon

Rabbi and Mrs. Chaim Gutnick

Rabbi and Mrs. Chaim Gutnick

Mr. & Mrs. Willy Kaufman of Melbourne

Mr. & Mrs. Willy Kaufman of Melbourne

Mr. & Mrs.Arthur Blank, Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. & Mrs.Arthur Blank, Atlanta, Georgia

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sherr of Melbourne

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sherr of Melbourne

Mr. and Mrs. D. Grunschlag of Melbourne

Mr. and Mrs. D. Grunschlag of Melbourne

Mr. and Mrs. M. Fein – Melbourne

Mr. and Mrs. M. Fein – Melbourne

Mr. Leon Strubel – Melbourne and his son Max Strubel – Israel

Mr. Leon Strubel – Melbourne and his son Max Strubel – Israel

Mrs. Fania Benkendorf in memory of her late husband Zeev

Mrs. Fania Benkendorf in memory of her late husband Zeev

Mrs. Guta Rochfeld Melbourne

Mrs. Guta Rochfeld Melbourne

Mrs. Irena Korski, Australia outstanding benefactress of Zahal Disabled Veterans, remembered by Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, Sydney

Mrs. Irena Korski, Australia outstanding benefactress of Zahal Disabled Veterans, remembered by Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, Sydney

Mrs. Jenny Schaffer, Sydney, in Memory of her husband and brother K. Picker Chernowitz

Mrs. Jenny Schaffer, Sydney, in Memory of her husband and brother K. Picker Chernowitz

Mrs. Sobol Melbourne in Memory of her parents Cronem and Masha Shifra Widawski and daughter Rosalie Yutkiewcz from Lodz Poland who perished in the Holocaust

Mrs. Sobol Melbourne in Memory of her parents Cronem and Masha Shifra Widawski and daughter Rosalie Yutkiewcz from Lodz Poland who perished in the Holocaust

Mujeres Argentinas Sionistas

Mujeres Argentinas Sionistas

Musia and Arthur Shafir

Musia and Arthur Shafir

Musia Shafir of Melbourne In Memory of her Parents Cyla and Eli Kozica

Musia Shafir of Melbourne In Memory of her Parents Cyla and Eli Kozica

Nancy Solomon

Nancy Solomon

Naomi Schuck, South Africa to honor her parents Hanna & Josef Katzeff

Naomi Schuck, South Africa to honor her parents Hanna & Josef Katzeff

Nathaniel D. & Adeline Fine

Nathaniel D. & Adeline Fine

Newark -Pioneer Lodge # 199

Newark -Pioneer Lodge # 199

Nicole Gershov and Jeffrey Lefkovits on the occasion of their engagement, Melbourne 1988

Nicole Gershov and Jeffrey Lefkovits on the occasion of their engagement, Melbourne 1988

Noah Cohen Lodge # 335

Noah Cohen Lodge # 335

On the 10th Anniversary of K.M.H. a contribution from Mrs. Helen Ehrlich-Gold, Sydney

On the 10th Anniversary of K.M.H. a contribution from Mrs. Helen Ehrlich-Gold, Sydney

Oscar and Pearl A. Zatz

Oscar and Pearl A. Zatz

Osias, Frida & Helen Frankel – From Tornow & Mexico City

Osias, Frida & Helen Frankel – From Tornow & Mexico City

Members of the Kew Hebrew Congregation, Melbourne

Members of the Kew Hebrew Congregation, Melbourne

Mervin L. Krimins – National Executive Director

Mervin L. Krimins – National Executive Director

Meyer & Anna Cohen

Meyer & Anna Cohen

Meyer E. & Sarah Greenspan

Meyer E. & Sarah Greenspan

Millard M. & Kitty Katz

Millard M. & Kitty Katz

Milton & Mae Newman

Milton & Mae Newman

Mira and George Szalmuk on the occasion of their 60th birthdays Melbourne 1989

Mira and George Szalmuk on the occasion of their 60th birthdays Melbourne 1989

Morris & Evelyn Sidewater

Morris & Evelyn Sidewater

Morris B. & Mollie Levitt

Morris B. & Mollie Levitt

Morris J. & Sara Winitz

Morris J. & Sara Winitz

Morris, Sue & Miriam, USA Donated by Arthur Gonosky & J.Weisel, New York, N.Y

Morris, Sue & Miriam, USA Donated by Arthur Gonosky & J.Weisel, New York, N.Y

Morton & Harriet L. Levin

Morton & Harriet L. Levin

Mozes and Riva Kiper of Melbourne

Mozes and Riva Kiper of Melbourne

Mr. & Mrs Joseph H. Parness contributed in honor of the 50th wedding anniversary

Mr. & Mrs Joseph H. Parness contributed in honor of the 50th wedding anniversary

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Kaufman, on the marriage of their daughter Molly to Davis Sebbag

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Kaufman, on the marriage of their daughter Molly to Davis Sebbag

Mr. & Mrs. David Grosglik of Melbourne

Mr. & Mrs. David Grosglik of Melbourne

Mr. & Mrs. Davis West

Mr. & Mrs. Davis West

Mr. & Mrs. Herman Gross, Great Neck, N.Y.

Mr. & Mrs. Herman Gross, Great Neck, N.Y.

Mr. & Mrs. John Logan

Mr. & Mrs. John Logan

Mr. & Mrs. John Logan of Melbourne

Mr. & Mrs. John Logan of Melbourne

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weissberg, San Francisco, Ca.

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weissberg, San Francisco, Ca.

Mr. & Mrs. Merkrebs of Melbourne in Memory of his late parents Yehuda & Chaia Eidl Merkrebs

Mr. & Mrs. Merkrebs of Melbourne in Memory of his late parents Yehuda & Chaia Eidl Merkrebs

Mahala and Bert Orloff

Mahala and Bert Orloff

Marcel Dassault Avion , France

Marcel Dassault Avion , France

Marian Benedict in Memory of Dr. Karoly Szlovak Frank Benedict & Ilonka & Herman Weisz

Marian Benedict in Memory of Dr. Karoly Szlovak Frank Benedict & Ilonka & Herman Weisz

Mark Salzberg

Mark Salzberg

Marking the generous donation of Mrs. Tova Gordon – Tel Aviv

Marking the generous donation of Mrs. Tova Gordon – Tel Aviv

Martha & Leo Finkler Ernest B. Lazarus, Forest Hills, N.Y.

Martha & Leo Finkler Ernest B. Lazarus, Forest Hills, N.Y.

Martha & Leo Finkler, Ernest B. Lazarus Forest Hills, New York

Martha & Leo Finkler, Ernest B. Lazarus Forest Hills, New York

Martha Savin Geb, Schonstadt, Frankfurt/Main 1992

Martha Savin Geb, Schonstadt, Frankfurt/Main 1992

Martin Winit – Past National President

Martin Winit – Past National President

Master Ari Olcha

Master Ari Olcha

Master Geoff Alexander Szalmuk

Master Geoff Alexander Szalmuk

Master Joshua Maurice Liberman, Melbourne

Master Joshua Maurice Liberman, Melbourne

Master Mark Flicker in Memory of his grandparents Nahum and Rebecca Natanzon

Master Mark Flicker in Memory of his grandparents Nahum and Rebecca Natanzon

Master Samuel Jonathan Alter

Master Samuel Jonathan Alter

Maurice & Doris Abrams

Maurice & Doris Abrams

Maurice S. & Reba Osser

Maurice S. & Reba Osser

Max & Ada Schwartz

Max & Ada Schwartz

Max & Goldie Gettes

Max & Goldie Gettes

Max & Sarah Zuckerman

Max & Sarah Zuckerman

Max and Jack Krauskopf, Melbourne, In Memory of their parents Leib and Bluma

Max and Jack Krauskopf, Melbourne, In Memory of their parents Leib and Bluma

Maxwell E. & Wilhemina Verlin

Maxwell E. & Wilhemina Verlin

Meir and Szejndel Fajerman, Melbourne

Meir and Szejndel Fajerman, Melbourne

Mel & Rochelle Schnell, Sands Point, N.Y.

Mel & Rochelle Schnell, Sands Point, N.Y.

Members of the Israel Defense Forces

Members of the Israel Defense Forces

Leon and Lola Birner (nee Spira) on the occasion of their 55th wedding anniversary, Melbourne

Leon and Lola Birner (nee Spira) on the occasion of their 55th wedding anniversary, Melbourne

Leon and Yvonne Fink Melbourne In Memory of his parents Szejna and Baruch Fink

Leon and Yvonne Fink Melbourne In Memory of his parents Szejna and Baruch Fink

Leon Gold – Sydney

Leon Gold – Sydney

Leon Tamman, England

Leon Tamman, England

Leonard and Lucille L. Barmat

Leonard and Lucille L. Barmat

Les Amis de France & de Belgique en Canada

Les Amis de France & de Belgique en Canada

Les Amis du Beit Halochem en France, France

Les Amis du Beit Halochem en France, France

Leslie Levin Bar Mitzvah 24.2.79, Melbourne Australia

Leslie Levin Bar Mitzvah 24.2.79, Melbourne Australia

Libby Lourie Minia Lipkies and A Group of Ladies, Melbourne

Libby Lourie Minia Lipkies and A Group of Ladies, Melbourne

Liza and Boris Warshall

Liza and Boris Warshall

Lola and Icyk Reiser

Lola and Icyk Reiser

Lola and Icyk Reiser, Melbourne and Max and Guta Pollak, Toronto, In Memory of their sister Mina Jensen (nee Pollak)

Lola and Icyk Reiser, Melbourne and Max and Guta Pollak, Toronto, In Memory of their sister Mina Jensen (nee Pollak)

Long Island Lodge # 555

Long Island Lodge # 555

Louis & Beatrice Kasoff

Louis & Beatrice Kasoff

Louis & Sylvia Feldman

Louis & Sylvia Feldman

Louis Levine Royal Lodge # 198

Louis Levine Royal Lodge # 198

Luba & David Smuschkowitz & family

Luba & David Smuschkowitz & family

Luba and Harry Merkrebs, Melbourne

Luba and Harry Merkrebs, Melbourne

Luiza Berkovits Klein

Luiza Berkovits Klein

M.A.S Mujeres Argentinas Sionistas, Buenos Aires

M.A.S Mujeres Argentinas Sionistas, Buenos Aires

M.A.S, Argentina

M.A.S, Argentina

Maccabi Council, South Africa

Maccabi Council, South Africa

Madame Dina Benkemoun 1905- 1982 Bienfaitrice

Madame Dina Benkemoun 1905- 1982 Bienfaitrice

Magda Burger & Dr. Julianna Frigyes in memory of our beloved parents Miksa & Paula (née Gabel) Friedmann, sisters Rozika & Ilus-Anna, brother Paul (Nyiregyhaza, Hungary)

Magda Burger & Dr. Julianna Frigyes in memory of our beloved parents Miksa & Paula (née Gabel) Friedmann, sisters Rozika & Ilus-Anna, brother Paul (Nyiregyhaza, Hungary)

Jay Warren & Myra Malis

Jay Warren & Myra Malis

Jenifer Rachel Munz on the occasion of her 21st birthday 27th September 1987 Melbourne Sponsored by her parents Sylvia and Philip Munz

Jenifer Rachel Munz on the occasion of her 21st birthday 27th September 1987 Melbourne Sponsored by her parents Sylvia and Philip Munz

Jenny et Gad Boukobza, Paris

Jenny et Gad Boukobza, Paris

Jose & Rina Askenazi, Paris

Jose & Rina Askenazi, Paris

Joseph & Claire Davidson

Joseph & Claire Davidson

Joseph & Tina Bloch bequest (London formerly Cape Town)

Joseph & Tina Bloch bequest (London formerly Cape Town)

Judith Kesner – Melbourne

Judith Kesner – Melbourne

Jules E. Mastbaum Lodge # 389

Jules E. Mastbaum Lodge # 389

Keila and Tewel Pruzanski on the occasion of Tewel’s 70th birthday, Melbourne 12th December 1994

Keila and Tewel Pruzanski on the occasion of Tewel’s 70th birthday, Melbourne 12th December 1994

Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim Sydney

Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim Sydney

Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, Australia

Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, Australia

Klara and Meilach Stern

Klara and Meilach Stern

Kraus-Pearlstein Lodge # 8

Kraus-Pearlstein Lodge # 8

Kremer, Amsterdam- Holland

Kremer, Amsterdam- Holland

Kurt Oppenhimer in memory of his late father Josef

Kurt Oppenhimer in memory of his late father Josef

Lana and Abraham Sukiert, Melbourne

Lana and Abraham Sukiert, Melbourne

Lawrence & Lois Goldberg

Lawrence & Lois Goldberg

Lawrence Weissberg and his sons, William W. & Fred M., USA

Lawrence Weissberg and his sons, William W. & Fred M., USA

Lawrence Weissberg, USA Medical Unit in memory of his parents Max & Rose

Lawrence Weissberg, USA Medical Unit in memory of his parents Max & Rose

Leon and Karen Pruzanski Melbourne

Leon and Karen Pruzanski Melbourne

In Recognition of Mr. & Mrs. Jan Dymant’s Contributions to our Organization

In Recognition of Mr. & Mrs. Jan Dymant’s Contributions to our Organization

In Recognition of the Iranian American Jewish Federation of New York, for their generous donation USA- 2002

In Recognition of the Iranian American Jewish Federation of New York, for their generous donation USA- 2002

In Recognition of the ongoing generous support granted by The Stellenbosch Hebrew Congregation to Beit Halochem in Israel Cape Town, South Africa 2002

In Recognition of the ongoing generous support granted by The Stellenbosch Hebrew Congregation to Beit Halochem in Israel Cape Town, South Africa 2002

In Recognition of the ongoing support of Egon Sonnenschein, Sydney, Australia

In Recognition of the ongoing support of Egon Sonnenschein, Sydney, Australia

In the Memory of dear Judith Castel, parents Zvi Kadish and Rachel Gold, Sydney, sons Even and Alon and Moshe Haim Gold

In the Memory of dear Judith Castel, parents Zvi Kadish and Rachel Gold, Sydney, sons Even and Alon and Moshe Haim Gold

In the Memory of parents Jzak and Rachela Marts and brothers – Salomea Schief nee Marts, Sydney

In the Memory of parents Jzak and Rachela Marts and brothers – Salomea Schief nee Marts, Sydney

Irving & Sara K. Tubis

Irving & Sara K. Tubis

Irving Hibler, Seattle, Washington

Irving Hibler, Seattle, Washington

Isaac & Hella Taylor

Isaac & Hella Taylor

Isabella and Joe Getreu of Melbourne In Memory of her father Max Rosenthal and his parents Clara and Kohos Getreu

Isabella and Joe Getreu of Melbourne In Memory of her father Max Rosenthal and his parents Clara and Kohos Getreu

Isadore and Sara Krassen

Isadore and Sara Krassen

Isadore P. & Blanche Levin

Isadore P. & Blanche Levin

Israel and Betty Morin of Melbourne

Israel and Betty Morin of Melbourne

Israel Isaac Bialski, Radom Pologne

Israel Isaac Bialski, Radom Pologne

Israel, Klara, Adi & Judith Schnytzer of Melbourne

Israel, Klara, Adi & Judith Schnytzer of Melbourne

J. and E. Freiheiter in Memory of their parents H. and F. Freiheiter and M. and R Szmulowicz and families

J. and E. Freiheiter in Memory of their parents H. and F. Freiheiter and M. and R Szmulowicz and families

Jack & Freda Silver

Jack & Freda Silver

Jack L. & Mildred Burman

Jack L. & Mildred Burman

Jacques et Rachel Dabbah, Genève Switzerland

Jacques et Rachel Dabbah, Genève Switzerland

Jay W.Malis – National Executive Vice President

Jay W.Malis – National Executive Vice President

In Memory of the late Helen and Richard Bonm of Melbourne

In Memory of the late Helen and Richard Bonm of Melbourne

In Memory of the late Henryk Dawidowicz by his wife Fania

In Memory of the late Henryk Dawidowicz by his wife Fania

In Memory of the late Israel Alstadt of Port Elizabeth, South Africa

In Memory of the late Israel Alstadt of Port Elizabeth, South Africa

In Memory of the late Israel Vincent of Melbourne by his wife Mania Vincent

In Memory of the late Israel Vincent of Melbourne by his wife Mania Vincent

In Memory of the late Josef Felsner, his wife Sara Felsner, Melbourne

In Memory of the late Josef Felsner, his wife Sara Felsner, Melbourne

In Memory of the late Josef Margulies of Melbourne by his wife Slava, daughters Enna Szmulewicz & Helen Margulies

In Memory of the late Josef Margulies of Melbourne by his wife Slava, daughters Enna Szmulewicz & Helen Margulies

In Memory of the late Kety Goldberg of Australia, facilitated by Mr. Paul Kovacs, LL M.

In Memory of the late Kety Goldberg of Australia, facilitated by Mr. Paul Kovacs, LL M.

In Memory of the late Michael Rue Vel Ruj of Melbourne

In Memory of the late Michael Rue Vel Ruj of Melbourne

In Memory of the late Rosha (Roza) Korenblit née Maas

In Memory of the late Rosha (Roza) Korenblit née Maas

In Memory of the late Vice President of Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim Melbourne, Icchak Rubinstein

In Memory of the late Vice President of Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim Melbourne, Icchak Rubinstein

In Memory of the late Vice-President of Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim Sydney Henryk Korski by his wife, Irene

In Memory of the late Vice-President of Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim Sydney Henryk Korski by his wife, Irene

In Memory of the Livne Family – Elijah, Sarah (Shulamit), Edna and Dan – In recognition for its generous contribution towards rehabilitation of ZDVO members

In Memory of the Livne Family – Elijah, Sarah (Shulamit), Edna and Dan – In recognition for its generous contribution towards rehabilitation of ZDVO members

In Memory of the nurse Silvia Katan from Haifa with appreciation for her contribution to the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization, Haifa 2002

In Memory of the nurse Silvia Katan from Haifa with appreciation for her contribution to the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization, Haifa 2002

In Memory of the sisters Freidel Silberman and Rachel Shapiro by their late brother Hyman Greenberg, Pretoria

In Memory of the sisters Freidel Silberman and Rachel Shapiro by their late brother Hyman Greenberg, Pretoria

In Memory of Vanda Cohen z”l donated by her husband Michael (Mickey) Cohen & her sons David, Shalom , Eli Ofer

In Memory of Vanda Cohen z”l donated by her husband Michael (Mickey) Cohen & her sons David, Shalom , Eli Ofer

In Memory of Victor Shpiner by his wife Medika

In Memory of Victor Shpiner by his wife Medika

In Memory of Wilhelm Zinn passed away 5.1.78 aged 71 in Melbourne, Australia

In Memory of Wilhelm Zinn passed away 5.1.78 aged 71 in Melbourne, Australia

In Memory of William & Betty Weitzenfeld of Janoshalma

In Memory of William & Betty Weitzenfeld of Janoshalma

In Memory of William H. Owen Pembroke, Canada

In Memory of William H. Owen Pembroke, Canada

In Memory of Wolf and Anna Kuczynski Sydney Australia

In Memory of Wolf and Anna Kuczynski Sydney Australia

In Memory of Zehava Kreizman, Bnai- Brak

In Memory of Zehava Kreizman, Bnai- Brak

In My Memory Lillian Copperman and In Memory of my parents Abraham & Angelene Copperman & my dear uncle Horatio S.Simon, USA

In My Memory Lillian Copperman and In Memory of my parents Abraham & Angelene Copperman & my dear uncle Horatio S.Simon, USA

In Memory of Samuel Shipper, Los Angeles, California

In Memory of Samuel Shipper, Los Angeles, California

In Memory of Sarah Dacks Toronto Canada

In Memory of Sarah Dacks Toronto Canada

In Memory of Shimon & Gideon Elkalas z”l, donated by their mother Lutzi & family and their friends Sally Mizrahi & family & Dori Tovim & family

In Memory of Shimon & Gideon Elkalas z”l, donated by their mother Lutzi & family and their friends Sally Mizrahi & family & Dori Tovim & family

In Memory of Shimshon Levy Levin Hacohen from Lodz- Poland, by his wife Basia Levin, son Nechemia Leibish and the family Montreux, France

In Memory of Shimshon Levy Levin Hacohen from Lodz- Poland, by his wife Basia Levin, son Nechemia Leibish and the family Montreux, France

In Memory of Solomon and Halina Bloch devoted friends and generous donors to the Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund, Melbourne, January 2002

In Memory of Solomon and Halina Bloch devoted friends and generous donors to the Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund, Melbourne, January 2002

In Memory of Sylvia and Max Sherman, Toronto Canada

In Memory of Sylvia and Max Sherman, Toronto Canada

In Memory of Sylvia Frieder, Bronx, N.Y.

In Memory of Sylvia Frieder, Bronx, N.Y.

In Memory of the generous Myra Minnie Esther Berkoff and with the assistance of her brother and executor Hyman P. Berkoff both of Baltimore, MD, USA

In Memory of the generous Myra Minnie Esther Berkoff and with the assistance of her brother and executor Hyman P. Berkoff both of Baltimore, MD, USA

In Memory of the late Abram Olcha

In Memory of the late Abram Olcha

In Memory of the late Arthur & Estelle Anisfeld, London England

In Memory of the late Arthur & Estelle Anisfeld, London England

In Memory of the late Chazan Mordka and Tauba Parasol of Melbourne Australia who contributed generously towards the rehabilitation of Israel’s Disabled War Veterans

In Memory of the late Chazan Mordka and Tauba Parasol of Melbourne Australia who contributed generously towards the rehabilitation of Israel’s Disabled War Veterans

In Memory of the late Dina and Leib Weinstein, Melbourne- Australia

In Memory of the late Dina and Leib Weinstein, Melbourne- Australia

In Memory of the late Elizabeth Lipcsei nee Rivka Ben Avraham Shimshe

In Memory of the late Elizabeth Lipcsei nee Rivka Ben Avraham Shimshe

In Memory of the late Emilia and Moshe Abram Potasinski of Melbourne Australia who contributed generously towards the rehabilitation of Israel’s Disabled War Veterans

In Memory of the late Emilia and Moshe Abram Potasinski of Melbourne Australia who contributed generously towards the rehabilitation of Israel’s Disabled War Veterans

In Memory of the late Feiwel Chajet donated by his wife Frida

In Memory of the late Feiwel Chajet donated by his wife Frida

In Memory of the late Gedalia (George) Konopnicki by his wife Pola and children, Melbourne

In Memory of the late Gedalia (George) Konopnicki by his wife Pola and children, Melbourne

In Memory of the late Harry Betan & the Betansky Family of London, Melbourne, Australia

In Memory of the late Harry Betan & the Betansky Family of London, Melbourne, Australia

In Memory of the late Harry Betan and the family Betansky of London

In Memory of the late Harry Betan and the family Betansky of London

In Memory of the late Harry Paluch

In Memory of the late Harry Paluch

In Memory of our daugther Sara z”l who perished in the Holocaust, Treblinka, Itzhak Nahman Vidze Gozichinsky

In Memory of our daugther Sara z”l who perished in the Holocaust, Treblinka, Itzhak Nahman Vidze Gozichinsky

In Memory of our dear and precious friend Tewel Pruzanski from Mira & George Szalmuk and family, Melbourne, Australia January 3, 2001

In Memory of our dear and precious friend Tewel Pruzanski from Mira & George Szalmuk and family, Melbourne, Australia January 3, 2001

In Memory of our Dear Aunt Käthe Spiegel Haber 7.5.1908 – 12.4.2003 by Fritzi and Max Uri, Vienna, Austria 2005

In Memory of our Dear Aunt Käthe Spiegel Haber 7.5.1908 – 12.4.2003 by Fritzi and Max Uri, Vienna, Austria 2005

In Memory of our dear parents the late Jacob and Roza Ludwig Victor and Fanni Brod brothers and sisters

In Memory of our dear parents the late Jacob and Roza Ludwig Victor and Fanni Brod brothers and sisters

In Memory of our Families Lost During the Holocaust. The Faternal Order of Bendin Sosnowicer, New York, N.Y

In Memory of our Families Lost During the Holocaust. The Faternal Order of Bendin Sosnowicer, New York, N.Y

In Memory of our father Aron Glasberg, Vienna, Austria. Michael – Raphael 1913-1995

In Memory of our father Aron Glasberg, Vienna, Austria. Michael – Raphael 1913-1995

In Memory of our mother Freida Glasberg, Vienna Austria – Raphael – Michael 1912- 1995

In Memory of our mother Freida Glasberg, Vienna Austria – Raphael – Michael 1912- 1995

In Memory of our parents Abraham and Gita Perlmutter and Israel and Malka Sentchuck who perished in the Holocaust. Leon and Sonya Perl- U.S.A

In Memory of our parents Abraham and Gita Perlmutter and Israel and Malka Sentchuck who perished in the Holocaust. Leon and Sonya Perl- U.S.A

In Memory of our Parents Ajzyk & Eva Besterman Simcha & Anna Wenger Victims of the Holocaust Adek & Regina Wenger, Florida Chapter

In Memory of our Parents Ajzyk & Eva Besterman Simcha & Anna Wenger Victims of the Holocaust Adek & Regina Wenger, Florida Chapter

In Memory of our parents Isidor & Hermina Berek Leon & Thea Spindler donated by Mr. & Mrs. A. Spindler

In Memory of our parents Isidor & Hermina Berek Leon & Thea Spindler donated by Mr. & Mrs. A. Spindler

In memory of our parents Sara & Noham Treister & Beila and Gershen Vainberg, Elena & Izrail Vainberg, Canada 2006

In memory of our parents Sara & Noham Treister & Beila and Gershen Vainberg, Elena & Izrail Vainberg, Canada 2006

In Memory of our parents who perished in the Holocaust Sundril & Paula Silberstrom. Abraham & Lybe Singer Stern & sister Gusti donated by Roberto & Charlotte Silberstrom, Milano Italy

In Memory of our parents who perished in the Holocaust Sundril & Paula Silberstrom. Abraham & Lybe Singer Stern & sister Gusti donated by Roberto & Charlotte Silberstrom, Milano Italy

In Memory of Pnina Marovka, Haifa June 1994

In Memory of Pnina Marovka, Haifa June 1994

In Memory of Pola Daniels (Melbourne – 1977), her parents Joseph and Tauba Koziol, brother Moshe, sister Malka (Berezno-Poland) by husband Maurice Immergluk- Daniels

In Memory of Pola Daniels (Melbourne – 1977), her parents Joseph and Tauba Koziol, brother Moshe, sister Malka (Berezno-Poland) by husband Maurice Immergluk- Daniels

In Memory of Rachel Friedman Estate, Switzerland

In Memory of Rachel Friedman Estate, Switzerland

In Memory of Ralph Snow z”l, Toronto Canada

In Memory of Ralph Snow z”l, Toronto Canada

In Memory of Richard H. Goldman, New York, N.Y

In Memory of Richard H. Goldman, New York, N.Y

In Memory of Roma Frenik z”l, her husband Ezra & her beloved son Avner with appreciation for her generous contribution to the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization, Haifa 30.1.98

In Memory of Roma Frenik z”l, her husband Ezra & her beloved son Avner with appreciation for her generous contribution to the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization, Haifa 30.1.98

In Memory of Rose Piper, Toronto Canada

In Memory of Rose Piper, Toronto Canada

In Memory of Rose Tichauer, Miami Florida

In Memory of Rose Tichauer, Miami Florida

In Memory of Ruben and Hana Ben-Yehuda, Milano

In Memory of Ruben and Hana Ben-Yehuda, Milano

In Memory of Sam Eichler z”l, Committed Zionist, Grandfather of Kedem, Oscar and Lahav Aventura, Florida, USA

In Memory of Sam Eichler z”l, Committed Zionist, Grandfather of Kedem, Oscar and Lahav Aventura, Florida, USA

In Memory of Samuel Olstein, staunch supporter of Zahal Disabled Veterans Australia – Israel

In Memory of Samuel Olstein, staunch supporter of Zahal Disabled Veterans Australia – Israel

In Memory of my husband Louis Boyarsky (Arieh Leib) z”l from Rose

In Memory of my husband Louis Boyarsky (Arieh Leib) z”l from Rose

In Memory of my little sister Jareczka Biskowicz perished in Holocaust, aged 13. Ursula Flicker, life member, past President Ladies Committee of Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, Melbourne- Australia

In Memory of my little sister Jareczka Biskowicz perished in Holocaust, aged 13. Ursula Flicker, life member, past President Ladies Committee of Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, Melbourne- Australia

In Memory of my mother Mania Ferstenfeld nee Kotlicka who perished in Auschwitz Golda Goldstein and husband, Sydney Australia

In Memory of my mother Mania Ferstenfeld nee Kotlicka who perished in Auschwitz Golda Goldstein and husband, Sydney Australia

In Memory of my only son Harry who passed away 11.12.1942 in Warsaw, S. Gorlin, Sydney Australia

In Memory of my only son Harry who passed away 11.12.1942 in Warsaw, S. Gorlin, Sydney Australia

In Memory of my parents Fanni and Jakov Katz and brothers Simeon and David-Raya Weintraub, Sydney, Australia

In Memory of my parents Fanni and Jakov Katz and brothers Simeon and David-Raya Weintraub, Sydney, Australia

In Memory of my parents Irina Rifka & Eugen Jacob Berkovits and my brother Adalbert Avrom victims of the Holocaust from Elly Gross née Berkovits, N.Y- USA

In Memory of my parents Irina Rifka & Eugen Jacob Berkovits and my brother Adalbert Avrom victims of the Holocaust from Elly Gross née Berkovits, N.Y- USA

In Memory of My Parents Marie & David Schwarz Brother Norbert Schwarz Sister Stella Feldman Husband Otto Tayler,

In Memory of My Parents Marie & David Schwarz Brother Norbert Schwarz Sister Stella Feldman Husband Otto Tayler,

In Memory of my Parents Pearl & Israel Levin. Hartford, Connecticut. Joseph & Rosa Buyum. Sevastopol, Crimea, by the Late Betty & Aaron Gershon, Florida

In Memory of my Parents Pearl & Israel Levin. Hartford, Connecticut. Joseph & Rosa Buyum. Sevastopol, Crimea, by the Late Betty & Aaron Gershon, Florida

In Memory of Norbert and Pola Schmalzbach of Melbourne, Australia who left a generous bequest towards the welfare of Israel’s War Disabled

In Memory of Norbert and Pola Schmalzbach of Melbourne, Australia who left a generous bequest towards the welfare of Israel’s War Disabled

In Memory of Norbert Rosen, Toronto Canada 2001

In Memory of Norbert Rosen, Toronto Canada 2001

In Memory of Omri Hay Son of Batia and Gidon Brother of Oded and Amos, With love the Nissan Family, Canada 2012

In Memory of Omri Hay Son of Batia and Gidon Brother of Oded and Amos, With love the Nissan Family, Canada 2012

In Memory of Oscar Brumer, Brooklyn, N.Y.

In Memory of Oscar Brumer, Brooklyn, N.Y.

In Memory of our beloved brother-in-law and uncle Tewel Pruzanski from Ursula & Felix Flicker, Harry Flicker and their families. Melbourne, Australia January 3.2001

In Memory of our beloved brother-in-law and uncle Tewel Pruzanski from Ursula & Felix Flicker, Harry Flicker and their families. Melbourne, Australia January 3.2001

In memory of our beloved cousin Ilana Rosenfeld (Halinka Eckstein) from Lally and Max Gould Louis and Brenda Fields Harvey and Terry Fields Stephen and Anat Fields Canada

In memory of our beloved cousin Ilana Rosenfeld (Halinka Eckstein) from Lally and Max Gould Louis and Brenda Fields Harvey and Terry Fields Stephen and Anat Fields Canada

In memory of our beloved cousin Ilana Rosenfeld (Halinka Eckstein) from Lally and Max Gould Louis and Brenda Fields Harvey and Terry Fields Stephen and Anat Fields Canada

In memory of our beloved cousin Ilana Rosenfeld (Halinka Eckstein) from Lally and Max Gould Louis and Brenda Fields Harvey and Terry Fields Stephen and Anat Fields Canada

In memory of our beloved cousin Ilana Rosenfeld (Halinka Eckstein) from Lally and Max Gould Louis and Brenda Fields Harvey and Terry Fields Stephen and Anat Fields Canada

In memory of our beloved cousin Ilana Rosenfeld (Halinka Eckstein) from Lally and Max Gould Louis and Brenda Fields Harvey and Terry Fields Stephen and Anat Fields Canada

In Memory of our beloved Parents Moses Wolf & Sarah-Ethel Tartak, Aladar & Rozsi Kovacs from Fruma & Gabriel B. Kovacs, New-York, USA- 2005

In Memory of our beloved Parents Moses Wolf & Sarah-Ethel Tartak, Aladar & Rozsi Kovacs from Fruma & Gabriel B. Kovacs, New-York, USA- 2005

In Memory of our Beloved Parents Sisters & Brothers Leserkiewicz Family Steiner Family Victims of the Nazi Holocaust Regina & Victor Lewis, NYC USA

In Memory of our Beloved Parents Sisters & Brothers Leserkiewicz Family Steiner Family Victims of the Nazi Holocaust Regina & Victor Lewis, NYC USA

In Memory of our beloved wife and grandmother Lisia Wajnryb (Dr. Nelly).

In Memory of our beloved wife and grandmother Lisia Wajnryb (Dr. Nelly).

In Memory of our beloved wife and mother Danuta (born Radomylska 1917) from Luck, died in Sydney 1985 Dr. D. Sheps and son Dr. Mark Sheps

In Memory of our beloved wife and mother Danuta (born Radomylska 1917) from Luck, died in Sydney 1985 Dr. D. Sheps and son Dr. Mark Sheps

In Memory of Max Freeman of Sydney

In Memory of Max Freeman of Sydney

In Memory of Michael Jacobs a generous supporter of the Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund, Melbourne, Australia December 2000

In Memory of Michael Jacobs a generous supporter of the Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund, Melbourne, Australia December 2000

In memory of Moe (Maurice) and Linda Fishman daughter of Joseph and Bahira Raffoul zl

In memory of Moe (Maurice) and Linda Fishman daughter of Joseph and Bahira Raffoul zl

In Memory of Moise Eskenasy, native of Bulgaria

In Memory of Moise Eskenasy, native of Bulgaria

In Memory of Moshe Gerson a Friend of Israel Donated by Martin & Eleanor Bernstein, California

In Memory of Moshe Gerson a Friend of Israel Donated by Martin & Eleanor Bernstein, California

In Memory of Mrs. Schiff & Mrs. Reagle devoted members of Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, Sydney, Australia- 2000

In Memory of Mrs. Schiff & Mrs. Reagle devoted members of Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, Sydney, Australia- 2000

In Memory of my beloved father Samuel Cytryn on occasion of the hundredth anniversary of his birth in Miedzyrzec-Poland 1890-1990

In Memory of my beloved father Samuel Cytryn on occasion of the hundredth anniversary of his birth in Miedzyrzec-Poland 1890-1990

In Memory of my Beloved Husband Abraham Laufer, Manya Laufer – USA

In Memory of my Beloved Husband Abraham Laufer, Manya Laufer – USA

In Memory of my Beloved Husband Moishe Levitt a Dedicated Zionist, Lilly Levitt. Brooklyn, New York

In Memory of my Beloved Husband Moishe Levitt a Dedicated Zionist, Lilly Levitt. Brooklyn, New York

In Memory of my beloved husband Samuel A. Shrager. Ph.D, USA 2002

In Memory of my beloved husband Samuel A. Shrager. Ph.D, USA 2002

In Memory of my beloved husband Solly Matheson, The late Bertha Matheson, Cape Town RSA

In Memory of my beloved husband Solly Matheson, The late Bertha Matheson, Cape Town RSA

Samuel Feiner Made a Generous Contribution in Memory of His Sister Minerva Feiner Bober

Samuel Feiner Made a Generous Contribution in Memory of His Sister Minerva Feiner Bober

In Memory of my brother Rolf Joseph Feilchenfeld who was killed on 23rd March 1948 on the way to Atarot. Eva Johanna Redfern

In Memory of my brother Rolf Joseph Feilchenfeld who was killed on 23rd March 1948 on the way to Atarot. Eva Johanna Redfern

In Memory of my dear father Yehoshua Wasserstrum & our family who perished in the Holocaust,by Pirhia & Arieh Wasserstrum & Fam.

In Memory of my dear father Yehoshua Wasserstrum & our family who perished in the Holocaust,by Pirhia & Arieh Wasserstrum & Fam.

In Memory of my dear son Kalman Meir and my beloved grandson Dov from the Mother & Grandmother, Paula Meir, Bnei Brak- Nov 1998

In Memory of my dear son Kalman Meir and my beloved grandson Dov from the Mother & Grandmother, Paula Meir, Bnei Brak- Nov 1998

In Memory of my father Hugo Elsoffer in-laws Louis Chambre and my families who perished in the Holocaust from Widow of Ernest chambre née Ruth E. Elsoffer, USA

In Memory of my father Hugo Elsoffer in-laws Louis Chambre and my families who perished in the Holocaust from Widow of Ernest chambre née Ruth E. Elsoffer, USA

In Memory of my Father Simja Graiwer, USA-2002

In Memory of my Father Simja Graiwer, USA-2002

In Memory of my husband Erich – Mischka Simonsohn, Sydney, Australia

In Memory of my husband Erich – Mischka Simonsohn, Sydney, Australia

In Memory of Jasmine de Hond-Busnach

In Memory of Jasmine de Hond-Busnach

In Memory of Jean Aberbach, New York, N.Y.

In Memory of Jean Aberbach, New York, N.Y.

In Memory of John Fields (Abraham Feldberg), Canada 2002

In Memory of John Fields (Abraham Feldberg), Canada 2002

In Memory of Joseph Aronoff, Atlanta Georgia

In Memory of Joseph Aronoff, Atlanta Georgia

In Memory of Joseph Borcovitz , Golda Borcovitz, Leah Borcovitz, Stella Borcovitz, Annie Borcovitz, Harry Louis Borcovitz, Isaac Borcovitz, of Johannesburg R.S.A

In Memory of Joseph Borcovitz , Golda Borcovitz, Leah Borcovitz, Stella Borcovitz, Annie Borcovitz, Harry Louis Borcovitz, Isaac Borcovitz, of Johannesburg R.S.A

In Memory of Joseph Krakowski Who Left a Lasting Impression on all Whose Lives He Touched “1939 Club” of Los Angeles

In Memory of Joseph Krakowski Who Left a Lasting Impression on all Whose Lives He Touched “1939 Club” of Los Angeles

In Memory of Jozef and Margot Rethazy, Hamilton, Canada

In Memory of Jozef and Margot Rethazy, Hamilton, Canada

In Memory of Julia Freeman of Sydney

In Memory of Julia Freeman of Sydney

In Memory of June Libby, Hollywood, Florida

In Memory of June Libby, Hollywood, Florida

In Memory of Kay Lowendorff- de Haaff for her most generous support, The Netherlands 1997

In Memory of Kay Lowendorff- de Haaff for her most generous support, The Netherlands 1997

In Memory of Leon and Dina Krieger by John and Rena Birner

In Memory of Leon and Dina Krieger by John and Rena Birner

In Memory of Leon Lensky, New York, N.Y.

In Memory of Leon Lensky, New York, N.Y.

In Memory of Leon, Dina and Nathan Chaim Benn, Toronto, Canada, 2010

In Memory of Leon, Dina and Nathan Chaim Benn, Toronto, Canada, 2010

In Memory of Lillian Copperman and her beloved parents Abraham & Angelene Copperman and her dear uncle Horatio S. Simon, USA

In Memory of Lillian Copperman and her beloved parents Abraham & Angelene Copperman and her dear uncle Horatio S. Simon, USA

In Memory of Lillian Goldberg, Coral Gables, Florida

In Memory of Lillian Goldberg, Coral Gables, Florida

In Memory of Lucy Reiss

In Memory of Lucy Reiss

In Memory of Marcelle and Marco Farhi donated by their daughters: Viviane, Edna and Danielle z”l, Montreal, Canada 2006

In Memory of Marcelle and Marco Farhi donated by their daughters: Viviane, Edna and Danielle z”l, Montreal, Canada 2006

In Memory of Martin Magnes, z”l, Past President, Lodzer Organization, FIDV, USA-2000

In Memory of Martin Magnes, z”l, Past President, Lodzer Organization, FIDV, USA-2000

In Memory of Martin R. Blum 1921-1945 and Julka Goldberg, Born 1924- died in the Holocaust, FIDV, USA-2001

In Memory of Martin R. Blum 1921-1945 and Julka Goldberg, Born 1924- died in the Holocaust, FIDV, USA-2001

In Memory of Max and Rose Lubinski

In Memory of Max and Rose Lubinski

In Memory of Gecel Eckhaus of Melbourne, by his wife Sheindel and children Tamara and Joseph

In Memory of Gecel Eckhaus of Melbourne, by his wife Sheindel and children Tamara and Joseph

In Memory of Gedalia Levitov z”l, Haifa

In Memory of Gedalia Levitov z”l, Haifa

In Memory of George Zoland, Melbourne

In Memory of George Zoland, Melbourne

In Memory of Gerda Rogers 22.7.1914 – 08.12.2008 Melbourne, Australia 2010

In Memory of Gerda Rogers 22.7.1914 – 08.12.2008 Melbourne, Australia 2010

In Memory of Golda and Shulim Goldstein, In Memory of Lotte and George Galewski and in Honor of Ida and Alexander Ferson all of Sydney, Australia

In Memory of Golda and Shulim Goldstein, In Memory of Lotte and George Galewski and in Honor of Ida and Alexander Ferson all of Sydney, Australia

In Memory of Greta Hess לזכר גרטה הס ז”ל על תרומתה הנדיבה לנכי צה”ל ישראל

In Memory of Greta Hess לזכר גרטה הס ז”ל על תרומתה הנדיבה לנכי צה”ל ישראל

In Memory of Grosz family mother Hermina (Helperin) father Martin Grosz, brothers Geza, Kapi and their families sisters Rozsi, Ilona and their families victims of the Holocaust from Ernest Gross, NY, USA

In Memory of Grosz family mother Hermina (Helperin) father Martin Grosz, brothers Geza, Kapi and their families sisters Rozsi, Ilona and their families victims of the Holocaust from Ernest Gross, NY, USA

In Memory of Haim Joachim Najfeld z”l & all his family z”l for his generous contribution, France 2006 לזכר חיים יואחים נייפלד זל וכל בני משפחתו זל על תרומתו הנדיבה

In Memory of Haim Joachim Najfeld z”l & all his family z”l for his generous contribution, France 2006 לזכר חיים יואחים נייפלד זל וכל בני משפחתו זל על תרומתו הנדיבה

In Memory of Hanna Schwarz nee Rosenberg Sydney, Australia, b. 1892 d. 1977

In Memory of Hanna Schwarz nee Rosenberg Sydney, Australia, b. 1892 d. 1977

In Memory of Harry Lubansky killed in action, New Guinea, June 1942

In Memory of Harry Lubansky killed in action, New Guinea, June 1942

In Memory of Henry & Jean Cole and the Blitz family donated by Max Blitz, USA 2008

In Memory of Henry & Jean Cole and the Blitz family donated by Max Blitz, USA 2008

In Memory of Henry Reiss of Sydney

In Memory of Henry Reiss of Sydney

In Memory of Herman Guttoff, Brooklyn, N.Y., Gift of Tama G. Penstein

In Memory of Herman Guttoff, Brooklyn, N.Y., Gift of Tama G. Penstein

In Memory of Ida Pertman Always Remembered, Canada 2013

In Memory of Ida Pertman Always Remembered, Canada 2013

In Memory of Ilonka Seder and Miklos Szabolcsi, Toronto, Canada 2010

In Memory of Ilonka Seder and Miklos Szabolcsi, Toronto, Canada 2010

In Memory of Irving & Ruth Papoff, Toronto Canada

In Memory of Irving & Ruth Papoff, Toronto Canada

In Memory of Irving Pfeffer 1906-2002

In Memory of Irving Pfeffer 1906-2002

In Memory of Isaac, Alice & Ralph Marienberg, Santiago de Chile, 2010

In Memory of Isaac, Alice & Ralph Marienberg, Santiago de Chile, 2010

In Memory of Israel & Tzila Gassner

In Memory of Israel & Tzila Gassner

In Memory of Israel Murray Guttoff, Brooklyn, N.Y., Gift of Tama G. Penstein

In Memory of Israel Murray Guttoff, Brooklyn, N.Y., Gift of Tama G. Penstein

In Memory of Jaakov & Zisl Frieman of Stryj

In Memory of Jaakov & Zisl Frieman of Stryj

In Memory of Jack Gitlitz Bessie & Solomon Gitlitz Sisters & Brothers, Montreal, Canada

In Memory of Jack Gitlitz Bessie & Solomon Gitlitz Sisters & Brothers, Montreal, Canada

In Memory of Bernard H. Jaffe A great friend & benefactor, Glenview, Illinois, USA

In Memory of Bernard H. Jaffe A great friend & benefactor, Glenview, Illinois, USA

In Memory of Betty Rachel Allen for her generosity and support, England

In Memory of Betty Rachel Allen for her generosity and support, England

In Memory of Binem Brzoza 1914-2004 son of Benyamin and Rachel, Melbourne, Australia

In Memory of Binem Brzoza 1914-2004 son of Benyamin and Rachel, Melbourne, Australia

In Memory of Cecilia Alexander Fisher & Walter Fisher, Lafayette, Louisiana

In Memory of Cecilia Alexander Fisher & Walter Fisher, Lafayette, Louisiana

In Memory of Claire and Boris Paul, USA

In Memory of Claire and Boris Paul, USA

In Memory of Dani Gilboa from Dean, Arielle, Noa, Tal & Lior, Canada 2006

In Memory of Dani Gilboa from Dean, Arielle, Noa, Tal & Lior, Canada 2006

In Memory of David West one of the Co-Founders of Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, Melbourne

In Memory of David West one of the Co-Founders of Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, Melbourne

In Memory of Dr. Edward Pressman

In Memory of Dr. Edward Pressman

In Memory of Dr. Eric Folman, Florida Chapter

In Memory of Dr. Eric Folman, Florida Chapter

In Memory of Dr. Raphael R. Gamso by his family & friends

In Memory of Dr. Raphael R. Gamso by his family & friends

In Memory of Earl Mandell Toronto, Canada 2009

In Memory of Earl Mandell Toronto, Canada 2009

In Memory of Edith Celtic in recognition of her contribution to IDF veterans organization – June 2003

In Memory of Edith Celtic in recognition of her contribution to IDF veterans organization – June 2003

In Memory of Edith J. Hasse, Miami Florida

In Memory of Edith J. Hasse, Miami Florida

In Memory of Edith Sulczer Roboz, Dr.Otto Roboz

In Memory of Edith Sulczer Roboz, Dr.Otto Roboz

In Memory of Eliezer (Leon) Gold, a devoted supporter to Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, passed away in 28.9.83, Sydney Australia

In Memory of Eliezer (Leon) Gold, a devoted supporter to Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, passed away in 28.9.83, Sydney Australia

In Memory of Fanny Pollak, Irvington N.JGarden Recreation Area

In Memory of Fanny Pollak, Irvington N.JGarden Recreation Area

In Memory of Fred & Mabel Prager, R.S.A

In Memory of Fred & Mabel Prager, R.S.A

In Memory of Freida & Joseph Cymbalista

In Memory of Freida & Joseph Cymbalista

In Memory of Fritz & Grete Doktor, Vienna Austria

In Memory of Fritz & Grete Doktor, Vienna Austria

In Memory of Gabriel Solomon Nach and Ettie Becky Nach, parents of Mrs. Philip Pencharz

In Memory of Gabriel Solomon Nach and Ettie Becky Nach, parents of Mrs. Philip Pencharz

In Loving Memory of the late Leslie Braun of Melbourne

In Loving Memory of the late Leslie Braun of Melbourne

In Loving Memory of Thea & David Jacobus Dratwin z”l, Los Angeles, California לזכר טיה ודוד גקובוס דרטווין ז”ל

In Loving Memory of Thea & David Jacobus Dratwin z”l, Los Angeles, California לזכר טיה ודוד גקובוס דרטווין ז”ל

In Loving Memory of their dear wife mother and grandmother Gitel Waisman donated by husband Majer. Son Abe daughter Rebecca and family Melbourne April 1992

In Loving Memory of their dear wife mother and grandmother Gitel Waisman donated by husband Majer. Son Abe daughter Rebecca and family Melbourne April 1992

In loving memory of Theresa Parness 1914-1986

In loving memory of Theresa Parness 1914-1986

In Loving Memory of William (Wolf) Landau. Donated by Lena Landau Cohn, Miami Florida

In Loving Memory of William (Wolf) Landau. Donated by Lena Landau Cohn, Miami Florida

In Loving Memory of Yeoshua (Jason) Friedberg who was killed in a terror attack in Israel, The Montreal Jewish Community Canada, July 2003

In Loving Memory of Yeoshua (Jason) Friedberg who was killed in a terror attack in Israel, The Montreal Jewish Community Canada, July 2003

In Loving Memory of: my father Shmaje Bloch my son Norbert my sisters, Janet, Dina and Zelda my brothers, Abraham and Herman Helena Olstein – Melbourne

In Loving Memory of: my father Shmaje Bloch my son Norbert my sisters, Janet, Dina and Zelda my brothers, Abraham and Herman Helena Olstein – Melbourne

In Memoriam of Dr. Chana Halina Frank 1914-1992

In Memoriam of Dr. Chana Halina Frank 1914-1992

In Memory Berta Meizels z”l (née Rosenbaum ) & Joseph Meizels z”l with appreciation for their generous contribution, May 2007

In Memory Berta Meizels z”l (née Rosenbaum ) & Joseph Meizels z”l with appreciation for their generous contribution, May 2007

In Memory of 20 yr. old Avihu Klinger z”l, son of Lucia and Liova who fell in the Yom Kippur War 7.10.73 – Hannah Klinger, B. Klinger and family and L. Reiser, G.R. Hazenfratz, M.Y. Yahrblum

In Memory of 20 yr. old Avihu Klinger z”l, son of Lucia and Liova who fell in the Yom Kippur War 7.10.73 – Hannah Klinger, B. Klinger and family and L. Reiser, G.R. Hazenfratz, M.Y. Yahrblum

In Memory of Abraham & Sonya Lis z”l who donated from their legacy for Sports activities financing in Beith Alochem Jerusalem 2009

In Memory of Abraham & Sonya Lis z”l who donated from their legacy for Sports activities financing in Beith Alochem Jerusalem 2009

In Memory of Abraham and Leah S. Simon

In Memory of Abraham and Leah S. Simon

In Memory of Abraham Goldfarb by Mr. & Mrs. Jack Goldfarb, FL- USA

In Memory of Abraham Goldfarb by Mr. & Mrs. Jack Goldfarb, FL- USA

In Memory of Aida Leib-Deutsch & her beloved sister the late Sonia Leib-Asher, Bulgaria

In Memory of Aida Leib-Deutsch & her beloved sister the late Sonia Leib-Asher, Bulgaria

In Memory of Alexandre Piper, Toronto, Canada

In Memory of Alexandre Piper, Toronto, Canada

In Memory of Angel Zylberman Toronto Canada

In Memory of Angel Zylberman Toronto Canada

In Memory of Anna Haber of Sydney

In Memory of Anna Haber of Sydney

In Memory of Anna Szopienska Kuno-Fischer לזכר אנה שופינדקא זל לזכר הוריה מרדכי ורחל שפידבאום זל, ישראל

In Memory of Anna Szopienska Kuno-Fischer לזכר אנה שופינדקא זל לזכר הוריה מרדכי ורחל שפידבאום זל, ישראל

In Memory of Aron & Rachel Mizrahi Victor, Eliane Mizrahi & family, Canada 2008

In Memory of Aron & Rachel Mizrahi Victor, Eliane Mizrahi & family, Canada 2008

In Memory of Ben Eisenstein, Florida chapter, Holocaust survivor, Toronto Canada

In Memory of Ben Eisenstein, Florida chapter, Holocaust survivor, Toronto Canada

In Memory of Benjamin Glass, Philadelphia USA

In Memory of Benjamin Glass, Philadelphia USA

In Loving Memory of my grandparents, Bertie & Marjorie Naggar and Harold Samuel. Albert Naggar, New York. USA

In Loving Memory of my grandparents, Bertie & Marjorie Naggar and Harold Samuel. Albert Naggar, New York. USA

In Loving Memory of my Husband Bernard Antin Parents Charles and Deborah Remen Charin Brothers Alexander, Lewis and Ira Charin by Miriam Charin Antin, Florida USA

In Loving Memory of my Husband Bernard Antin Parents Charles and Deborah Remen Charin Brothers Alexander, Lewis and Ira Charin by Miriam Charin Antin, Florida USA

In Loving Memory of my husband Joseph Freiheiter survivor of the Holocaust wife Ernestine

In Loving Memory of my husband Joseph Freiheiter survivor of the Holocaust wife Ernestine

In Loving Memory of my late husband, Wolf Ulman, from Hedy, Sydney, Australia

In Loving Memory of my late husband, Wolf Ulman, from Hedy, Sydney, Australia

In Loving Memory of my Parents Chaya and Mordechai Benet z”l from Zofia Dymant z”l, USA

In Loving Memory of my Parents Chaya and Mordechai Benet z”l from Zofia Dymant z”l, USA

In Loving Memory of Oscar (Schie Wolf) and Elka Pillersdorf, Barbados, West Indies by their children Simon & Rachel Weisman, Jonathan, Sara & Gideon, Canada 2007

In Loving Memory of Oscar (Schie Wolf) and Elka Pillersdorf, Barbados, West Indies by their children Simon & Rachel Weisman, Jonathan, Sara & Gideon, Canada 2007

In Loving Memory of our beloved families Van-Thijn and Blitz who perished in the Holocaust, Catharina & Maurits Van-Thijn, Holland

In Loving Memory of our beloved families Van-Thijn and Blitz who perished in the Holocaust, Catharina & Maurits Van-Thijn, Holland

In loving memory of our beloved families who perished in the Holocaust , family Van Thijn – Blitz , Nahariya – Holland

In loving memory of our beloved families who perished in the Holocaust , family Van Thijn – Blitz , Nahariya – Holland

In Loving Memory of our dear father and grandfather Majer Waisman donated by son Abe, daugther Rebecca Rochman and their families, Melbourne, October 1993

In Loving Memory of our dear father and grandfather Majer Waisman donated by son Abe, daugther Rebecca Rochman and their families, Melbourne, October 1993

In loving memory of our dear friend Allen Brill Supporter of those who serve others USA

In loving memory of our dear friend Allen Brill Supporter of those who serve others USA

In loving memory of our dear husband, father, grandfather Elie Ovadia, Geneva, Switzerland 2009

In loving memory of our dear husband, father, grandfather Elie Ovadia, Geneva, Switzerland 2009

In Loving Memory of our Dear Parents Aaron & Gittle Lichtschein Samuel & Priva Wind donated by Chaim & Rosa Lichtschein, Florida

In Loving Memory of our Dear Parents Aaron & Gittle Lichtschein Samuel & Priva Wind donated by Chaim & Rosa Lichtschein, Florida

In Loving Memory of our parents Dora and Jacob Chludniewicz Miriam and Moses Koncepolski and our families donated by Dyna and Noah Koncepolski

In Loving Memory of our parents Dora and Jacob Chludniewicz Miriam and Moses Koncepolski and our families donated by Dyna and Noah Koncepolski

In Loving Memory of our parents F. & S. Kurower and P. & H. Kornwasser, I. & H. Korski

In Loving Memory of our parents F. & S. Kurower and P. & H. Kornwasser, I. & H. Korski

In Loving Memory of Parents Who Perished in the Holocaust donated by Benny & Miriam Hendler, Miami, Florida

In Loving Memory of Parents Who Perished in the Holocaust donated by Benny & Miriam Hendler, Miami, Florida

In loving memory of Paula Ehrenberg USA

In loving memory of Paula Ehrenberg USA

In Loving Memory of Philip & Elizabeth Wegloop by Fem & Nico Wegloop, Holland

In Loving Memory of Philip & Elizabeth Wegloop by Fem & Nico Wegloop, Holland

In Loving Memory of Raya Weintraub, true friend & dedicated supporter founder of “Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim” Sydney, ” ZDVO in Australia” Sydney, 2009

In Loving Memory of Raya Weintraub, true friend & dedicated supporter founder of “Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim” Sydney, ” ZDVO in Australia” Sydney, 2009

In Loving Memory of Rebecca & Isaac Jacobi and Dr. J. Lindenszat from Marian & Erna Jacobi, Sydney 1989

In Loving Memory of Rebecca & Isaac Jacobi and Dr. J. Lindenszat from Marian & Erna Jacobi, Sydney 1989

In Loving Memory of Rose Goldberg and her Parents Jacob Zorach Goldberg & Esther Manson Goldberg, England 2007

In Loving Memory of Rose Goldberg and her Parents Jacob Zorach Goldberg & Esther Manson Goldberg, England 2007

In Loving Memory of Ruth & Henry Gafney z”l, generous supporters of Z.D.V.O, Monaco 2009

In Loving Memory of Ruth & Henry Gafney z”l, generous supporters of Z.D.V.O, Monaco 2009

In Loving Memory of Spencer Raphael Jaffe z”l, USA 2007 לזכר שלום רפאל ז”ל בן אריה לייב יפה

In Loving Memory of Spencer Raphael Jaffe z”l, USA 2007 לזכר שלום רפאל ז”ל בן אריה לייב יפה

In Loving Memory of Ted (Tevya) Kosoy In our hearts forever Kosoy Family Toronto, Canada

In Loving Memory of Ted (Tevya) Kosoy In our hearts forever Kosoy Family Toronto, Canada

In Loving Memory of the late Kuba Newman, Melbourne, Australia

In Loving Memory of the late Kuba Newman, Melbourne, Australia

In loving memory of Freda Fejer, Toronto, Canada

In loving memory of Freda Fejer, Toronto, Canada

In loving memory of Freda Fejer, Toronto, Canada

In loving memory of Freda Fejer, Toronto, Canada

In Loving Memory of Gabriella (Ella) Scheinman Toronto, Canada 2014

In Loving Memory of Gabriella (Ella) Scheinman Toronto, Canada 2014

In Loving Memory of Gerda Davids for her generous donation towards Zahal Disabled Veterans, USA

In Loving Memory of Gerda Davids for her generous donation towards Zahal Disabled Veterans, USA

In loving memory of Henri Sicat for his support and generosity Geneva, Switzerland

In loving memory of Henri Sicat for his support and generosity Geneva, Switzerland

In Loving Memory of Henry Haber, Sydney, Australia donated by his friends

In Loving Memory of Henry Haber, Sydney, Australia donated by his friends

In Loving Memory of Hilda Sztulman for her love and generous support, USA 2006

In Loving Memory of Hilda Sztulman for her love and generous support, USA 2006

In Loving Memory of Majer Lieberman for his generosity, USA

In Loving Memory of Majer Lieberman for his generosity, USA

In Loving Memory of Max & Fritzi Uri from their children Eva Aaronson, Robert & Ralph Uri, Vienna, Austria

In Loving Memory of Max & Fritzi Uri from their children Eva Aaronson, Robert & Ralph Uri, Vienna, Austria

In Loving Memory of Michael and Sylvia Klotz For their generous support to Zahal Disabled Veterans USA

In Loving Memory of Michael and Sylvia Klotz For their generous support to Zahal Disabled Veterans USA

In Loving Memory of Michael Mundek Winogron zl Maryssa Zylberberg Winogron zl Holocaust Survivors True Friends and Supporters of Zahal Disabled Veterans USA

In Loving Memory of Michael Mundek Winogron zl Maryssa Zylberberg Winogron zl Holocaust Survivors True Friends and Supporters of Zahal Disabled Veterans USA

In Loving Memory of Monka family Dina, Chaim, Chaimowitz, Leon Monka & brothers & sisters Shmil, Fawel, Jacob, Abish, Suraly who perished in the Holocaust from Yetta, Josef, Abram Monka

In Loving Memory of Monka family Dina, Chaim, Chaimowitz, Leon Monka & brothers & sisters Shmil, Fawel, Jacob, Abish, Suraly who perished in the Holocaust from Yetta, Josef, Abram Monka

In Loving Memory of my Beloved Parents Abram M & Fannie M Goodkin, Rest Peacefully the Late Sara Goodkin, USA

In Loving Memory of my Beloved Parents Abram M & Fannie M Goodkin, Rest Peacefully the Late Sara Goodkin, USA

In Loving Memory of my dear brother Jacob Blacharski who passed away on 6th January, 1990 in Haifa. His sister, Basia Kane- Melbourne, Australia

In Loving Memory of my dear brother Jacob Blacharski who passed away on 6th January, 1990 in Haifa. His sister, Basia Kane- Melbourne, Australia

In Loving Memory of my dear husband Maks, children and family God rest their souls

In Loving Memory of my dear husband Maks, children and family God rest their souls

In Loving Memory of my dear parents Chava and Avraham Moshe Feldberg, Saul and Toby, children and grandchildren, Canada 2011

In Loving Memory of my dear parents Chava and Avraham Moshe Feldberg, Saul and Toby, children and grandchildren, Canada 2011

In Loving Memory of my dear parents Israel & Dina Firstenfeld brothers & sister David, Wolf, Mendel, Ester that perished during the Holocaust from Hinda (Firstenfeld) Kneller- USA

In Loving Memory of my dear parents Israel & Dina Firstenfeld brothers & sister David, Wolf, Mendel, Ester that perished during the Holocaust from Hinda (Firstenfeld) Kneller- USA

In Loving Memory of my dear sisters Luba, Ida, Regina, Fania, Eugenia and their families, victims of the Holocaust 1939-1945 donated by their sister Sonia Janowska-Epstein, Melbourne February 1992

In Loving Memory of my dear sisters Luba, Ida, Regina, Fania, Eugenia and their families, victims of the Holocaust 1939-1945 donated by their sister Sonia Janowska-Epstein, Melbourne February 1992

In Loving Memory of my dear wife Ruth W. Terespolskis passed away on January 14,1977 – her husband Seimas Terespolskis. Seimas Terespolskis passed away on January 17,1983

In Loving Memory of my dear wife Ruth W. Terespolskis passed away on January 14,1977 – her husband Seimas Terespolskis. Seimas Terespolskis passed away on January 17,1983

In Loving Memory of my dearest husband Zygmunt Schneider by his wife Anka

In Loving Memory of my dearest husband Zygmunt Schneider by his wife Anka

In loving memory of my father & mother Shalom & Dora Cukier my sister Hela my grandparents Lea & Haim Grauer who perished in Auschwitz, Mike Cukier USA 2006

In loving memory of my father & mother Shalom & Dora Cukier my sister Hela my grandparents Lea & Haim Grauer who perished in Auschwitz, Mike Cukier USA 2006

In Loving Memory of Anne Nurit Weintraub Cherished daughter and sister of Raja. Saul and Robert Sydney, Australia

In Loving Memory of Anne Nurit Weintraub Cherished daughter and sister of Raja. Saul and Robert Sydney, Australia

In Loving Memory of Anne Socol Melbourne

In Loving Memory of Anne Socol Melbourne

In loving memory of Annie Devine and her beloved daughter Suzanne always remembered by her family

In loving memory of Annie Devine and her beloved daughter Suzanne always remembered by her family

In Loving Memory of Arieh Zahavi (Lolek) z”l, Amongst the liberators of Beersheva in 1948 From his wife Tamara R. Zahavi, son Joseph S. Zahavi & Family, daughter Shirley Z. Mayer & Family, USA

In Loving Memory of Arieh Zahavi (Lolek) z”l, Amongst the liberators of Beersheva in 1948 From his wife Tamara R. Zahavi, son Joseph S. Zahavi & Family, daughter Shirley Z. Mayer & Family, USA

In Loving Memory of Barney N. & August Salen, Sylvia & Irving Salen, Etta Berk, Shrley Zierler, Anna Libou In Honor of Harold & Martha Henenson from Milton E. & Frieda Salen, USA 2010

In Loving Memory of Barney N. & August Salen, Sylvia & Irving Salen, Etta Berk, Shrley Zierler, Anna Libou In Honor of Harold & Martha Henenson from Milton E. & Frieda Salen, USA 2010

In Loving Memory of Barney N. & Augusta Salen, Sylvia & Irving Salen-Etta Berk Shirley Zierler-Anna Libou In the Honor of Harold & Martha Henenson from: Milton E. & Frieda Salen, USA 2008

In Loving Memory of Barney N. & Augusta Salen, Sylvia & Irving Salen-Etta Berk Shirley Zierler-Anna Libou In the Honor of Harold & Martha Henenson from: Milton E. & Frieda Salen, USA 2008

In Loving Memory of Bernard G. Stein for his generous donation towards Zahal Disabled Veterans, USA

In Loving Memory of Bernard G. Stein for his generous donation towards Zahal Disabled Veterans, USA

In Loving Memory of Chava and Rabbi Meyer Schwartzman from their son Leon Judah Blackmore, Canada 2007

In Loving Memory of Chava and Rabbi Meyer Schwartzman from their son Leon Judah Blackmore, Canada 2007

In loving memory of chaver Joshua Friedman from the Labor Zionist Alliance Enzo Sereni Branch # 538 , Brooklyn N.Y USA 1985

In loving memory of chaver Joshua Friedman from the Labor Zionist Alliance Enzo Sereni Branch # 538 , Brooklyn N.Y USA 1985

In Loving Memory of Dorothy & Milton Fischer for their support and generous donation to Zahal Disabled Veterans, USA 2006

In Loving Memory of Dorothy & Milton Fischer for their support and generous donation to Zahal Disabled Veterans, USA 2006

In loving memory of Dr. Arthur Morse

In loving memory of Dr. Arthur Morse

In Loving Memory of Edith & Emanuel Max Altberger z”l for their Generous Donation to Zahal Disabled Veterans, USA 2008

In Loving Memory of Edith & Emanuel Max Altberger z”l for their Generous Donation to Zahal Disabled Veterans, USA 2008

In Loving Memory of Edith Adler for her Generous Support USA 2010

In Loving Memory of Edith Adler for her Generous Support USA 2010

In Loving Memory of Edmund Korn, from Leosia, Anita, Yvonne 1992

In Loving Memory of Edmund Korn, from Leosia, Anita, Yvonne 1992

In Loving Memory of Ernestine Freiheiter for her generous support, Australia

In Loving Memory of Ernestine Freiheiter for her generous support, Australia

In Loving Memory of Ernestine Freiheiter for her generous support, Australia 2006

In Loving Memory of Ernestine Freiheiter for her generous support, Australia 2006

In Loving Memory of Fania & Nathan Gitein z”l, Holocaust Survivors Australia 2008

In Loving Memory of Fania & Nathan Gitein z”l, Holocaust Survivors Australia 2008

In Loving Memory of Feiwel Klocman, one of the co-founders and long time Vice President of Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, Melbourne August 1988

In Loving Memory of Feiwel Klocman, one of the co-founders and long time Vice President of Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, Melbourne August 1988

In loving memory of Florence Blum Rice her generosity lives on,USA 2007

In loving memory of Florence Blum Rice her generosity lives on,USA 2007

In loving memory of Freda Fejer Toronto, Canada

In loving memory of Freda Fejer Toronto, Canada

In Honor of Pastor John Hagee, for his generous support and love San Antonio, Texas, USA

In Honor of Pastor John Hagee, for his generous support and love San Antonio, Texas, USA

In Honor of President Henry Norton by Chevra Fellowship of Miami

In Honor of President Henry Norton by Chevra Fellowship of Miami

In Honor of Richard Golden Longtime Friend and Generous Supporter of Israel and Disabled Veterans New York, USA

In Honor of Richard Golden Longtime Friend and Generous Supporter of Israel and Disabled Veterans New York, USA

In Honor of the community of Young Israel Val Royal J.Kramkimel, Pres. & Rabbi Z. Silberstein, Montreal, Quebec

In Honor of the community of Young Israel Val Royal J.Kramkimel, Pres. & Rabbi Z. Silberstein, Montreal, Quebec

In Honor of the Iranian American Jewish Federation for their generous support, USA

In Honor of the Iranian American Jewish Federation for their generous support, USA

In Honor of The Participants and Sponsors of the FIDV “5 Towns 5K Run/Walk” Nassau County, New York for their Ongoing Support to Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization and Beit Halochem

In Honor of The Participants and Sponsors of the FIDV “5 Towns 5K Run/Walk” Nassau County, New York for their Ongoing Support to Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization and Beit Halochem

In Honor of the Pomeranc Family for their generosity & devoted support, USA

In Honor of the Pomeranc Family for their generosity & devoted support, USA

In Honor of ZDVO’s Friends Organization in Melbourne, Australia Friends of Beit Halochem Victoria for its vital support, important encouragement and friendship, Melbourne

In Honor of ZDVO’s Friends Organization in Melbourne, Australia Friends of Beit Halochem Victoria for its vital support, important encouragement and friendship, Melbourne

In Honour of Henry Fagan, A Generous and Devoted Supporter, Toronto, Canada 2012

In Honour of Henry Fagan, A Generous and Devoted Supporter, Toronto, Canada 2012

In honour of Leslie Amoils 60th Birthday January 13, 2018 Toronto, Canada

In honour of Leslie Amoils 60th Birthday January 13, 2018 Toronto, Canada

In Honour of Mihla and Carlos Schuster From their children Canada, May 2012

In Honour of Mihla and Carlos Schuster From their children Canada, May 2012

In Honour of Sigmund Morrow, Friends of Dorby Frocks, Ltd. New York, USA

In Honour of Sigmund Morrow, Friends of Dorby Frocks, Ltd. New York, USA

In Honour of Steven Morrow Founding Chairman, Chapter Friends of Israel Disabled War Veterans, Florida, USA

In Honour of Steven Morrow Founding Chairman, Chapter Friends of Israel Disabled War Veterans, Florida, USA

In honour of the Staub family From Sydney, Australia March 2015

In honour of the Staub family From Sydney, Australia March 2015

In Honour of the volunteers and Supporters of Montreal Quebec Chapter Beit Halochem Canada on the occasion of its 25th Anniversary Feb. 2011

In Honour of the volunteers and Supporters of Montreal Quebec Chapter Beit Halochem Canada on the occasion of its 25th Anniversary Feb. 2011

In Loving and Cheriched Memory of our Dear Parents Irene & Jack Kwartner for their Support, Love & Devotion to Israel’s Disabled Veterans. Molline & Ben Cassuto, Michele & Mel Meyer, Reoda & Alan Kwartner

In Loving and Cheriched Memory of our Dear Parents Irene & Jack Kwartner for their Support, Love & Devotion to Israel’s Disabled Veterans. Molline & Ben Cassuto, Michele & Mel Meyer, Reoda & Alan Kwartner

In Loving Memory Daniella Moffson 1994-2016 zl She touched everyone with loving acts of chesed, tzedakah and kindness Generous of heart, constant of faith, May her memory be a blessing FIDV Young Leaders Board New York, USA

In Loving Memory Daniella Moffson 1994-2016 zl She touched everyone with loving acts of chesed, tzedakah and kindness Generous of heart, constant of faith, May her memory be a blessing FIDV Young Leaders Board New York, USA

In Loving Memory of Agnes Clara Tiffany In recognition of her support towards Zahal Disabled Veterans Germany 2016

In Loving Memory of Agnes Clara Tiffany In recognition of her support towards Zahal Disabled Veterans Germany 2016

In loving memory of Aida & Abram Garfinkel from your nephews of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

In loving memory of Aida & Abram Garfinkel from your nephews of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

In Honor of Chaim Mond on his 80th birthday by his loving family and friends Melbourne, Australia 17.2.2000

In Honor of Chaim Mond on his 80th birthday by his loving family and friends Melbourne, Australia 17.2.2000

In Honor of Claude Abrams, Friend & Supporter, Canada

In Honor of Claude Abrams, Friend & Supporter, Canada

In Honor of David & Rachelle Bronfman and family, Toronto Canada

In Honor of David & Rachelle Bronfman and family, Toronto Canada

In Honor of Dov & Shoshana Korngold a gift from the Johnson Family Foundation by Mark & Limor Johnson, USA 2005

In Honor of Dov & Shoshana Korngold a gift from the Johnson Family Foundation by Mark & Limor Johnson, USA 2005

In Honor of Elena and Arkady Shtrambrandt for their generous support of Zahal Disabled War Veterans Melbourne, September 1997

In Honor of Elena and Arkady Shtrambrandt for their generous support of Zahal Disabled War Veterans Melbourne, September 1997

In Honor of Felix Flicker President of Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, Melbourne on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday , June 6, 1985

In Honor of Felix Flicker President of Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, Melbourne on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday , June 6, 1985

In Honor of FIDV Beit Halochem Young Leadership for their support, generosity and friendship to Zahal Disabled Veterans USA 2015

In Honor of FIDV Beit Halochem Young Leadership for their support, generosity and friendship to Zahal Disabled Veterans USA 2015

In Honor of Florence & Michael Edelstein, True Friends of Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization, for their generosity and outstanding support, New York, USA

In Honor of Florence & Michael Edelstein, True Friends of Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization, for their generosity and outstanding support, New York, USA

In Honor of Helen Rogen for her generous donation to Zahal Disabled Veterans Los Angeles- 2008

In Honor of Helen Rogen for her generous donation to Zahal Disabled Veterans Los Angeles- 2008

In honor of Hyman Smith and Erika Smith z”l

In honor of Hyman Smith and Erika Smith z”l

In Honor of Israel Grossfeld, Chairman of USA Friends of Beit Halochem & his friends for their generosity and support towards Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

In Honor of Israel Grossfeld, Chairman of USA Friends of Beit Halochem & his friends for their generosity and support towards Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

In Honor of Israel Grossfeld, Chairman, USA Friends of Beit Halochem and the generous donors, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

In Honor of Israel Grossfeld, Chairman, USA Friends of Beit Halochem and the generous donors, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

In honor of Itzhak First Fridman man of passion and action defender of righteousness served Israel devotedly before & after 1948 tribute by his wife Ethel Fridman , USA

In honor of Itzhak First Fridman man of passion and action defender of righteousness served Israel devotedly before & after 1948 tribute by his wife Ethel Fridman , USA

In Honor of Jack Chevlin, President & the Committee Members of Monroe Holocaust Survivors for their outstanding support towards Zahal Disabled Veterans, Monroe Township, NJ, USA

In Honor of Jack Chevlin, President & the Committee Members of Monroe Holocaust Survivors for their outstanding support towards Zahal Disabled Veterans, Monroe Township, NJ, USA

In Honor of Maurice & Alain Dabbah, Genève 2002

In Honor of Maurice & Alain Dabbah, Genève 2002

In Honor of Maurits van Thijn & Catharina van Thijn-Blitz with gratitude & appreciation for many years of true friendship & outstanding support towards Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization 2010

In Honor of Maurits van Thijn & Catharina van Thijn-Blitz with gratitude & appreciation for many years of true friendship & outstanding support towards Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization 2010

In Honor of Max Baron for his most generous donation to the Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund, Melbourne, Australia, June 2002

In Honor of Max Baron for his most generous donation to the Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund, Melbourne, Australia, June 2002

In Honor of Meyer Brown in blessed memory of his parents Fannie Ganz Brown Shenkman & Nathan Brown sister & brother in law Ruth & Barnard Wexelman & Rabbi Richard Thaler, USA

In Honor of Meyer Brown in blessed memory of his parents Fannie Ganz Brown Shenkman & Nathan Brown sister & brother in law Ruth & Barnard Wexelman & Rabbi Richard Thaler, USA

In Honor of Michael & Barbara Lissner, True friends and dedicated supporters, New York, USA

In Honor of Michael & Barbara Lissner, True friends and dedicated supporters, New York, USA

In Honor of Monroe Holocaust Survivors for their tireless efforts in raising funds for Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization, New Jersey, USA

In Honor of Monroe Holocaust Survivors for their tireless efforts in raising funds for Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization, New Jersey, USA

In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perel and family, North Woodmere. New York, October 1999

In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perel and family, North Woodmere. New York, October 1999

I. Irving Tubis, Secretary

I. Irving Tubis, Secretary

In appreciation of Esther Kremer z”l for her generosity. Died 18.7.83

In appreciation of Esther Kremer z”l for her generosity. Died 18.7.83

In appreciation of the generosity of Yedis Jubick of London, England, A Faithful Daughter of Israel

In appreciation of the generosity of Yedis Jubick of London, England, A Faithful Daughter of Israel

In appreciation to Mr. & Mrs. R. Heitner a donation to K.M.H. was made by Gold families of Bywell, Sydney, Australia

In appreciation to Mr. & Mrs. R. Heitner a donation to K.M.H. was made by Gold families of Bywell, Sydney, Australia

In Beloved Memory of Isaac Weislic and Felicia (Lucy) Weislic, USA 2010 יצחק יעקב בן אלטר פלטיאל נפטר יט בסיון תשס”ח וציפורה בת הרב יוסף פלדשטין נפטרה ז בתמוז תשסט

In Beloved Memory of Isaac Weislic and Felicia (Lucy) Weislic, USA 2010 יצחק יעקב בן אלטר פלטיאל נפטר יט בסיון תשס”ח וציפורה בת הרב יוסף פלדשטין נפטרה ז בתמוז תשסט

In Beloved Memory of my Husband Simon Lench my parents Leon & Toby Baumwald,my in-laws Shija and Hinda Lenczycki and sister Yenty, in honor of Zahal War Veterans donated by Lee Lench USA- 2009

In Beloved Memory of my Husband Simon Lench my parents Leon & Toby Baumwald,my in-laws Shija and Hinda Lenczycki and sister Yenty, in honor of Zahal War Veterans donated by Lee Lench USA- 2009

In cherished Memory of Dr. Staszex Sharota, His wife Hanka and son Dorian, Sydney, Australia

In cherished Memory of Dr. Staszex Sharota, His wife Hanka and son Dorian, Sydney, Australia

In Cherished Memory of my sister Dr. Tamara Ballard, Raya

In Cherished Memory of my sister Dr. Tamara Ballard, Raya

In Dear Memory of Salomon and Elda Benveniste 2014

In Dear Memory of Salomon and Elda Benveniste 2014

In fond memory of Philip F. Vineberg O.C, Q.C. A pillar of the Montreal Jewish community. a trusted friend and adviser to the Grossman Family Canada

In fond memory of Philip F. Vineberg O.C, Q.C. A pillar of the Montreal Jewish community. a trusted friend and adviser to the Grossman Family Canada

In Honor & Loving Memory of Douwe Stoffelsma for his generous donation to Zahal Disabled Veterans, The Netherlands – 2007

In Honor & Loving Memory of Douwe Stoffelsma for his generous donation to Zahal Disabled Veterans, The Netherlands – 2007

In honor of all who courageously served in defence of Israel Donated by Supporters of Beit Halochem and staunch defenders of Israel Calgary, Canada

In honor of all who courageously served in defence of Israel Donated by Supporters of Beit Halochem and staunch defenders of Israel Calgary, Canada

In honor of Ashley Jacob Opat on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah, Melbourne 17th March 1990

In honor of Ashley Jacob Opat on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah, Melbourne 17th March 1990

In Honor of Betty Laron, Friend & Supporter 2010

In Honor of Betty Laron, Friend & Supporter 2010

Harold Sklar National President

Harold Sklar National President

Harry & Blanche Blatstein

Harry & Blanche Blatstein

Harry & Dorothy Conston

Harry & Dorothy Conston

Harry and Hilda Eisen

Harry and Hilda Eisen

Harry and Masha Flicker of Melbourne

Harry and Masha Flicker of Melbourne

Harry B. and Shirley I. Shapiro

Harry B. and Shirley I. Shapiro

Harry G.Ericsson Lodge # 350

Harry G.Ericsson Lodge # 350

Harry L. & Selma Lipman

Harry L. & Selma Lipman

Harry Low in Memory of My Parents Moses & Betty Low

Harry Low in Memory of My Parents Moses & Betty Low

Harvey and Eileen Grossman & Family Montreal, Canada 2016

Harvey and Eileen Grossman & Family Montreal, Canada 2016

Haym Salomon Lodge # 663

Haym Salomon Lodge # 663

Helen & Henry Rosenbaum & family

Helen & Henry Rosenbaum & family

Helen (nee Flicker) and Paul Forgasz

Helen (nee Flicker) and Paul Forgasz

Helen and Harry Bourke

Helen and Harry Bourke

Helene Knoll – Antwerp in memory of Joseph and Lotte Bleicher- Haifa, Israel – Clara Schimmel – Antwerp, Max Schimmel -Antwerp (Died on Deportation )

Helene Knoll – Antwerp in memory of Joseph and Lotte Bleicher- Haifa, Israel – Clara Schimmel – Antwerp, Max Schimmel -Antwerp (Died on Deportation )

Henrietta Rosen’s parents and Dr. Frank & Henrietta Rosen z”l, USA

Henrietta Rosen’s parents and Dr. Frank & Henrietta Rosen z”l, USA

Henry & Marilyn Taub, Tenafly, N.J

Henry & Marilyn Taub, Tenafly, N.J

Henry and Raquella Birner

Henry and Raquella Birner

Herbert M.& Elaine Stanton

Herbert M.& Elaine Stanton

Herbert V. Kolosky,Vice Chairman

Herbert V. Kolosky,Vice Chairman

Herman & Sadye Ergang

Herman & Sadye Ergang

Herman & Shandee Benn

Herman & Shandee Benn

Howard E. and Gloria M. Gold

Howard E. and Gloria M. Gold

Howard P. Rovner – National Treasurer

Howard P. Rovner – National Treasurer

Friedman Brothers Foundation Los Angeles, California

Friedman Brothers Foundation Los Angeles, California

Friends of Beit Halochem Victoria, Australia

Friends of Beit Halochem Victoria, Australia

Friends of Israel Disabled Veterans Beit Halochem, USA

Friends of Israel Disabled Veterans Beit Halochem, USA

Garden State Lodge # 41

Garden State Lodge # 41

Genia and Jack Liberman of Melbourne In Memory of her parents Szejna and Baruch Fink

Genia and Jack Liberman of Melbourne In Memory of her parents Szejna and Baruch Fink

George & Betty Reisman

George & Betty Reisman

George & Esther Berman

George & Esther Berman

George and Pola Konopnicki of Melbourne in Memory of their late parents Heinach and Shajna Konopnicki and Chil-Majer and Dobrysh Gryneerg

George and Pola Konopnicki of Melbourne in Memory of their late parents Heinach and Shajna Konopnicki and Chil-Majer and Dobrysh Gryneerg

George Szalmuk, Melbourne and Mordechai Shelmor, Tel Aviv. In Memory of their parents Ajzyk and Natasza Szalmuk

George Szalmuk, Melbourne and Mordechai Shelmor, Tel Aviv. In Memory of their parents Ajzyk and Natasza Szalmuk

George X. & Jerre Schwartz

George X. & Jerre Schwartz

Gift of Gertrude Milrod Gotlib Toronto, Canada 2010

Gift of Gertrude Milrod Gotlib Toronto, Canada 2010

Gizela Henschke Preminger, Brazil, in memory of her late husband Benjamin

Gizela Henschke Preminger, Brazil, in memory of her late husband Benjamin

Greater Northeast Lodge # 71

Greater Northeast Lodge # 71

Hadasa Iklas & Miriam Broide in memory of the son Lazar Lulu Broide who fell 28.8.1944

Hadasa Iklas & Miriam Broide in memory of the son Lazar Lulu Broide who fell 28.8.1944

Halina Bloch of Melbourne beloved wife of Salomon Dec. The two orchid growers and donors for K.M.H. remembered by many for their devoted, untired work and generosity towrds the Disabled War Veterans in Israel

Halina Bloch of Melbourne beloved wife of Salomon Dec. The two orchid growers and donors for K.M.H. remembered by many for their devoted, untired work and generosity towrds the Disabled War Veterans in Israel

Halina Bloch of Melbourne in loving Memory of her dear parents David and Roza (nee Stiller) Weichselfisch (Warsaw- Lodz-Poland) and her beloved sisters Carola & Lilka (all perished in the Holocaust) and Marcus and Zoa (nee Ryczke) Bloch (Kalish-Poland), (

Halina Bloch of Melbourne in loving Memory of her dear parents David and Roza (nee Stiller) Weichselfisch (Warsaw- Lodz-Poland) and her beloved sisters Carola & Lilka (all perished in the Holocaust) and Marcus and Zoa (nee Ryczke) Bloch (Kalish-Poland), (

Halina Bloch of Melbourne In Memory of her darling devoted husband and wonderful companion Salomon Bloch (Born Kalish-Polland) passed away 18.1.87 and his dear children Ninka and Mareczek (both perished in the Holocaust)

Halina Bloch of Melbourne In Memory of her darling devoted husband and wonderful companion Salomon Bloch (Born Kalish-Polland) passed away 18.1.87 and his dear children Ninka and Mareczek (both perished in the Holocaust)

Hanka and Max Krauskopf Melbourne In Memory of her

Hanka and Max Krauskopf Melbourne In Memory of her

Harold & Beatrice Sklar

Harold & Beatrice Sklar

Harold & Sylvia Abt

Harold & Sylvia Abt

Harold L. & Marcia Landesberg

Harold L. & Marcia Landesberg

En reconnaissance a la générosité de Lucie Rivka Bloch-Hauser et de sa fille Huguette Heyman Beila bat David, France

En reconnaissance a la générosité de Lucie Rivka Bloch-Hauser et de sa fille Huguette Heyman Beila bat David, France

En Souvenir de nos chers parents z”l, Leon & Elsa Sussmann – Wellisch, Rosette et Alex, Geneve 2005

En Souvenir de nos chers parents z”l, Leon & Elsa Sussmann – Wellisch, Rosette et Alex, Geneve 2005

Eric Bauer, Melbourne, Australia

Eric Bauer, Melbourne, Australia

Ester and the late Leo Sauer of Melbourne

Ester and the late Leo Sauer of Melbourne

Etka and Berko Delatycki in Memory of his parents Szeina Eidla and M

Etka and Berko Delatycki in Memory of his parents Szeina Eidla and M

Etta and Emmanuel Hirsh in Memory of her parents Pinchas and Frimet Hirsh

Etta and Emmanuel Hirsh in Memory of her parents Pinchas and Frimet Hirsh

Eva Malamud, Wynnewood, PA.

Eva Malamud, Wynnewood, PA.

Evelyne and David Grosglik of Melbourne

Evelyne and David Grosglik of Melbourne

Family Lipkies of Melbourne

Family Lipkies of Melbourne

Family Shafir of Melbourne

Family Shafir of Melbourne

Family T. Lipson, Melbourne

Family T. Lipson, Melbourne

Fima and Helen Orwin of Melbourne

Fima and Helen Orwin of Melbourne

Fitness Hall Extension in memory of Dr. Kosman Sydney – Australia Fitness Hall Equipment-Donated by Les Amis de Irgoun Nehei Tzahal Beit Halochem a Geneve, Switzerland

Fitness Hall Extension in memory of Dr. Kosman Sydney – Australia Fitness Hall Equipment-Donated by Les Amis de Irgoun Nehei Tzahal Beit Halochem a Geneve, Switzerland

Frank & Evelyn Zal

Frank & Evelyn Zal

Frank & Judy Greenberg, Kings Point, N.Y.

Frank & Judy Greenberg, Kings Point, N.Y.

Frank Friedberg, Memorial Fund, Kansas City, Kansas

Frank Friedberg, Memorial Fund, Kansas City, Kansas

Edward & Ruth Arnopol

Edward & Ruth Arnopol

Elias M. & Lenora Lavin

Elias M. & Lenora Lavin

Eliezer and Sara Yente Wieder, NY

Eliezer and Sara Yente Wieder, NY

Eliezer Gold Sydney Australia in Memory of his parents Haim Pinhas and Yehudit Gingold K. Yamovitch z”l who passed away in Ostroleka, Poland

Eliezer Gold Sydney Australia in Memory of his parents Haim Pinhas and Yehudit Gingold K. Yamovitch z”l who passed away in Ostroleka, Poland

Elizabeth & Samuel Ludwig Lodge # 60

Elizabeth & Samuel Ludwig Lodge # 60

Elizabeth Boris and Michael Warshall, Melbourne

Elizabeth Boris and Michael Warshall, Melbourne

Elo & Gucia Landau

Elo & Gucia Landau

Em Memoria de: Leiba e Estera Jarczun, Milton Parnes, Miriam Sara I. Gherman, Moise e Eduardo Alhadef, Szamszon Ber-Jarczun (Amigos de Beit Halochem, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)

Em Memoria de: Leiba e Estera Jarczun, Milton Parnes, Miriam Sara I. Gherman, Moise e Eduardo Alhadef, Szamszon Ber-Jarczun (Amigos de Beit Halochem, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)

Emil Goldenberg, Honored by his loving wife Masza and son Julian, Sydney Australia

Emil Goldenberg, Honored by his loving wife Masza and son Julian, Sydney Australia

Emile Zola Lodge # 391

Emile Zola Lodge # 391

Emilia Gold of Melbourne in Memory of her late parents Yehuda Leib and Esther Shindler

Emilia Gold of Melbourne in Memory of her late parents Yehuda Leib and Esther Shindler

En l Honneur de Hubert Habib President de l Association des Amis du Beit Halochem en France En reconnaissance pour son exceptionnel devouement envers les Invalides de Tsahal Paris France

En l Honneur de Hubert Habib President de l Association des Amis du Beit Halochem en France En reconnaissance pour son exceptionnel devouement envers les Invalides de Tsahal Paris France

En lHonneur de Andree Weill En reconnaissance pour sa generosite et son soutien envers les veterans de Tsahal A la Memoire de ses parents Raoul Jacob ben Aaron Weill et Keile Caroline Bat Mindeleu et Moshe Halevy Cannes, France 2015

En lHonneur de Andree Weill En reconnaissance pour sa generosite et son soutien envers les veterans de Tsahal A la Memoire de ses parents Raoul Jacob ben Aaron Weill et Keile Caroline Bat Mindeleu et Moshe Halevy Cannes, France 2015

En l’Honneur de Andrée Weill, Présidente, Jocelyne & Richard Ganem, Association des Invalides du Beit Halochem Cote d’Azur,

En l’Honneur de Andrée Weill, Présidente, Jocelyne & Richard Ganem, Association des Invalides du Beit Halochem Cote d’Azur,

En l’Honneur de Dr. Richard Sion, Président Les Blesses de Tsahal En reconnaissance pour sa générosité envers les Invalides de Tsahal, France

En l’Honneur de Dr. Richard Sion, Président Les Blesses de Tsahal En reconnaissance pour sa générosité envers les Invalides de Tsahal, France

En l’Honneur de Rachel & Jacques Dabbah et leurs fils Maurice et Alain En reconnaissance pour leur générosité envers les Invalides de Tsahal, Beneve, Suisse

En l’Honneur de Rachel & Jacques Dabbah et leurs fils Maurice et Alain En reconnaissance pour leur générosité envers les Invalides de Tsahal, Beneve, Suisse

En memoire de Leon et Lily Zaslavski pour leur generosite et leur attachment a Israel Paris, France לזכרם של ליאון ולילי זסלבסקי ובהוקרה לנדיבותם

En memoire de Leon et Lily Zaslavski pour leur generosite et leur attachment a Israel Paris, France לזכרם של ליאון ולילי זסלבסקי ובהוקרה לנדיבותם

En Memoria de Netti Menuja Specht de Lowi Felipe Lowi

En Memoria de Netti Menuja Specht de Lowi Felipe Lowi

Donated by Esther and Reuven Eshel In loving memory of Riva Kiper Riva was a founding member of Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim Beit Halochem Melbourne Australia

Donated by Esther and Reuven Eshel In loving memory of Riva Kiper Riva was a founding member of Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim Beit Halochem Melbourne Australia

Donated by Inez and Joseph Zelikovitz, Ottawa, Canada

Donated by Inez and Joseph Zelikovitz, Ottawa, Canada

Donated by Karen, Mark, Akiva, Ariella Yona and Asher Franks Melbourne, Australia

Donated by Karen, Mark, Akiva, Ariella Yona and Asher Franks Melbourne, Australia

Donated by Sara and Fred Liebmann in memory of their families Liebmann and Blumenkranc of Melbourne , Australia. In appreciation of their generosity to the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization in Israel , February 2003

Donated by Sara and Fred Liebmann in memory of their families Liebmann and Blumenkranc of Melbourne , Australia. In appreciation of their generosity to the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization in Israel , February 2003

Donated by The NSW Association of Sepharadim Sephardi Synagogue Sydney, Australia

Donated by The NSW Association of Sepharadim Sephardi Synagogue Sydney, Australia

Donated by Yachdav Minyan Toronto, Canada 2014

Donated by Yachdav Minyan Toronto, Canada 2014

Donated from the estate of the late Nachman Galobchyk Rishon Lezion by Ms. Hasida Huberman

Donated from the estate of the late Nachman Galobchyk Rishon Lezion by Ms. Hasida Huberman

Donated in Honor of the Bar Mitzvah of David Gershov by Relatives and Friends, Melbourne, Australia

Donated in Honor of the Bar Mitzvah of David Gershov by Relatives and Friends, Melbourne, Australia

Donated in Honor of the Bar Mitzvah of our son Adam Abe and Barbara Waisman Melbourne, April 1993

Donated in Honor of the Bar Mitzvah of our son Adam Abe and Barbara Waisman Melbourne, April 1993

Donated in loving memory of our husband and father Benjamin Verny Hosiosky by Aliza and Leor Hosiosky Canada 2015

Donated in loving memory of our husband and father Benjamin Verny Hosiosky by Aliza and Leor Hosiosky Canada 2015

Donation made by Arie and Malka Gold, Chanoch and Klila Gold Sydney, Australia on the occasion of their retirement

Donation made by Arie and Malka Gold, Chanoch and Klila Gold Sydney, Australia on the occasion of their retirement

Donation of Abba (Abe) z”l and Rita Krum

Donation of Abba (Abe) z”l and Rita Krum

Donation of Mrs. Lichtensztejn In Memory of her late husband Jakub Lichtensztejn. Paris

Donation of Mrs. Lichtensztejn In Memory of her late husband Jakub Lichtensztejn. Paris

Donation of Tova Gordon in Memory of her late husband Matitiahu Gordon z”l

Donation of Tova Gordon in Memory of her late husband Matitiahu Gordon z”l

Doron and Shmuel Nagar for their longstanding friendship and support, Hong Kong דורון ושמואל נגר בהערכה על תמיכה וידידות רבת שנים, הונג קונג

Doron and Shmuel Nagar for their longstanding friendship and support, Hong Kong דורון ושמואל נגר בהערכה על תמיכה וידידות רבת שנים, הונג קונג

Dorothy & Milton Fischer Estate, USA

Dorothy & Milton Fischer Estate, USA

Dov Eliezer Delatycki by his parents Miriam and Jehuda Delatycki

Dov Eliezer Delatycki by his parents Miriam and Jehuda Delatycki

Dr. Abraham Freedman

Dr. Abraham Freedman

Dr. Jacob & Evelyn Light, Los Angeles, California

Dr. Jacob & Evelyn Light, Los Angeles, California

Dr. M. Lieder Mrazek, Melbourne – in Memory of his mother Chaja Hula Lieder

Dr. M. Lieder Mrazek, Melbourne – in Memory of his mother Chaja Hula Lieder

Dr. Max & Gianna Glassman

Dr. Max & Gianna Glassman

David & Sara Farajun and Family, Toronto, Canada 2009

David & Sara Farajun and Family, Toronto, Canada 2009

David Aberbach Memorial Fund, FIDV, USA 2000

David Aberbach Memorial Fund, FIDV, USA 2000

David Cohen, Melbourne, in Memory of his brother Yehoshiahu z”l, his parents and sister, victims of the Nazis, Refael Yaacov and Hannah Mindel, Yocheved and her husband Avraham Bergman z”l

David Cohen, Melbourne, in Memory of his brother Yehoshiahu z”l, his parents and sister, victims of the Nazis, Refael Yaacov and Hannah Mindel, Yocheved and her husband Avraham Bergman z”l

David E. Molish

David E. Molish

David J. & Hilda Saner

David J. & Hilda Saner

Dawidowicz Melbourne

Dawidowicz Melbourne

Debora e Jaime Celso Bogorotty, Familia Chanan e Eliana Rubin, Familia Blank, Mauricio Plutz z”l, Nelson e Janete Cuptchik, Rosa Meisler e Josef Fischberg z”l (Amigos de Beit Halochem, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)

Debora e Jaime Celso Bogorotty, Familia Chanan e Eliana Rubin, Familia Blank, Mauricio Plutz z”l, Nelson e Janete Cuptchik, Rosa Meisler e Josef Fischberg z”l (Amigos de Beit Halochem, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)

Dedicated by Abraham and Mary Goldman, Miami Beach, Florida USA

Dedicated by Abraham and Mary Goldman, Miami Beach, Florida USA

Dedicated In loving memory of Lilly Boehm USA

Dedicated In loving memory of Lilly Boehm USA

Dedicated in memory of Mike Vas (Weinberger) z”l in memory of his brothers Adolf z”l and Martin z”l and in memory of their family who were murdered in the Shoah

Dedicated in memory of Mike Vas (Weinberger) z”l in memory of his brothers Adolf z”l and Martin z”l and in memory of their family who were murdered in the Shoah

Dedicated to Those Whom This Building Serves and to All Those Who Serve Them, Isaac Joel Shleien 1906-1996, Los Angeles, CA

Dedicated to Those Whom This Building Serves and to All Those Who Serve Them, Isaac Joel Shleien 1906-1996, Los Angeles, CA

Delco-Stanton Lodge #59

Delco-Stanton Lodge #59

Diana and Antony Burgess, Melbourne

Diana and Antony Burgess, Melbourne

Dina and Isaac Koekoek, Lieneke and Lex Koekoek, Bettina and George Koekoek Amsterdam, Holland

Dina and Isaac Koekoek, Lieneke and Lex Koekoek, Bettina and George Koekoek Amsterdam, Holland

Docteur et Madame Aron Kaplan de Paris

Docteur et Madame Aron Kaplan de Paris

Donated by Anna Klein z”l of blessed memory

Donated by Anna Klein z”l of blessed memory

Donated by Arthur Gonosky & J.Weisel, New York, N.Y

Donated by Arthur Gonosky & J.Weisel, New York, N.Y

Bronia and Misha (Mechel) Eckhaus Melbourne, in Memory of their families Waserman-Eckhaus, perished in the Holocaust

Bronia and Misha (Mechel) Eckhaus Melbourne, in Memory of their families Waserman-Eckhaus, perished in the Holocaust

Cacilie Weis- Cape Town

Cacilie Weis- Cape Town

Cardozo Lodge #400

Cardozo Lodge #400

Cardozo Women Chapter

Cardozo Women Chapter

Carolyn Lane, Elizabeth, N.J.

Carolyn Lane, Elizabeth, N.J.

Chaim and Tania Liberman Melbourne, In Memory of his parents Sara Reizel and Arye Liberman

Chaim and Tania Liberman Melbourne, In Memory of his parents Sara Reizel and Arye Liberman

Chaya Halperin

Chaya Halperin

Cherry Hill, Lodge # 966

Cherry Hill, Lodge # 966

Choma Ann and Robert Zablud

Choma Ann and Robert Zablud

Col. Lipski Julius, France

Col. Lipski Julius, France

Comite Beit Halochem Venezuela

Comite Beit Halochem Venezuela

Contributed in memory of Theodore Lotz by his wife the late Ruth Lotz of Philadelphia, PA.

Contributed in memory of Theodore Lotz by his wife the late Ruth Lotz of Philadelphia, PA.

Daniel Star-Bar Mitzvah 20.03.82, Melbourne Australia

Daniel Star-Bar Mitzvah 20.03.82, Melbourne Australia

David & Lori Blech, New York, N.Y.

David & Lori Blech, New York, N.Y.

Beit Halochem, Canada, Aid to Disabled Veterans of Israel

Beit Halochem, Canada, Aid to Disabled Veterans of Israel

Beit Halochem, Israel, Cape Town

Beit Halochem, Israel, Cape Town

Bennett & Sonia Goldstein

Bennett & Sonia Goldstein

Benny & Miriam Hendler, Miami, Florida

Benny & Miriam Hendler, Miami, Florida

Bequest by Kate (Katalin) Reiser z”l of blessed memory 1922-2006 Hungary/USA

Bequest by Kate (Katalin) Reiser z”l of blessed memory 1922-2006 Hungary/USA

Bernard & Annabelle Fishman

Bernard & Annabelle Fishman

Bernard & Etta H. Weinberg

Bernard & Etta H. Weinberg

Bernard van Zuiden

Bernard van Zuiden

Berta and Abram Zbar

Berta and Abram Zbar

Berth & Kathy Speier, Pine Bush, N.Y

Berth & Kathy Speier, Pine Bush, N.Y

Betar- Educational Youth Organization, New York

Betar- Educational Youth Organization, New York

Betty & Bernard Kessler

Betty & Bernard Kessler

Betty Eisenstadt

Betty Eisenstadt

B’nai Brith – Sydney Lodge on the 25th Anniversary of its foundation

B’nai Brith – Sydney Lodge on the 25th Anniversary of its foundation

Bnai Zion Foundation USA American Friends of Beit Halochem

Bnai Zion Foundation USA American Friends of Beit Halochem

Bnei Zion Organization N.Y

Bnei Zion Organization N.Y

Brith Sholom Women

Brith Sholom Women

British Friends of Beit Halochem UK, England

British Friends of Beit Halochem UK, England

Regina Parker Amarant et Milou Amarant Clermont FD France 1987

Regina Parker Amarant et Milou Amarant Clermont FD France 1987

Amis des Invalides de Tzahal Beit Halohem a Genève, Switzerland

Amis des Invalides de Tzahal Beit Halohem a Genève, Switzerland

Ana and Leon Lisenberg, Buenos Aires

Ana and Leon Lisenberg, Buenos Aires

Andre and Rosa Reitberger, Sydney Australia

Andre and Rosa Reitberger, Sydney Australia

Anita and Paul Krongold, Melbourne

Anita and Paul Krongold, Melbourne

Anka Schneider in Memory of her child Haneczka, parents W. and R. Muskatenbluth and sisters

Anka Schneider in Memory of her child Haneczka, parents W. and R. Muskatenbluth and sisters

Anna Gold Briarwood, N.Y

Anna Gold Briarwood, N.Y

Anonymous donation from Montreal, Canada

Anonymous donation from Montreal, Canada

Arbesman family

Arbesman family

Armin & Klara Kesner of Melbourne

Armin & Klara Kesner of Melbourne

Arnold J. & Florrie Silvers

Arnold J. & Florrie Silvers

Arthur Shafir of Melbourne In Memory of his parents Emilja and Natan Szafir

Arthur Shafir of Melbourne In Memory of his parents Emilja and Natan Szafir

Association des Amis du Beit Halochem en France

Association des Amis du Beit Halochem en France

Association of Disabled Veterans of Fight Against Nazism

Association of Disabled Veterans of Fight Against Nazism

Audio visual equipment for the classrooms was donated in memory of Dr. Erland Goldman by his family, Stockholm, Sweden 2013 ציוד שמע והקרנה בכיתות נתרם לזכרו של ד”ר ארלנד גולדמן ז”ל ע”י בני משפחתו, שטוקהולם, שבדיב 2013

Audio visual equipment for the classrooms was donated in memory of Dr. Erland Goldman by his family, Stockholm, Sweden 2013 ציוד שמע והקרנה בכיתות נתרם לזכרו של ד”ר ארלנד גולדמן ז”ל ע”י בני משפחתו, שטוקהולם, שבדיב 2013

Auditorium dedicated by Ethel & Leonard Landau (8th generation grandson of Noda Beyehuda) Palm Beach, Fla. & Elkins Park PA. USA, in honor of children Dr & Mrs Steven W. (Merle) Fischer and Dr. & Mrs Lewis P. (Susan) Fleishman

Auditorium dedicated by Ethel & Leonard Landau (8th generation grandson of Noda Beyehuda) Palm Beach, Fla. & Elkins Park PA. USA, in honor of children Dr & Mrs Steven W. (Merle) Fischer and Dr. & Mrs Lewis P. (Susan) Fleishman

Avraham Zvi and Lucy Alka, Melbourne, Australia

Avraham Zvi and Lucy Alka, Melbourne, Australia

Beit Halochem – Israel Cape Town

Beit Halochem – Israel Cape Town

A la Memoire de Lejb Kaufman, En reconnaissance pour sa générosité envers les Invalides de Tsahal, Bruxelles, Belgique

A la Memoire de Lejb Kaufman, En reconnaissance pour sa générosité envers les Invalides de Tsahal, Bruxelles, Belgique

A la memoire de Maurice et Regine Tzioup Roanne, France, Citron family

A la memoire de Maurice et Regine Tzioup Roanne, France, Citron family

A la Mémoire de Maurice Taieb z”l, Fondateur des Amis du Beit Halochem en France en l’Honneur de Bella Taeib et son fils Alain, Paris, France

A la Mémoire de Maurice Taieb z”l, Fondateur des Amis du Beit Halochem en France en l’Honneur de Bella Taeib et son fils Alain, Paris, France

A la mémoire de Metzger Irma z”l en remerciement pour sa générosité, France 2001

A la mémoire de Metzger Irma z”l en remerciement pour sa générosité, France 2001

A la Mémoire de Paulette Gauchat, née Meyer z”l, en reconnaissance pour sa générosité envers les Invalides de Tsahal, Suisse לזכר פולט גושה לבית מאייר זל

A la Mémoire de Paulette Gauchat, née Meyer z”l, en reconnaissance pour sa générosité envers les Invalides de Tsahal, Suisse לזכר פולט גושה לבית מאייר זל

A la mémoire de Suzette Levy z”l en reconnaissance pour sa générosité envers les Invalides de Tsahal, France 2007 לזכר סוזט לוי ז”ל בהוקרה על תרומתה הנדיבה לארגון נכי צה”ל

A la mémoire de Suzette Levy z”l en reconnaissance pour sa générosité envers les Invalides de Tsahal, France 2007 לזכר סוזט לוי ז”ל בהוקרה על תרומתה הנדיבה לארגון נכי צה”ל

A Yoga Program has been established from the Estate of Helen & Henry Newman in Honor of Sara & Moses Starkman USA

A Yoga Program has been established from the Estate of Helen & Henry Newman in Honor of Sara & Moses Starkman USA

Abraham & Nettie Gardner

Abraham & Nettie Gardner

Abraham A. & Dorothy Bell

Abraham A. & Dorothy Bell

Abraham S. Kay and Minnie Kay, Washington DC, USA

Abraham S. Kay and Minnie Kay, Washington DC, USA

Abram Rajchenberg Rubinlicht

Abram Rajchenberg Rubinlicht

Adele & Leon Halber

Adele & Leon Halber

Aid to Disabled Veterans of Israel Beit Halochem, Canada

Aid to Disabled Veterans of Israel Beit Halochem, Canada

Aktionskomitee “Pro Israel”, Switzerland

Aktionskomitee “Pro Israel”, Switzerland

Albert Bernbaum – Immediate past National President

Albert Bernbaum – Immediate past National President

Alex & Olga Eisen & family

Alex & Olga Eisen & family

Alex E. Sopenoff- National Chaplain

Alex E. Sopenoff- National Chaplain

Alexander F. and Fannie Stanton

Alexander F. and Fannie Stanton

Alf Shwartzbaum, Israel, in memory of his late wife Miriam

Alf Shwartzbaum, Israel, in memory of his late wife Miriam

Alfred M. & Elizabeth Sharp

Alfred M. & Elizabeth Sharp

“Bat Eilat” USA

“Bat Eilat” USA

“Bnai Brith Sydney Lodge 1546”, Australia on its 25th Anniversary 17.12.69

“Bnai Brith Sydney Lodge 1546”, Australia on its 25th Anniversary 17.12.69

“Chevrat Lomdei Torah” South Africa

“Chevrat Lomdei Torah” South Africa

40 Members of LA Synagogue, USA

40 Members of LA Synagogue, USA

6.15 Group of Commuters, England

6.15 Group of Commuters, England

A donation for Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, Mrs. Deborah Shapira, Sydney, In Memory of her husband Aharon Shapira z”l

A donation for Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, Mrs. Deborah Shapira, Sydney, In Memory of her husband Aharon Shapira z”l

A donation for Mishpachot Hagiborim from Zipora Mordo, Sydney Australia

A donation for Mishpachot Hagiborim from Zipora Mordo, Sydney Australia

A donation to Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, David Schiff- Sydney Australia

A donation to Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim, David Schiff- Sydney Australia

A Fund has been Established by Terry Aronson in Loving Memory of Manuel Aronson (June 16, 1895- August 6, 1960), USA

A Fund has been Established by Terry Aronson in Loving Memory of Manuel Aronson (June 16, 1895- August 6, 1960), USA

A generous donation was made in Loving Memory of Icek Eksztain and Sprinca Eksztain (Cukier) who perished in the Holocaust

A generous donation was made in Loving Memory of Icek Eksztain and Sprinca Eksztain (Cukier) who perished in the Holocaust

A generous donation was made in Loving Memory of Nuchim Sztajer & Laja Sztajer (Berlinski) who perished in the Holocaust

A generous donation was made in Loving Memory of Nuchim Sztajer & Laja Sztajer (Berlinski) who perished in the Holocaust

A la memoire de Danielle Davis, nee Haik et de son fils Yves Haik Witner Bienfaiteurs du Beit Halochem France 2015 לזכר דניאל דוויס לבית הייק זל ובנה איב הייק ויטנר בהוקרה על תרומתה הנדיבה צרפת2015

A la memoire de Danielle Davis, nee Haik et de son fils Yves Haik Witner Bienfaiteurs du Beit Halochem France 2015 לזכר דניאל דוויס לבית הייק זל ובנה איב הייק ויטנר בהוקרה על תרומתה הנדיבה צרפת2015

A la Memoire de Danielle Davis, nee Haik et de son fils Yves Haik Witner France 2015 לזכר דניאל דוויס לבית הייק זל ובנה איב הייק ויטנר צרפת 2015

A la Memoire de Danielle Davis, nee Haik et de son fils Yves Haik Witner France 2015 לזכר דניאל דוויס לבית הייק זל ובנה איב הייק ויטנר צרפת 2015

A la Memoire de Danielle Davis, nee Haik et de son fils Yves Haik Witner France 2015 לזכר דניאל דוויס לבית הייק זל ובנה איב הייק ויטנר צרפת 2015

A la Memoire de Danielle Davis, nee Haik et de son fils Yves Haik Witner France 2015 לזכר דניאל דוויס לבית הייק זל ובנה איב הייק ויטנר צרפת 2015

A la Memoire de Elie et Sarah Taube Paris, France לזכר אלי ושרה טאוב זל פריז, צרפת

A la Memoire de Elie et Sarah Taube Paris, France לזכר אלי ושרה טאוב זל פריז, צרפת

A la mémoire de Ernest & Cecile Djaoui z”l en remerciement pour leur générosité, France 2004

A la mémoire de Ernest & Cecile Djaoui z”l en remerciement pour leur générosité, France 2004

A la mémoire de Etlya & Mordko Resnik z”l, Peretz Resnik z”l. De la part de leurs petits-fils et fils Michel, Olivier, Arnaud Resnik, Europe – 2009

A la mémoire de Etlya & Mordko Resnik z”l, Peretz Resnik z”l. De la part de leurs petits-fils et fils Michel, Olivier, Arnaud Resnik, Europe – 2009

A la Mémoire de Feiga Rabinovitch, née Calschi z”l En reconnaissance pour sa générosité envers les Invalides de Tsahal France

A la Mémoire de Feiga Rabinovitch, née Calschi z”l En reconnaissance pour sa générosité envers les Invalides de Tsahal France

A la Mémoire de Isaac & Tauba Rachele Pozniak en lHonneur de Annette Pozniak, Cannes, France 2011 לזכר יצחק וטובה רחל פוזניאק זל

A la Mémoire de Isaac & Tauba Rachele Pozniak en lHonneur de Annette Pozniak, Cannes, France 2011 לזכר יצחק וטובה רחל פוזניאק זל

A la mémoire de Jochil & Ajdla Halber z”l en reconnaissance pour leur générosité, France- 2005 לזכר יחיאל ואידלה הלבר ז”ל על תרומתם הנדיבה

A la mémoire de Jochil & Ajdla Halber z”l en reconnaissance pour leur générosité, France- 2005 לזכר יחיאל ואידלה הלבר ז”ל על תרומתם הנדיבה


Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M
Branch No. 93200/18
Iban: IL69 0106 3100 0000 9320 018

Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund
49 Shmuel Barcay St.,
Tel Aviv, 6139201