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Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M
Branch No. 93200/18
Iban: IL69 0106 3100 0000 9320 018
Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund
49 Shmuel Barcay St.,
Tel Aviv, 6139201
An Index of Donor Recognition Plaques at Beit Halochem Centers and Beit Kay
Find your Recognition Plaque/s by your last name in the following index:
ID | Wording of Plaque | Name of Center | Location Within Center | Images |
2174 | Avraham Zvi and Lucy Alka, Melbourne, Australia |
nahariya-beit-kay-convalescent-center | wall-of-honor | |
2724 | Auditorium dedicated by Ethel & Leonard Landau (8th generation grandson of Noda Beyehuda) Palm Beach, Fla. & Elkins Park PA. USA, in honor of children Dr & Mrs Steven W. (Merle) Fischer and Dr. & Mrs Lewis P. (Susan) Fleishman |
haifa-center | wall-of-honor | |
2983 | Audio visual equipment for the classrooms was donated in memory of Dr. Erland Goldman by his family, Stockholm, Sweden 2013 ציוד שמע והקרנה בכיתות נתרם לזכרו של ד”ר ארלנד גולדמן ז”ל ע”י בני משפחתו, שטוקהולם, שבדיב 2013 |
jerusalem-center | wall-of-honor | |
2429 | Athletics & Archery Courts in Memory of Boris Brown Friends Oudtshoorn, R.S.A |
jerusalem-center | athletics-and-archery-courts | |
2051 | Association of Disabled Veterans of Fight Against Nazism |
tel-aviv-center | wall-of-honor | |
3084 | Association des Invalides du Beit Halochem Cote dAzur France |
tel-aviv-center | the-paralympic-aquatic-rehabilitation-complex | |
3086 | Association des Amis du Beit Halochem en France |
tel-aviv-center | the-paralympic-aquatic-rehabilitation-complex | |
2094 | Association des Amis du Beit Halochem en France |
tel-aviv-center | wall-of-honor | |
2354 | Arthur Shafir of Melbourne In Memory of his parents Emilja and Natan Szafir |
nahariya-beit-kay-convalescent-center | wall-of-honor | |
2793 | Arnold J. & Florrie Silvers |
haifa-center | wall-of-honor |