Haifa Center

לזכר המנוחה רושה (רוזה)  קורנבליט (לבית נאאס)

לזכר המנוחה רושה (רוזה) קורנבליט (לבית נאאס)

In Blessed Memory of Ruth Bachner Smulowicz Nov. 12 1918 March 16 1983 Vienna

In Blessed Memory of Ruth Bachner Smulowicz Nov. 12 1918 March 16 1983 Vienna

David Tessel

David Tessel

Don Offert Par Mme. Josie Laloum a la Memoire de Son Epoux Raymond Nessim Laloum z”l 29 aout 1934-3 november 2021 Marseille, France

Don Offert Par Mme. Josie Laloum a la Memoire de Son Epoux Raymond Nessim Laloum z”l 29 aout 1934-3 november 2021 Marseille, France

לזכר ברטה מייזלס ז”ל (לבית רוזנבאום) ויוסף מייזלס ז”ל בהוקרה על תרומתם הנדיבה מאי 2007

לזכר ברטה מייזלס ז”ל (לבית רוזנבאום) ויוסף מייזלס ז”ל בהוקרה על תרומתם הנדיבה מאי 2007

Helen and Peter Simpson in Memory of Our Fathers Ernest Simpson Arthur Anisfeld

Helen and Peter Simpson in Memory of Our Fathers Ernest Simpson Arthur Anisfeld

Donated by Gloria and Eugene Landy NJ, USA In the Memory of Adv. Shlomo Sharon z”l a Fighter on Behalf of Zahal Disabled Veterans

Donated by Gloria and Eugene Landy NJ, USA In the Memory of Adv. Shlomo Sharon z”l a Fighter on Behalf of Zahal Disabled Veterans

In Honor of USA Friends of Beit Halochem for Their Tireless and Devoted Efforts in Raising Funds for Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization U.S.A

In Honor of USA Friends of Beit Halochem for Their Tireless and Devoted Efforts in Raising Funds for Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization U.S.A

לזכר קהילת זלוצ’וב (פולין) שניספתה בשואה 1944

לזכר קהילת זלוצ’וב (פולין) שניספתה בשואה 1944

לזכרה של רומה פרניק ז”ל בעלה עזרא ובנם האהוב אבנר ובהוקרה על תרומתה הנדיבה לארגון נכי צה”ל חיפה 30.1.98

לזכרה של רומה פרניק ז”ל בעלה עזרא ובנם האהוב אבנר ובהוקרה על תרומתה הנדיבה לארגון נכי צה”ל חיפה 30.1.98

לזכר המנוח נורמן (נחמן) וולפר ז”ל In Memory of Norman (Nachman) Wolper

לזכר המנוח נורמן (נחמן) וולפר ז”ל In Memory of Norman (Nachman) Wolper

Eric and Rachel Teltscher We Salute All the Heroes USA

Eric and Rachel Teltscher We Salute All the Heroes USA

S.A. Friends of Beit Halochem Johannesburg

S.A. Friends of Beit Halochem Johannesburg

Stichting Vrienden van Beth Halochem, Holland

Stichting Vrienden van Beth Halochem, Holland

A la Memoire de Fany Amarant Nathan Amarant Regina Parker-Amarant Clermont-FD France 1987

A la Memoire de Fany Amarant Nathan Amarant Regina Parker-Amarant Clermont-FD France 1987

תרומת יצחק נחמן גוזיצ’נסקי מסנדומיר-פולין ורעיתו ידז’ה לבית ריישר מרדום-פולין

תרומת יצחק נחמן גוזיצ’נסקי מסנדומיר-פולין ורעיתו ידז’ה לבית ריישר מרדום-פולין

לזכרם של מגדלנה ויוסף פנסקי ז”ל In Memory of Magdalena and Jozef Panski

לזכרם של מגדלנה ויוסף פנסקי ז”ל In Memory of Magdalena and Jozef Panski

Leonard & Ethel Landau

Leonard & Ethel Landau

Alexander L. & Ruth Silberman

Alexander L. & Ruth Silberman

David E. & Jeanette Molish

David E. & Jeanette Molish

Joseph Luterman, Vice-Chairman

Joseph Luterman, Vice-Chairman

Leonard Landau, Vice-Chairman

Leonard Landau, Vice-Chairman

Charles Conston, Vice-Chairman

Charles Conston, Vice-Chairman

Alexander F. Stanton, Chairman

Alexander F. Stanton, Chairman

לזכר ג’ורג’ אבלס ז”ל חבר הבית בהוקרה על תרומתו הנדיבה לבית הלוחם חיפה 2013

לזכר ג’ורג’ אבלס ז”ל חבר הבית בהוקרה על תרומתו הנדיבה לבית הלוחם חיפה 2013

In loving memory of our dear cousin Rina Cohen Forever in our Hearts Harvey and Eileen Grossman and Family Montreal, Canada 2022

לזכרה של זהבה קרייזמן, בני ברק

לזכרה של זהבה קרייזמן, בני ברק

The Cilina Donation, Zurich,  קרן ציליאן, ציריך

The Cilina Donation, Zurich, קרן ציליאן, ציריך

Donated by Karen, Mark, Akiva, Ariella, Yona and Asher Franks Melbourne, Australia

Donated by Karen, Mark, Akiva, Ariella, Yona and Asher Franks Melbourne, Australia

For the journey ahead with appreciation, Gila Fainstein and Family Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada 2020

For the journey ahead with appreciation, Gila Fainstein and Family Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada 2020

For the journey ahead with appreciation, Gila Fainstein and Family Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada 2020

Kadima! from your friends in Melbourne, Australia

Kadima! from your friends in Melbourne, Australia

Kadima! from your friends in Melbourne, Australia

In memory of the Family Pivnik and Family Wandersman of Bedzin and Family Lefkovitch of Wadaslaw Poland

In memory of the Family Pivnik and Family Wandersman of Bedzin and Family Lefkovitch of Wadaslaw Poland

In memory of the Family Pivnik and Family Wandersman of Bedzin and Family Lefkovitch of Wadaslaw Poland

The Late Eva (Chawa) Rosenzweig-in Memory of her late brother Lev and sister Hella of Bad Manheim W. Germany

The Late Eva (Chawa) Rosenzweig-in Memory of her late brother Lev and sister Hella of Bad Manheim W. Germany

The Late Eva (Chawa) Rosenzweig-in Memory of her late brother Lev and sister Hella of Bad Manheim W. Germany

In Memory of My Dear Husband Max Einhorn Holland

In Memory of My Dear Husband Max Einhorn Holland

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Radzeli Cleveland USA in Memory of Their Beloved son Moshe Ben Ami (1958-1983)

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Radzeli Cleveland USA in Memory of Their Beloved son Moshe Ben Ami (1958-1983)

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Radzeli Cleveland USA in Memory of Their Beloved son Moshe Ben Ami (1958-1983)

In loving memory of Bertha and Jacobo Stern, Irving Kastner, z”l In honor of Arturo, Rebeca and Samuel Stern, Dedicated by Sheridan Vernon, EA USA

In loving memory of Bertha and Jacobo Stern, Irving Kastner, z”l In honor of Arturo, Rebeca and Samuel Stern, Dedicated by Sheridan Vernon, EA USA

In loving memory of Bertha and Jacobo Stern, Irving Kastner, z”l In honor of Arturo, Rebeca and Samuel Stern, Dedicated by Sheridan Vernon, EA USA

לזכרה של שרה רשקובן ז”ל ע”י בעלה דוד רשקובן

לזכרה של שרה רשקובן ז”ל ע”י בעלה דוד רשקובן

לזכרם של ברטה ובעלה חיים מילר מרמת גן

לזכרם של ברטה ובעלה חיים מילר מרמת גן

לזכרם של ישראל וצילה גסנר

לזכרם של ישראל וצילה גסנר

לזכרם של רחל ובעלה חיים שלמה פורת

לזכרם של רחל ובעלה חיים שלמה פורת

מכון פיזיותרפיה ע”ש טובה וינר ז”ל בהוקרה על תרומתה הנדיבה לארגון נכי צה”ל ולזכר בעלה יצחק וינר ש”ל

מכון פיזיותרפיה ע”ש טובה וינר ז”ל בהוקרה על תרומתה הנדיבה לארגון נכי צה”ל ולזכר בעלה יצחק וינר ש”ל

מעזבונה של אינג אירנה לנדאו In Memory of Ing. Irena Landau, Sydney, Haifa

מעזבונה של אינג אירנה לנדאו In Memory of Ing. Irena Landau, Sydney, Haifa

לזכר הינדה ושמעון הקה ז”ל ישראל 1996

לזכר הינדה ושמעון הקה ז”ל ישראל 1996

לזכר המנוח ברטהולד (יהודה בן שאול) ורנר ז”ל

לזכר המנוח ברטהולד (יהודה בן שאול) ורנר ז”ל

לזכר ג’קלין אודט גרשמן זל לזכר בעלה אריק יאיר גרשמן זל בהוקרה על תרומתם הנדיבה לנכי צהל ישראל 2015

לזכר ג’קלין אודט גרשמן זל לזכר בעלה אריק יאיר גרשמן זל בהוקרה על תרומתם הנדיבה לנכי צהל ישראל 2015

לזכר לאה ארבל ז”ל על תרומתה הנדיבה לארגון נכי צה”ל ישראל

לזכר לאה ארבל ז”ל על תרומתה הנדיבה לארגון נכי צה”ל ישראל

לזכר מרגלית מלס ז”ל על תרומתה לארגון נכי צה”ל לזכר בעלה יצחק מלס ז”ל

לזכר מרגלית מלס ז”ל על תרומתה לארגון נכי צה”ל לזכר בעלה יצחק מלס ז”ל

לזכר פייגה אנצל ז”ל ובהוקרה על תרומתה הנדיבה לארגון נכי צה”ל ישראל 2013

לזכר פייגה אנצל ז”ל ובהוקרה על תרומתה הנדיבה לארגון נכי צה”ל ישראל 2013

With Deep Appreciation to Tonya and Michael Herskovitz for their true friendship and support Philadelphia, USA 2015

With Deep Appreciation to Tonya and Michael Herskovitz for their true friendship and support Philadelphia, USA 2015

With generous suppuort from Charles and Renee Abrams Sydney, Australia

With generous suppuort from Charles and Renee Abrams Sydney, Australia

With much love and respect for Fannie and Alex Stanton from Shirley Conston Betsy Conston and Linda Noltzman Cindy and Robert Savett Marcia and Stuart Conston Philadelphia, USA

With much love and respect for Fannie and Alex Stanton from Shirley Conston Betsy Conston and Linda Noltzman Cindy and Robert Savett Marcia and Stuart Conston Philadelphia, USA

Yehuda & Yehudit Morgenstern in memory of their children Blima & Huna Shmil z”l

Yehuda & Yehudit Morgenstern in memory of their children Blima & Huna Shmil z”l

Yosef Fuchs & Ray (Rachel Fuchs z”l, Israel)

Yosef Fuchs & Ray (Rachel Fuchs z”l, Israel)



לזכר אבא, סבא מקס מרדכי זילברגלייט ז”ל מהמשפחה האוהבת, אבירז-רוזנפלדת יהב. ארה”ב, ישראל 2011

לזכר אבא, סבא מקס מרדכי זילברגלייט ז”ל מהמשפחה האוהבת, אבירז-רוזנפלדת יהב. ארה”ב, ישראל 2011

Van Donated with Love by S.A. Friends of Beit Halochem Johannesburg,South Africa 2008

Van Donated with Love by S.A. Friends of Beit Halochem Johannesburg,South Africa 2008

Victory Lodge # 42

Victory Lodge # 42

Vigdor Lodge # 502

Vigdor Lodge # 502

William & Bette Sobel

William & Bette Sobel

William S. & Selma Fishman

William S. & Selma Fishman

William J. & Berta V. Stein

William J. & Berta V. Stein

William S.Fishman In Memory of Max Fishman Phila.Pa. USA- Social and Cultural Area

William S.Fishman In Memory of Max Fishman Phila.Pa. USA- Social and Cultural Area

With appreciation to Catharina and Maurits Van Thijn, for their generous contribution towards Equipment in the Fitness Hall, Holland June 2006

With appreciation to Catharina and Maurits Van Thijn, for their generous contribution towards Equipment in the Fitness Hall, Holland June 2006

The Salomon Shenterfeler Ceramics and Sculpting Hall

The Salomon Shenterfeler Ceramics and Sculpting Hall

The Treatment Centre was donated by The Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust England מרכז הטיפולים נתרם עי קרן צרלס וולפסון אנגליה 2015

The Treatment Centre was donated by The Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust England מרכז הטיפולים נתרם עי קרן צרלס וולפסון אנגליה 2015

Theodore & Dorothy Molish

Theodore & Dorothy Molish

Theodore Roosevelt Lodge 15

Theodore Roosevelt Lodge 15

This van was donated by the generous supporters of ZDVO Beit Halochem Australia 2015 נתרם בנדיבות על ידי בית הלוחם אוסטרליה

This van was donated by the generous supporters of ZDVO Beit Halochem Australia 2015 נתרם בנדיבות על ידי בית הלוחם אוסטרליה

To Honor Herbert Marshall Stanton in Memoriam, by his father & mother Alexander F. and Fannie Stanton and his sister & brother in law Shirley and Charles Conston, PHILA. PA. USA

To Honor Herbert Marshall Stanton in Memoriam, by his father & mother Alexander F. and Fannie Stanton and his sister & brother in law Shirley and Charles Conston, PHILA. PA. USA

The late Grisha and Nina Kagan of Cape Town

The late Grisha and Nina Kagan of Cape Town

The late Meir Gusman bequest

The late Meir Gusman bequest

The Physiotherapy Equipment was donated by the Graham and Rhona Beck Foundation, Israel הציוד למכון הפיזיותרפיה נתרם ע”י קרן גרהם ורונה בק, ישראל

The Physiotherapy Equipment was donated by the Graham and Rhona Beck Foundation, Israel הציוד למכון הפיזיותרפיה נתרם ע”י קרן גרהם ורונה בק, ישראל

Table Tennis Hall Donated by the South African Friends of Beit Halochem 2008

Table Tennis Hall Donated by the South African Friends of Beit Halochem 2008

Ted & Pauline Alexander

Ted & Pauline Alexander

The “1939” Club Inc., Los Angeles

The “1939” Club Inc., Los Angeles

The British Social Club Los Angeles

The British Social Club Los Angeles

The late Alex F. Stanton Chairman Brith Shalom Foundation Creator of the Strong ties with Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization in Erecting the Brith Shalom Beit Halochem Haifa

The late Alex F. Stanton Chairman Brith Shalom Foundation Creator of the Strong ties with Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization in Erecting the Brith Shalom Beit Halochem Haifa

Saul J. Cohen – National Financial Secretary

Saul J. Cohen – National Financial Secretary

Charles & Shirley Conston

Charles & Shirley Conston

Sid Bari, Director

Sid Bari, Director

Sidney & Gertrude Dubin

Sidney & Gertrude Dubin

Sol Birnbaum, Assistant Secretary

Sol Birnbaum, Assistant Secretary

Salle de Tir contribution de l Association des Amis de Beit Halochem en France Shooting Gallery

Salle de Tir contribution de l Association des Amis de Beit Halochem en France Shooting Gallery

Samuel & Rose Green

Samuel & Rose Green

Samuel E. & Elizabeth W. Kratzok

Samuel E. & Elizabeth W. Kratzok

Samuel H. & Rose Landy

Samuel H. & Rose Landy

Samuel J. & Mary Needleman

Samuel J. & Mary Needleman

Samuel Schapire – National Secretary

Samuel Schapire – National Secretary

Samuel Sukloff Lodge #164

Samuel Sukloff Lodge #164

Rachel et Jacques Dabbah, Geneve Suisse, Le 7 Mai , 1998

Rachel et Jacques Dabbah, Geneve Suisse, Le 7 Mai , 1998

Reba & Joseph Luterman

Reba & Joseph Luterman

Rebecca Lecoff

Rebecca Lecoff

Recreation Room dedicated by Laura & Isaac Perlmutter of New York in Memory of his beloved father Zevulun Perlmutter

Recreation Room dedicated by Laura & Isaac Perlmutter of New York in Memory of his beloved father Zevulun Perlmutter

Reuben Rochvarg – National Vice President

Reuben Rochvarg – National Vice President

Richard A. and Linda. S. Gutman

Richard A. and Linda. S. Gutman

Overbrook Park Wolf Baron Lodge # 56

Overbrook Park Wolf Baron Lodge # 56

Paul I Schock – National Vice President

Paul I Schock – National Vice President

Philadelphia Wise Willig Lodge # 1

Philadelphia Wise Willig Lodge # 1

Philip & Charlotte Pritzert

Philip & Charlotte Pritzert

Philip & Esther Klein

Philip & Esther Klein

Philip & Maryanne Sklarz

Philip & Maryanne Sklarz

Physiotherapy Room endowed by Blanka Hariton (born Loweinger) in Loving Memory of her Husband Isaac Hariton and in Memory of their family members who were not allowed to live their full lives

Physiotherapy Room endowed by Blanka Hariton (born Loweinger) in Loving Memory of her Husband Isaac Hariton and in Memory of their family members who were not allowed to live their full lives

Play Room In Memory of Morris, Anne & Jerry Turk Canada 2006

Play Room In Memory of Morris, Anne & Jerry Turk Canada 2006

Prayer for Israel, England

Prayer for Israel, England

Precious Memories My Darling Wonderful Husband Ralph A. Cohen We spent so many ecstatically happy hours together at Hartsbourne in our buggy. I know that this Para Golfer Buggy will give even more pleasure and delight to all who use it.

Precious Memories My Darling Wonderful Husband Ralph A. Cohen We spent so many ecstatically happy hours together at Hartsbourne in our buggy. I know that this Para Golfer Buggy will give even more pleasure and delight to all who use it.

R. Robert Solomon

R. Robert Solomon

Nancy Solomon

Nancy Solomon

Nathaniel D. & Adeline Fine

Nathaniel D. & Adeline Fine

Newark -Pioneer Lodge # 199

Newark -Pioneer Lodge # 199

Noah Cohen Lodge # 335

Noah Cohen Lodge # 335

Oscar and Pearl A. Zatz

Oscar and Pearl A. Zatz

Mervin L. Krimins – National Executive Director

Mervin L. Krimins – National Executive Director

Meyer & Anna Cohen

Meyer & Anna Cohen

Meyer E. & Sarah Greenspan

Meyer E. & Sarah Greenspan

Millard M. & Kitty Katz

Millard M. & Kitty Katz

Milton & Mae Newman

Milton & Mae Newman

Morris & Evelyn Sidewater

Morris & Evelyn Sidewater

Morris B. & Mollie Levitt

Morris B. & Mollie Levitt

Morris J. & Sara Winitz

Morris J. & Sara Winitz

Morton & Harriet L. Levin

Morton & Harriet L. Levin

Mr. & Mrs Joseph H. Parness contributed in honor of the 50th wedding anniversary

Mr. & Mrs Joseph H. Parness contributed in honor of the 50th wedding anniversary

Mark Salzberg

Mark Salzberg

Martha & Leo Finkler, Ernest B. Lazarus Forest Hills, New York

Martha & Leo Finkler, Ernest B. Lazarus Forest Hills, New York

Martin Winit – Past National President

Martin Winit – Past National President

Maurice & Doris Abrams

Maurice & Doris Abrams

Maurice S. & Reba Osser

Maurice S. & Reba Osser

Max & Ada Schwartz

Max & Ada Schwartz

Max & Goldie Gettes

Max & Goldie Gettes

Max & Sarah Zuckerman

Max & Sarah Zuckerman

Maxwell E. & Wilhemina Verlin

Maxwell E. & Wilhemina Verlin

Leonard and Lucille L. Barmat

Leonard and Lucille L. Barmat

Long Island Lodge # 555

Long Island Lodge # 555

Louis & Beatrice Kasoff

Louis & Beatrice Kasoff

Louis & Sylvia Feldman

Louis & Sylvia Feldman

Louis Levine Royal Lodge # 198

Louis Levine Royal Lodge # 198

M.A.S Mujeres Argentinas Sionistas, Buenos Aires

M.A.S Mujeres Argentinas Sionistas, Buenos Aires

Madame Dina Benkemoun 1905- 1982 Bienfaitrice

Madame Dina Benkemoun 1905- 1982 Bienfaitrice

Jay Warren & Myra Malis

Jay Warren & Myra Malis

Joseph & Claire Davidson

Joseph & Claire Davidson

Joseph & Tina Bloch bequest (London formerly Cape Town)

Joseph & Tina Bloch bequest (London formerly Cape Town)

Jules E. Mastbaum Lodge # 389

Jules E. Mastbaum Lodge # 389

Kraus-Pearlstein Lodge # 8

Kraus-Pearlstein Lodge # 8

Kremer, Amsterdam- Holland

Kremer, Amsterdam- Holland

Lawrence & Lois Goldberg

Lawrence & Lois Goldberg

Irving & Sara K. Tubis

Irving & Sara K. Tubis

Isaac & Hella Taylor

Isaac & Hella Taylor

Isadore and Sara Krassen

Isadore and Sara Krassen

Isadore P. & Blanche Levin

Isadore P. & Blanche Levin

Israel Isaac Bialski, Radom Pologne

Israel Isaac Bialski, Radom Pologne

Jack & Freda Silver

Jack & Freda Silver

Jack L. & Mildred Burman

Jack L. & Mildred Burman

Jan and Zofia Dymant

Jan and Zofia Dymant

Jay W.Malis – National Executive Vice President

Jay W.Malis – National Executive Vice President

In Memory of the late Israel Alstadt of Port Elizabeth, South Africa

In Memory of the late Israel Alstadt of Port Elizabeth, South Africa

In Memory of the late Rosha (Roza) Korenblit née Maas

In Memory of the late Rosha (Roza) Korenblit née Maas

In Memory of the nurse Silvia Katan from Haifa with appreciation for her contribution to the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization, Haifa 2002

In Memory of the nurse Silvia Katan from Haifa with appreciation for her contribution to the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization, Haifa 2002

In Memory of the sisters Freidel Silberman and Rachel Shapiro by their late brother Hyman Greenberg, Pretoria

In Memory of the sisters Freidel Silberman and Rachel Shapiro by their late brother Hyman Greenberg, Pretoria

In Memory of Theodore and Dorothy Molish Management Offices Dedicated with Love by David E. Molish and Family

In Memory of Theodore and Dorothy Molish Management Offices Dedicated with Love by David E. Molish and Family

In Memory of Vanda Cohen z”l donated by her husband Michael (Mickey) Cohen & her sons David, Shalom , Eli Ofer

In Memory of Vanda Cohen z”l donated by her husband Michael (Mickey) Cohen & her sons David, Shalom , Eli Ofer

In Memory of Zehava Kreizman, Bnai- Brak

In Memory of Zehava Kreizman, Bnai- Brak

In Memory of Shimon & Gideon Elkalas z”l, donated by their mother Lutzi & family and their friends Sally Mizrahi & family & Dori Tovim & family

In Memory of Shimon & Gideon Elkalas z”l, donated by their mother Lutzi & family and their friends Sally Mizrahi & family & Dori Tovim & family

In Memory of the generous Myra Minnie Esther Berkoff and with the assistance of her brother and executor Hyman P. Berkoff both of Baltimore, MD, USA

In Memory of the generous Myra Minnie Esther Berkoff and with the assistance of her brother and executor Hyman P. Berkoff both of Baltimore, MD, USA

In Memory of the late Cora and Moses Segal, Swimming Pool Hall

In Memory of the late Cora and Moses Segal, Swimming Pool Hall

In Memory of our daugther Sara z”l who perished in the Holocaust, Treblinka, Itzhak Nahman Vidze Gozichinsky

In Memory of our daugther Sara z”l who perished in the Holocaust, Treblinka, Itzhak Nahman Vidze Gozichinsky

In Memory of Pnina Marovka, Haifa June 1994

In Memory of Pnina Marovka, Haifa June 1994

In Memory of Roma Frenik z”l, her husband Ezra & her beloved son Avner with appreciation for her generous contribution to the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization, Haifa 30.1.98

In Memory of Roma Frenik z”l, her husband Ezra & her beloved son Avner with appreciation for her generous contribution to the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization, Haifa 30.1.98

In Memory of Ruben and Hana Ben-Yehuda, Milano

In Memory of Ruben and Hana Ben-Yehuda, Milano

In Memory of my parents Irina Rifka & Eugen Jacob Berkovits and my brother Adalbert Avrom victims of the Holocaust from Elly Gross née Berkovits, N.Y- USA

In Memory of my parents Irina Rifka & Eugen Jacob Berkovits and my brother Adalbert Avrom victims of the Holocaust from Elly Gross née Berkovits, N.Y- USA

In memory of our beloved cousin Ilana Rosenfeld (Halinka Eckstein) from Lally and Max Gould Louis and Brenda Fields Harvey and Terry Fields Stephen and Anat Fields Canada

In memory of our beloved cousin Ilana Rosenfeld (Halinka Eckstein) from Lally and Max Gould Louis and Brenda Fields Harvey and Terry Fields Stephen and Anat Fields Canada

Samuel Feiner Made a Generous Contribution in Memory of His Sister Minerva Feiner Bober

Samuel Feiner Made a Generous Contribution in Memory of His Sister Minerva Feiner Bober

In Memory of my father Hugo Elsoffer in-laws Louis Chambre and my families who perished in the Holocaust from Widow of Ernest chambre née Ruth E. Elsoffer, USA

In Memory of my father Hugo Elsoffer in-laws Louis Chambre and my families who perished in the Holocaust from Widow of Ernest chambre née Ruth E. Elsoffer, USA

In Memory of Joseph Borcovitz , Golda Borcovitz, Leah Borcovitz, Stella Borcovitz, Annie Borcovitz, Harry Louis Borcovitz, Isaac Borcovitz, of Johannesburg R.S.A

In Memory of Joseph Borcovitz , Golda Borcovitz, Leah Borcovitz, Stella Borcovitz, Annie Borcovitz, Harry Louis Borcovitz, Isaac Borcovitz, of Johannesburg R.S.A

In Memory of Leon, Dina and Nathan Chaim Benn, Toronto, Canada, 2010

In Memory of Leon, Dina and Nathan Chaim Benn, Toronto, Canada, 2010

In Memory of Gedalia Levitov z”l, Haifa

In Memory of Gedalia Levitov z”l, Haifa

In Memory of Grosz family mother Hermina (Helperin) father Martin Grosz, brothers Geza, Kapi and their families sisters Rozsi, Ilona and their families victims of the Holocaust from Ernest Gross, NY, USA

In Memory of Grosz family mother Hermina (Helperin) father Martin Grosz, brothers Geza, Kapi and their families sisters Rozsi, Ilona and their families victims of the Holocaust from Ernest Gross, NY, USA

In Memory of Ilonka Seder and Miklos Szabolcsi, Toronto, Canada 2010

In Memory of Ilonka Seder and Miklos Szabolcsi, Toronto, Canada 2010

In Memory of Israel & Tzila Gassner

In Memory of Israel & Tzila Gassner

In Memory of Claire and Boris Paul, USA

In Memory of Claire and Boris Paul, USA

In Memory of David Brecher Donated by The WAGOS Jewish Golf society, The Nathan Family and The Brecher Family and Friends England 2013

In Memory of David Brecher Donated by The WAGOS Jewish Golf society, The Nathan Family and The Brecher Family and Friends England 2013

In Memory of Dr. Edward Pressman

In Memory of Dr. Edward Pressman

In Memory of Dr. Raphael R. Gamso by his family & friends

In Memory of Dr. Raphael R. Gamso by his family & friends

In Memory of Gabriel Solomon Nach and Ettie Becky Nach, parents of Mrs. Philip Pencharz

In Memory of Gabriel Solomon Nach and Ettie Becky Nach, parents of Mrs. Philip Pencharz

In loving memory of Theresa Parness 1914-1986

In loving memory of Theresa Parness 1914-1986

In Memory Berta Meizels z”l (née Rosenbaum ) & Joseph Meizels z”l with appreciation for their generous contribution, May 2007

In Memory Berta Meizels z”l (née Rosenbaum ) & Joseph Meizels z”l with appreciation for their generous contribution, May 2007

In Memory of Abraham Goldfarb by Mr. & Mrs. Jack Goldfarb, FL- USA

In Memory of Abraham Goldfarb by Mr. & Mrs. Jack Goldfarb, FL- USA

In Memory of Alexander F. and Fannie Stanton, Chairman of the Brith Sholom Foundation , Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A- The Brith Sholom Foundation

In Memory of Alexander F. and Fannie Stanton, Chairman of the Brith Sholom Foundation , Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A- The Brith Sholom Foundation

In Memory of Aron & Rachel Mizrahi Victor, Eliane Mizrahi & family, Canada 2008

In Memory of Aron & Rachel Mizrahi Victor, Eliane Mizrahi & family, Canada 2008

In Memory of Benjamin Glass, Philadelphia USA

In Memory of Benjamin Glass, Philadelphia USA

In loving memory of our beloved families who perished in the Holocaust , family Van Thijn – Blitz , Nahariya – Holland

In loving memory of our beloved families who perished in the Holocaust , family Van Thijn – Blitz , Nahariya – Holland

In loving memory of Freda Fejer, Toronto, Canada

In loving memory of Freda Fejer, Toronto, Canada

In Loving Memory of Gabriella (Ella) Scheinman Toronto, Canada 2014

In Loving Memory of Gabriella (Ella) Scheinman Toronto, Canada 2014

In loving memory of my father & mother Shalom & Dora Cukier my sister Hela my grandparents Lea & Haim Grauer who perished in Auschwitz, Mike Cukier USA 2006

In loving memory of my father & mother Shalom & Dora Cukier my sister Hela my grandparents Lea & Haim Grauer who perished in Auschwitz, Mike Cukier USA 2006

In loving memory of Annie Devine and her beloved daughter Suzanne always remembered by her family

In loving memory of Annie Devine and her beloved daughter Suzanne always remembered by her family

In loving memory of chaver Joshua Friedman from the Labor Zionist Alliance Enzo Sereni Branch # 538 , Brooklyn N.Y USA 1985

In loving memory of chaver Joshua Friedman from the Labor Zionist Alliance Enzo Sereni Branch # 538 , Brooklyn N.Y USA 1985

In loving memory of Dr. Arthur Morse

In loving memory of Dr. Arthur Morse

In loving memory of Florence Blum Rice her generosity lives on,USA 2007

In loving memory of Florence Blum Rice her generosity lives on,USA 2007

In Honor of Richard Golden Longtime Friend and Generous Supporter of Israel and Disabled Veterans New York, USA

In Honor of Richard Golden Longtime Friend and Generous Supporter of Israel and Disabled Veterans New York, USA

In honour of the Staub family From Sydney, Australia March 2015

In honour of the Staub family From Sydney, Australia March 2015

In loving memory of Aida & Abram Garfinkel from your nephews of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

In loving memory of Aida & Abram Garfinkel from your nephews of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

In honor of Itzhak First Fridman man of passion and action defender of righteousness served Israel devotedly before & after 1948 tribute by his wife Ethel Fridman , USA

In honor of Itzhak First Fridman man of passion and action defender of righteousness served Israel devotedly before & after 1948 tribute by his wife Ethel Fridman , USA

I. Irving Tubis, Secretary

I. Irving Tubis, Secretary

Harold Sklar National President

Harold Sklar National President

Harry & Blanche Blatstein

Harry & Blanche Blatstein

Harry & Dorothy Conston

Harry & Dorothy Conston

Harry and Hilda Eisen

Harry and Hilda Eisen

Harry B. and Shirley I. Shapiro

Harry B. and Shirley I. Shapiro

Harry G.Ericsson Lodge # 350

Harry G.Ericsson Lodge # 350

Harry L. & Selma Lipman

Harry L. & Selma Lipman

Haym Salomon Lodge # 663

Haym Salomon Lodge # 663

Helene Knoll – Antwerp in memory of Joseph and Lotte Bleicher- Haifa, Israel – Clara Schimmel – Antwerp, Max Schimmel -Antwerp (Died on Deportation )

Helene Knoll – Antwerp in memory of Joseph and Lotte Bleicher- Haifa, Israel – Clara Schimmel – Antwerp, Max Schimmel -Antwerp (Died on Deportation )

Herbert M.& Elaine Stanton

Herbert M.& Elaine Stanton

Herbert V. Kolosky,Vice Chairman

Herbert V. Kolosky,Vice Chairman

Herman & Sadye Ergang

Herman & Sadye Ergang

Herman & Shandee Benn

Herman & Shandee Benn

Howard E. and Gloria M. Gold

Howard E. and Gloria M. Gold

Howard P. Rovner – National Treasurer

Howard P. Rovner – National Treasurer

Garden State Lodge # 41

Garden State Lodge # 41

George & Betty Reisman

George & Betty Reisman

George & Esther Berman

George & Esther Berman

George X. & Jerre Schwartz

George X. & Jerre Schwartz

Greater Northeast Lodge # 71

Greater Northeast Lodge # 71

Harold & Beatrice Sklar

Harold & Beatrice Sklar

Harold & Sylvia Abt

Harold & Sylvia Abt

Harold L. & Marcia Landesberg

Harold L. & Marcia Landesberg

Equipment of Gym-Halls donated on behalf of Regina & Salomon Moses by their children, April 15th 1986

Equipment of Gym-Halls donated on behalf of Regina & Salomon Moses by their children, April 15th 1986

Fitness Hall Extension in memory of Dr. Kosman Sydney – Australia Fitness

Fitness Hall Extension in memory of Dr. Kosman Sydney – Australia Fitness

Fitness Hall Extension in memory of Dr. Kosman Sydney – Australia Fitness Hall Equipment-Donated by Les Amis de Irgoun Nehei Tzahal Beit Halochem a Geneve, Switzerland

Fitness Hall Extension in memory of Dr. Kosman Sydney – Australia Fitness Hall Equipment-Donated by Les Amis de Irgoun Nehei Tzahal Beit Halochem a Geneve, Switzerland

Fitness Hall In Honor and Memory of Mark Pinson zl FIDV Friends of Israel Disabled Veterans USA 2015 מכון כושר לזכר מארק פינסון זל

Fitness Hall In Honor and Memory of Mark Pinson zl FIDV Friends of Israel Disabled Veterans USA 2015 מכון כושר לזכר מארק פינסון זל

Frank & Evelyn Zal

Frank & Evelyn Zal

Frank Friedberg Fund The Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City, USA

Frank Friedberg Fund The Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City, USA

Du Club Nathanya – Nice France

Du Club Nathanya – Nice France

Edward & Ruth Arnopol

Edward & Ruth Arnopol

Elias M. & Lenora Lavin

Elias M. & Lenora Lavin

Elizabeth & Samuel Ludwig Lodge # 60

Elizabeth & Samuel Ludwig Lodge # 60

Emile Zola Lodge # 391

Emile Zola Lodge # 391

Donated by Esther and Reuven Eshel In loving memory of Riva Kiper Riva was a founding member of Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim Beit Halochem Melbourne Australia

Donated by Esther and Reuven Eshel In loving memory of Riva Kiper Riva was a founding member of Keren Mishpachot Hagiborim Beit Halochem Melbourne Australia

Donated by Sara and Fred Liebmann in memory of their families Liebmann and Blumenkranc of Melbourne , Australia. In appreciation of their generosity to the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization in Israel , February 2003

Donated by Sara and Fred Liebmann in memory of their families Liebmann and Blumenkranc of Melbourne , Australia. In appreciation of their generosity to the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization in Israel , February 2003

Donated by The NSW Association of Sepharadim Sephardi Synagogue Sydney, Australia

Donated by The NSW Association of Sepharadim Sephardi Synagogue Sydney, Australia

Donated by Yachdav Minyan Toronto, Canada 2014

Donated by Yachdav Minyan Toronto, Canada 2014

Donation of Abba (Abe) z”l and Rita Krum

Donation of Abba (Abe) z”l and Rita Krum

Dr. Abraham Freedman

Dr. Abraham Freedman

David E. Molish

David E. Molish

David J. & Hilda Saner

David J. & Hilda Saner

Dedicated by Abraham and Mary Goldman, Miami Beach, Florida USA

Dedicated by Abraham and Mary Goldman, Miami Beach, Florida USA

Delco-Stanton Lodge #59

Delco-Stanton Lodge #59

Dina and Isaac Koekoek, Lieneke and Lex Koekoek, Bettina and George Koekoek Amsterdam, Holland

Dina and Isaac Koekoek, Lieneke and Lex Koekoek, Bettina and George Koekoek Amsterdam, Holland

Docteur et Madame Aron Kaplan de Paris

Docteur et Madame Aron Kaplan de Paris

Donated by Anna Klein z”l of blessed memory

Donated by Anna Klein z”l of blessed memory

Cafeteria Dedicated by Joseph and Reba Luterman and Family, Charlotte, Harvey and Barbara, Phila. PA USA

Cafeteria Dedicated by Joseph and Reba Luterman and Family, Charlotte, Harvey and Barbara, Phila. PA USA

Cardozo Lodge #400

Cardozo Lodge #400

Cardozo Women Chapter

Cardozo Women Chapter

Cette Piscine Hydrotherapique est offerte en la memoire de Pierre Lang zl en Collaboration avec Les Amis de Irgoun Nehei Tzahal, Geneve Mai 2005

Cette Piscine Hydrotherapique est offerte en la memoire de Pierre Lang zl en Collaboration avec Les Amis de Irgoun Nehei Tzahal, Geneve Mai 2005

Cherry Hill, Lodge # 966

Cherry Hill, Lodge # 966

Childrens Swimming Pool in Recognition of the Generous Donation of Bella & Alain Taieb, Friends of ZDVO, France

Childrens Swimming Pool in Recognition of the Generous Donation of Bella & Alain Taieb, Friends of ZDVO, France

Contributed in memory of Theodore Lotz by his wife the late Ruth Lotz of Philadelphia, PA.

Contributed in memory of Theodore Lotz by his wife the late Ruth Lotz of Philadelphia, PA.

Ben Israel Family

Ben Israel Family

Bennett & Sonia Goldstein

Bennett & Sonia Goldstein

Bequest by Kate (Katalin) Reiser z”l of blessed memory 1922-2006 Hungary/USA

Bequest by Kate (Katalin) Reiser z”l of blessed memory 1922-2006 Hungary/USA

Bernard & Annabelle Fishman

Bernard & Annabelle Fishman

Bernard & Etta H. Weinberg

Bernard & Etta H. Weinberg

Betar- Educational Youth Organization, New York

Betar- Educational Youth Organization, New York

Betty & Bernard Kessler

Betty & Bernard Kessler

Bnai Zion Foundation USA American Friends of Beit Halochem

Bnai Zion Foundation USA American Friends of Beit Halochem

Brith Sholom Women

Brith Sholom Women

Brith Sholom Women Phila. Pa. USA and their members and supporters

Brith Sholom Women Phila. Pa. USA and their members and supporters

Ana and Leon Lisenberg, Buenos Aires

Ana and Leon Lisenberg, Buenos Aires

Anonymous donation from Montreal, Canada

Anonymous donation from Montreal, Canada

Arnold J. & Florrie Silvers

Arnold J. & Florrie Silvers

Auditorium dedicated by Ethel & Leonard Landau (8th generation grandson of Noda Beyehuda) Palm Beach, Fla. & Elkins Park PA. USA, in honor of children Dr & Mrs Steven W. (Merle) Fischer and Dr. & Mrs Lewis P. (Susan) Fleishman

Auditorium dedicated by Ethel & Leonard Landau (8th generation grandson of Noda Beyehuda) Palm Beach, Fla. & Elkins Park PA. USA, in honor of children Dr & Mrs Steven W. (Merle) Fischer and Dr. & Mrs Lewis P. (Susan) Fleishman

Beit Halochem – Israel Cape Town

Beit Halochem – Israel Cape Town

A la memoire de Leon Stern, En reconnaissance pour sa generosite et son exceptionnel soutien envers les Invalides de Tsahal France 2009 מסעדה לזכר ליאון שטרן בהוקרה על תרומתו הנדיבה בארגון נכי צה”ל באמצעות האפוטרופוס הכללי צרפת 2009

A la memoire de Leon Stern, En reconnaissance pour sa generosite et son exceptionnel soutien envers les Invalides de Tsahal France 2009 מסעדה לזכר ליאון שטרן בהוקרה על תרומתו הנדיבה בארגון נכי צה”ל באמצעות האפוטרופוס הכללי צרפת 2009

Abraham & Nettie Gardner

Abraham & Nettie Gardner

Abraham A. & Dorothy Bell

Abraham A. & Dorothy Bell

Adele & Leon Halber

Adele & Leon Halber

Albert Bernbaum – Immediate past National President

Albert Bernbaum – Immediate past National President

Alex E. Sopenoff- National Chaplain

Alex E. Sopenoff- National Chaplain

Alexander F. and Fannie Stanton

Alexander F. and Fannie Stanton

Alexander L. Silberman Foundation Phila.PA USA

Alexander L. Silberman Foundation Phila.PA USA

Alfred M. & Elizabeth Sharp

Alfred M. & Elizabeth Sharp

A la Memoire de Danielle Davis, nee Haik et de son fils Yves Haik Witner France 2015 לזכר דניאל דוויס לבית הייק זל ובנה איב הייק ויטנר צרפת 2015

A la Memoire de Danielle Davis, nee Haik et de son fils Yves Haik Witner France 2015 לזכר דניאל דוויס לבית הייק זל ובנה איב הייק ויטנר צרפת 2015


Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M
Branch No. 93200/18
Iban: IL69 0106 3100 0000 9320 018

Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund
49 Shmuel Barcay St.,
Tel Aviv, 6139201