The story of Gilad Charolnikov​

The story of Gilad Charolnikov​

Gilad Charolnikov is 40 years old, father of four. They live in Beer Sheva.  At the time of his injuries he was a Police officer, with the biker unit of […]

The story of Yosi Amzaleg​

The story of Yosi Amzaleg​

Yosi is 26 years old. He is single and lives in Beer Sheva. He was a fighter in the Police in the Negev BSM unit. On October 7, 2023, Yosi […]

The story of Sagi Elmaliach​

The story of Sagi Elmaliach​

Sagi Elmaliach is a 30 year old, single father of three. He lives in Beer Sheva and was a fighter in the BSM Negev Police. Sagi was shot three times […]

The story of Fasa Awizho​

The story of Fasa Awizho​

Fasa Awizho is 36 years old. He was born in Ethiopia and lives in Ofakim. He is married and has two children. He was a Police officer in the Yoav […]

The story of Yigal Zinger​

The story of Yigal Zinger​

Yigal Zinger is 43 years old. He is married and a father of four. They live in Beer Sheva. He was a fighter in the Police as part of the […]

The Story of Liam Spielman​

The Story of Liam Spielman​

The UAV may have shattered into pieces, but I did not!” Capt. (res.) Liam Spielman 26 years old from Netanya. He was a reserves officer in the Nahal Infantry Brigade. […]

The Story of Shalom Shitrit​

The Story of Shalom Shitrit​

The First in his Platoon to Face the Enemy The Unyielding Courage of Sergeant Shalom Shitrit Sergeant Shalom Shitrit, a valiant fighter in the Golani Brigade, exemplifies the triumph of […]


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Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund
49 Shmuel Barcay St.,
Tel Aviv, 6139201