yom yerushalayim 2021

The liberation of Jerusalem in 1967 marked the first time in thousands of years that the united City of Jerusalem, came under Jewish sovereignty. On the 28′ day of Iyar (by the Hebrew calendar)June 7 IDF paratroopers advanced through the Old City towards the Temple Mount and the Western Wall, bringing Jerusalem’s holiest site under Jewish control for the first time in 2000 years. The battle of Jerusalem was one of the most difficult and bloody battles of the Six Day War. Conducted in a relatively small area 182 Israeli soldiers were killed and several hundreds were wounded during the fighting.
To celebrate this occasion we want to share with you the inspiring story of Aliz Noy, a Beit Halochem member who took part in the battle to free Jerusalem.

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Celebrating Yom Yerushalayim 2021
This year we celebrate Yom Yerushalayim on May 10th. We want to share some of the online events that are happening in Jerusalem,  and you are invited to take part in them through  the following links:

10/05 – 20:00(IST) An assembly to give thanks
An assembly to mark the 54th Anniversary of the Re-unification of Jerusalem

With: Mayor of Jerusalem, Moshe Leon, Chief Rabbis, Yeshiva Heads, deputies and public figures

Musical accompaniment: Lehava Orchestra, Yonatan Razel Naftali Kampa

13/05 – 20:30 (IST) My Jerusalem – Closing Concert

Jerusalem Municipality Launches Unique Production Marking All Jerusalem Day Events

The Jerusalem Orchestra, conducted by Maestro Tom Cohen, welcomes four Israeli artists: Eviatar Banai, Yuval Dayan, Banaia Berebi and Eliad in a unique concert for Jerusalem

Director: Ronen Peled Hadad.


Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M
Branch No. 93200/18
Iban: IL69 0106 3100 0000 9320 018

Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund
49 Shmuel Barcay St.,
Tel Aviv, 6139201