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Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund
49 Shmuel Barcay St.,
Tel Aviv, 6139201
Beit Halochem Brasill Sr. Avi Gelberg, Presidente Sra. Ana Iosif, Diretora Executiva Email: beithalochem.sp@gmail.com Web: www.zdvo.org/es Tel: +55-11-99122-9697
Amigos de Beit Halojem MéxicoEmail: beithalojemmexico@gmail.comWeb: www.zdvo.org/esSra. Raquel Liht, PresidentaTel: +52-5559891808
Celebration of Life showcases distinctive Israeli music and heroic stories of strength, determination and triumph.
The veterans were injured in the Second Lebanon War, Operation Protective Edge and the latest terror wave.
On Thursday evening, the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization distributed 79 Sports Scholarships to Excelling Athletes and Coaches totaling some NIS 500,000.
FIDV-Beit Halochem 1133 Broadway, Suite 232 New York, NY 10010 Tel: 212.689.3220 Email: info@fidv.org Web: http://www.fidv.org
Why is this important? ZDVO Beit Halochem helps 51,000 disabled veterans, their families, by providing a variety of individualized therapies, cultural and family activities, sports challenges, and scholarships for higher […]
Terms and conditions for using the Site This website is the official site of the Zahal Disabled Veterans Fund (hereinafter: „the fund“), which enables the collection and raising of donations […]
Beit Halochem Be’er Sheva wurde im Januar 2011 eröffnet. Es dient eine Gemeinschaft von mehr als 3.000 ZDVO-Mitgliedern und ihren Familien in der Südregion.
Beit Kay wurde 1958 eingerichtet ist ein Ruhe- und Freizeitzentrum für kriegsbeschädigte Tsahal-Veteranen und ihre Familien.
Das Beit Halochem-Zentrum in Jerusalem hat seine Tore im Jahr 1994 geöffnet zum Nutzen der in Jerusalem und Umgebung lebenden Mitglieder der Organisation kriegsbeschädigter Tsahal-Veteranen (ZDVO).
Über 2.700 im Norden lebende kriegsbeschädigte Veteranen bilden die aktive Mitgliedschaft im Beit Halochem Haifa, mit insgesamt 6500 teilnehmenden Mitgliedern, einschließlich Familien.
Etwa 5.600 kriegsbeschädigte Tsahal-Veteranen in der zentralen Region des Landes sind aktive Mitglieder des Beit Halochem Tel Aviv. Zusammen mit ihren direkten Familienmitgliedern ergibt dies eine Mitgliederzahl von 14.000.
Die Generalversammlung der Organisation kriegsbeschädigter Tsahal-Veteranen (ZDVO) (das leitende Gremium der ZDVO) hat die Errichtung eines fünften Beit Halochem mit Standort in der Stadt Ashdod genehmigt.
Israel wird 70
Noam Gershoni war Pilot eines Apache-Hubschraubers,
der im Zweiten Libanonkrieg schwer verwundet wurde.
Er ist Weltmeister im Rollstuhl-Tennis der Londoner Paralympischen Spiele von 2012
Er wird eine der 12 Fackeln bei der Zeremonie zum 70. Unabhängigkeitstag auf dem Herzl-Berg entzünden.
Israel wird 70
Israel Cohen war Kommandant eines Regiments der 5. Brigade, als er sich von seiner Familie verabschiedete und in den Krieg zog. Seine heldenhafte Geschichte spiegelt die Geschichte unserer Nation wieder.
There are many ways to support Israel, all of them reflect the same moral basis „hakarat Ha’Tov“ – acknowledging the kindness received from another – recognizing the great virtue in […]
Eine der höchsten Prioritäten der ZDVO ist die Unterstützung und Ermutigung ihrer jüngsten Mitglieder von 18-35 Jahren, durch Bereitstellung einer Vielfalt von Programmen, die ihren besonderen Bedürfnissen und Interessen angepasst […]
Jedes Beit Halochem verfügt über mindestens eine Tanztruppe. Diese werden von professionellen Choreografen angeleitet…
Um der gesamten Familie zu ermöglichen, aktiv am Rehabilitationsprozess ihre Liebsten teilzunehmen, ermuntern Beit Halochem-Zentren die Familienmitglieder, sich den zahlreichen von ihnen angebotenen Aktivitäten anzuschließen.
Die Bridge- und Schachclubs in den Beit Halochem-Zentren sind besonders aktiv und ihre Teilnehmer nehmen an verschiedenen Ligawettbewerben teil.
Beit Halochem bietet Workshops in verschiedenen Arten von Kunsthandwerk. Unter anderem: Malerei, Fotografie.
Mitglieder können ihre freien Stunden am Beit Halochem in einer breiten Vielfalt von Bereicherungsprogrammen mit kulturellen Aktivitäten und Kunst verbringen.
Segeln, Rudern, Kajak, Stehpaddeln – all diese Sportarten finden entweder im Meer oder auf dem Yarkon-Fluss statt.
Viele Soldaten, die während ihres Armeedienstes verwundet wurden, mussten feststellen, dass ihre Träume und Pläne plötzlich zerstört waren.
Das Beit Halochem in Jerusalem ist der einzige Ort im ganzen Land, an dem Rollstuhl-Fechten ausgeübt werden kann. Spezielle Ausrüstung ermöglicht zwei Rollstuhl-Fechtern, gegeneinander anzutreten. …
Im Unterschied zu herkömmlichen Physiotherapie- und Hydrotherapie-Behandlungen…
Handbikes (für Menschen, die ihre unteren Gliedmaßen nicht einsetzen können), Tandemräder für Blinde oder Personen, die nicht eigenständig Pedale betätigen und Radfahren können…
Rollstuhl-Korbball, Tischtennis, Rollstuhl-Tennis, Volleyball, Goalball (der einzige Mannschaftssport für Blinde), Badminton…
Fitnessräume sind für verschiedene Behinderungen ausgestattet; sie sind sowohl für Menschen in Rollstühlen als auch für blinde Mitglieder angepasst.
Im Einklang mit dem holistischen Ansatz, wonach unseren Mitgliedern so viel wie möglich Wege der Rehabilitation angeboten werden sollen, werden als Ergänzung zu konventionellen Behandlungen alternative Behandlungen mit einbezogen.
Das Physiotherapie-Zentrum des Beit Halochem, in dem eine breite Vielfalt neurologischer, orthopädischer und Sportverletzungen behandelt werden, ist mit modernster Ausrüstung ausgestattet.
Besondere Behandlungen in Wasser sind als wichtiger und wesentlicher Faktor bei der Behandlung von Menschen mit schweren Verwundungen anerkannt.
Ihre Spende wird für rehabilitativen Sport, behandlungstherapeutische Kunsthandwerkstätten und Erholungsleistungen benötigt. Unter anderem…
Für die Rehabilitation der tausende Veteranen wird täglich spezialisierte, hochmoderne und individuell angepasste Ausrüstung benötigt…
Bogenschießen ist sowohl für Veteranen, die stehen können, als auch für an den Rollstuhl gefesselte Veteranen ein Sport, der physische und mentale Kraft verleiht…
Beit Halochem UK Beit Halochem UK, Suite 3 One Bridge Lane, London NW11 0EA, England Email: info@bhuk.org Web: https://bhuk.org Tel :0208 458 2455
Amis des Invalides de Tzahal Bet Halohem à Genève Email: info@aditg.org Die Organisation fuer Betreuung Israelischer Kriegsgeshaedigten (ISRAEL) Erlegatterway 5,8038 Zurich Tel: +41-1-482 9935, Fax:+41-1-226 8687
Beit Halochem the Netherlands Nieuwendammerdijk 545 1023 BS AMSTERDAM Tel: +31 (0)20 358 2859, Fax:+31-20-471 51 45 Email: Info@bethhalochem.nl Web: http://www.bethhalochem.nl
ZDVF – Beit Halochem Address : 49 Shmuel Barcay St.,Afeka, P.O Box 39262 Tel Aviv 6139201, ISRAEL Tel : +972-3-646-1603 Fax : +972-3-642-0215 Email: zdvf@inz.org.il Web: https://zdvo.org
Association des Amis de Beit Halochem en France B.P. 148 — 93161–Noisy-LE-Grand Cedex Cell: 06 14 20 80 72 Email: habib.hubert@orange.fr Website: https://www.beit-halochem.fr
Beit Halochem Canada – Aid to Disabled Veterans of Israel (ADVI) 1600 Steeles Ave. West, Suite 219, Concord, Ontario L4K 4M2 Email: info@beithalochem.ca Web: http://www.beithalochem.ca Tel: +1-905-695 0611 Fax:+1-905-695 0612
ZDVO Beit Halochem Australia P.O BOX 2133 Rose Bay North NSW 2029, Australia Email: zdvo@zdvo.com Web: http://www.zdvo.com Tel: +61- 416 179 622 / +61-413 647 642
Beit Halojem Argentina Sra. Berta Sutton, Presidenta Lic. Sergio Zigelbaum, Director Email: beithalojemargentina@gmail.com Web: https://zdvo.org/es Tel: +54-911-5638-2412; +54-911-6887-8794
Um ihre lebenswichtige Arbeit zu fördern und die ZDVO bei der Beschaffung der erforderlichen Mittel zu unterstützen, hat die ZDVF ein Netzwerk aus Freundesorganisationen errichtet, die vorrangig freiwillig und unentgeltlich […]
Beit Halochem ist ein einzigartiges Rehabilitation-, Sport- und Freizeitzentrum für kriegsbeschädigte Veteranen und ihre Familien. Es bietet einen Ort, an dem die Kriegsbeschädigten die verschiedenen Behandlungen erhalten, die sie bis […]
Der Staat Israel kann die zahlreichen Bedürfnisse der kriegsbeschädigten Veteranen in ihrem langwierigen Rehabilitationsprozess nicht bewältigen. Zur Erlangung der erforderlichen Gelder zu Erfüllung dieser Bedürfnisse hat die Organisation kriegsbeschädigter Tsahal-Veteranen […]
Die Organisation kriegsbeschädigter Tsahal-Veteranen (ZDVO) ist eine eingetragene gemeinnützige Organisation, die in der Folge des Unabhängigkeitskrieges von 1949 mit dem Zweck gegründet wurde, den 3.400 kriegsbeschädigten Veteranen dieses Krieges alles […]
Um den 7.000 kriegsgeschädigten Veteranen in der südlichen Küstenregion eine seit langem benötigte und überfällige Lösung bereitzustellen, wird in der Stadt Ashdod ein fünftes Beit Halochem errichtet.
Beit Halochem-Zentren verfügen über vollelektronische Olympische Schießstände für Luftgewehr und Luftpistolen, mit welchen sowohl frei stehende, Veteranen im Rollstuhl und sogar blinde kriegsbeschädigte Veteranen schießen können.
„Am Pessach-Fest wird die Befreiung der Kinder Israels aus der ägyptischen Sklaverei gefeiert.
Im Grunde steht es für die Geburt der jüdischen Nation.
Pessach hat mehrere Bezeichnungen, von welchen jede seinen wahren Geist repräsentiert:
Fest der Matza, Fest des Frühlings und Fest der Freiheit.
Der Internationale Tag der Frauen, 2018 Der Geburtsschmerz war nichts im Vergleich zu dem Schmerzen in ihrem Bein. Ihre kleine Tochter und sie lernten gemeinsam Gehen. Sie ist Triathletin und […]
Der Internationale Tag der Frauen, 2018
Maytal wurde lebensgefährlich verletzt, als sich in Tel Aviv ein Selbstmordattentäter in die Luft jagte. Ihr Körper war verbrannt und verstümmelt, sie verlor ihr Bein, doch sie fand den Mut, ins Leben zurückzukehren!
President Reuven Rivlin is often seen at official events with one of his grandchildren in tow. He holds the youngster’s hand as if leading him to yet another experience in the category of seeing is believing.
460 Academic and Vocational Training Scholarships totaling $606.000 USD were distributed and 36 Artists Scholarships were distributed totaling $26,000USD
Während der „Operation Wolkensäule“ diente Yehuda Perci in der IDF Giv’ati-Brigade. Er wurde durch eine Rakete verwundet und verlor das Augenlicht an beiden Augen. Doch dank der Hilfe der Organisation kriegsbeschädigter Tsahal-Veteranen (ZDVO) lebt Yehuda sein Leben weiter, wie jeder andere Mensch.
Yiftach was sent with his tank to rescue 11 wounded fighters from their tank in Egyptian territory.
Yoel Sharon a Paratroopers reserves officer, was studying film in London when the 1973 Yom Kippur War broke out. He flew back home to fight in the war, was wounded in the Sinai and remained a paraplegic. He became a staunch advocate of sports for disabled.
Mrs. Berta Sutton, President of the newly formed Amigos de la Organización de discapacitados de Tzahal en Argentina visited Jerusalem’s Beit Halochem for the first time.
85 cyclists from Canada and the USA alongside 85 Zahal Disabled Veterans, cycling on hand bikes, tandem bikes and road bikes, spent a fabulous 5 days cycling along the northern roads of Israel, from the Sea of Galilee to the Golan Heights.
Dear Jared, when I heard that you donated your Bar Mitzvah money for the benefit of my studies, they tricked me to tears, what a child you are, what education you received, what an amazing family you are and how strong we are, how we are a nation that knows how to care for each other.
Shlomi Lazmy pioneered 10-pin bowling for the blind in Israel. He took first place in the 2017 International Blind Sports Federation event in Japan.
The ZDVF hosted the First International Partners Networking Session held in Israel between July 2-6, 2017.
One month after my wedding, I was severely wounded in the legs and the back during training of the Israel Ministry of Defense. Because of this injury I was denied the ability to continue work and earning a salary so I had to study a new profession that suites my current limitations and disability.
As most of you know I recently celebrated my Bar Mitzvah. Many of us celebrating our barmitzvah are involved the Matanah project – where we choose to donate money from our bar mitzvah presents to a charity that is important to us. I chose ZDVO for my matanah.
I served in the Military at the Naval Computer Center, on a base located in Ramat Gan. I’m sure you are all wondering how a soldier, who served in Ramat Gan, ends up as a disabled veteran. It’s simple. One morning, 18 years ago, luck was not on my side as I ascended a bus in Ramat Gan which was exploded just 5 minutes later by a suicide bomber.
Beit Halochem Runners and Cyclists Conquer Berlin
450 guests attended Beit Halochem’s 6th annual dinner at The Dorchester on 17 May 2017. The evening raised in excess of £1 Million. Two Beit Halochem veterans and a mother of a veteran, spoke movingly throughout the evening about the impact that their injuries had had on their lives, their experiences at Beit Halochem and subsequent rehabilitation.
There is a select group of soldiers in the history of Israel’s ongoing existential struggle who either gave their lives or became disabled fighting to ensure its survival. The mission of the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization is to rehabilitate and help return the nation’s tens of thousands of wounded soldiers to a stable, fruitful life.
In a moving ceremony at Tel Aviv’s Beit Halochem, 88 Scholarships totaling $145,000 USD (NIS 536,500) were distributed yesterday to excelling athletes and coaches
Members of the House of Lords Visited Jerusalem’s Beit Halochem
At a moving ceremony which took place yesterday at Tel Aviv’s Beit Halochem, 160 members of the ZDVO were the happy recipients of a motorized scooter, donated by Dr. Miriam and Sheldon Adelson through the Friends of the ZDVO in Israel.
Avigdor Lieberman recently met with Roni Gozlan, a former Border Policeman from Jerusalem who lost both his legs when the suicide bomber he threw himself upon, blew himself up.
In anticipation of the 2016 Recognition Day Honoring Zahal Disabled Veterans and Victims of Terror, Chen Gusler, a song writer and director wrote a beautiful song and Israeli singer/songwriter Amir Benayoun recorded it together with two Zahal Disabled Veterans Gadi Ephraimov (wounded in Operation Protective Edge, suffering from PTSD) and Rami Amar (wheelchair bound, wounded during a combat mission in Nablus).
Amazing achievements of our Athletes in Recent International and Local Competitions
In moving ceremonies which took place in December at the five Districts of the organization, a total of 395 Academic and Arts and Crafts Scholarships, were awarded totaling some NIS […]
4 Medals for Beit Halochem Wheelchair Dancers at the 2016 European Championship
This was the sixth consecutive world championship title for Zohar who, together with his caddy and coach Shimshon Levy, participated in the recent event which took place at the Shinrinkouen Golf Club, Saitama Prefecture, Japan.
Over the years – this was the ninth edition of the annual event – the ride has left Canadian participants
with some deep and enduring impressions
Blind veteran Shlomo Lazmi (Tel Aviv’s Beit Haloachem) took part in the IBSA (International Blind Sport Association) Tenpin Bowling Singles World Championship which took place on August 23rd.
In July, Beit Halochem Canada brought 42 bar and bat mitzvah aged Israeli children for camp in Canada. These “Kids of Courage” and their three counselors each have a parent who is an Israeli veteran with a severe disability (70% or more) and member of one of the four Beit Halochem centres in Israel.
Youths from Montreal, visit Beersheva’s Beit Halochem As part of an ongoing program of cooperation between the cities of Montreal and Beersheva
The Road to Rio – ZDVO and Beit Halochem Members of Israel’s Paralympic Team
On July 3, 2016, a new children’s playground was dedicated at Beit Halochem Tel Aviv. Underwritten by The Martin and Sandra Weinstein Family Foundation.
Beit Halochem UK raises £900,000 at their annual dinner for new Rehabilitation Centre in Ashdod
The New Paralympic Aquatic Rehabilitation Complex at Tel Aviv’s Beit Halochem has Opened to the Public
This moment was by far the highlight of the inspiring, emotional and sold-out Beit Halochem Canada Celebration of Life Concert on June 9: an onstage marriage proposal.
The first was a Golf Day held at Hartsbourne Golf & Country Club in aid of the charity. 80 keen golfers raised a staggering £60,000K for two special ‘Para golfer’ machines which allow disabled soldiers to play.
The Annual Solidarity Mission of Beit Halochem Canada Visited Israel
Amb. Vivian Bercovici, has served as Canada’s Ambassador to Israel since 2014. Haim Bar, Chairman of ZDVO, recently had the pleasure to host her on her first visit to Tel Aviv’s Beit Halochem. During the visit she met with some of the members of the ZDVO and Beit Halochem
The Friends of ZDVO and Beit Halochem in Miami, established recently by Tzippy Faye Holand, Avi Samuel, Rafi Blum, Michael Dezer and friends, has become a reality. Last week the Florida Chapter launched its activities with an event for the benefit of the “Beit Halochem Ashdod Project”.
Scholarship award ceremonies took place during December 2014 in all five ZDVO districts. We were able to distribute 517 academic and art scholarships for a total amount of NIS 2,527,000 ($648,000 USD). The scholarships are awarded individually and bear the name of the donor or the designated name of a loved one according to the donor’s wishes.
Academic Scholarships Distributed to Zahal Disabled Veterans 2014-2015
In honor of the National Recognition Day for Zahal Disabled Veterans and Victims of Terror, the IDF’s Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Gadi Eizenkot, together with Commander of Manpower Directorate General Hagai Tupolianski and Colonel Yaffa Moore, Head of the IDF’s Casualties Division, visited Tel Aviv’s Beit Halochem.
Despite the Security Situation, “Courage in Motion 2015” was launched
Close to 400 young men and women came out on a rainy night to support Friends of Israel Disabled Veterans and the heroic warriors wounded while protecting Israel during Operation Protective Edge last year. Sponsored and coordinated by the Young Leaders Committee, this event introduced FIDV and Beit Halochem to many of the guests for the first time.
Moran Samuel secured her place at the Rio 2016 Paralympics on Wednesday, advancing to the final of the arms-shoulders single scull 1,000-meter competition at the World Rowing Championships in Aiguebelette, France.
Israel sent the largest delegation ever to the 2015 IPC Wheelchair Dance Sport World Cup – St. Petersburg
When I stepped into the office of Danny Layani, Assistant to the Chairman of the Jerusalem District of the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization, he was sitting across from his computer working energetically. „Hold on! You’ve gotta be kidding me“, I said without introducing myself. „I was told I was coming to interview a blind fellow“.
Up until the morning of August 11, 2003, Saido was just an ordinary guy: 24 yrs. old, living with his parents in Ariel, planning to rent his own place in Jerusalem, not far from his work place, planning to propose to his girlfriend of the past year and mostly: a tough man, eldest brother to his five brothers and sisters. But then, fate intervened
From Australia with love: A very moving donation was received recently at the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization from a young lad from Sydney who decided to donate his Bar Mitzvah gifts – for the benefit of wounded soldiers. “They defend Israel, they deserve it”, he explained his decision.
During Operation Protective Edge he lost his leg, but Ron Halevi (21 yrs.) from Kibbutz Gesher in the north doesn’t give up* After a long and difficult rehabilitation process he went back to Kayaking and will soon be taking part in the World Championship for Disabled in Italy* “I live a normal life and don’t think about my injury”
Beit Halochem Canada, Aid to Disabled Veterans of Israel, is excited to announce that in Summer 2015 we welcomed 38 bar and bat mitzvah aged Israeli children of disabled veterans from Beit Halochem Israel.
The Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization Golf Team, which operates under the responsibility Haifa’s Beit Halochem, brought great pride and honor to the ZDVO and Beit Halochem.
More than 350 guests of Beit Halochem UK helped raise a staggering £820,000 for disabled IDF veterans and their families. The day was Wednesday, the venue was The Dorchester and the speakers were highlyesteemed, including Lord (Danny) Finkelstein, Israeli Ambassador Daniel Taub and top lawyer Anthony Julius.
Celebration of Life 2015 honoured four designated heroes from Operation Protective Edge, who were wounded and who appeared in videos as well as in person to standing ovations: Sergeant Sariel Teper, Lt. Colonel (Res.) Alon Vollozny, Captain (Res.) Ofir Anidjar and civilian Nati Hakshur.
At the singles finals, Paralympic wheelchair tennis player Itai Erenlib beat his Italian opponent and at the couples finals, together with Patrick Ben Oliel beat the Italian and British couple. He may win the ticket to the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games.
On Friday, June 26th, 2015 the 16th Annual Wexler Bridge Tournament was held at Israel’s four Beit Halochem Centers in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa and Beer Sheva. This year’s tournament had 444 participants (222 pairs) – a new record!
Israel wheelchair tennis player Itai Erenlib, member of Tel Aviv’s Beit Halochem, together with his Swedish partner, won the 1st Place in a South Korea competition. Paralympic Silver Medalist Kobi Leon, member of Tel Aviv Beit Halochem’s riding club, won the Bronze Medal at one of the World Cup Tournament circuit competitions held in Switzerland.
Samuel made history by not only shattering her own personal record, but she also broke the Israeli record while defeating the reigning world champion, Norwegian rower Birgit Skarstein.
Koby Leon, Israeli Paralympic Silver Medalist (London 2012) and a member of the Hand Bike Team of Tel Aviv’s Beit Halochem, won the Gold Medal at the World Circuit Tournament competition.Doron Shaziri won the Gold Medal at the Germany Open Competition and secured his Place at the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games,
On Wednesday, April 29 a moving ceremony took place at Jerusalem’s Beit Halochem. It was the inauguration of the ‘Sally and Morris Justein Sport Complex’.
The annual solidarity mission organized by Beit Halochem Canada, Aid to Disabled Veterans of Israel visited Israel between April 20-30, 2015. Led by President of Beit Halochem Canada Toby Feldberg and her husband Saul Feldberg, and organized by Lisa Levy,
Amnon Sharon endured harrowing torture after falling into Syrian captivity being captured in the Yom Kippur War. Today, his message is: Do not pity yourself, you can get out of any situation.
A delegation of 13 American veterans dealing with PTSD and wounds inflicted in battle are in Israel for a 10-day visit, meeting with Israeli veterans.The former US servicemen arrived on a visit organized by the Heroes to Heroes Foundation, an American veteran support organization, and came to the Zahal Disabled Veterans Organization – Beit Halochem rehabilitation center in Tel Aviv on Monday.
For the First Time Ever: Israeli Wheelchair Dancer Appears in Local German Musical Production
On January 29th, 2015, the FIDV Young Leadership Board hosted its First Annual Winter Gala. With over 570 guests at the beautiful Tribeca Rooftop, it was certainly a night to remember all in support of Israel’s wounded veterans.
Friends of Israel Disabled Veterans held a series of outreach events in South Florida from December 17 – 19, 2014. FIDV brought distinguished guest speaker Micha Koubi, whose background includes work in the Special Operations Unit, Prime Minister’s Office, Israel, Chief Interrogator of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.
David Azrieli visited Tel Aviv’s Beit Halochem
Scholarship award ceremonies took place during December 2014 in all five ZDVO districts. We were able to distribute 517 academic and art scholarships for a total amount of NIS 2,527,000 ($648,000 USD). The scholarships are awarded individually and bear the name of the donor or the designated name of a loved one according to the donor’s wishes.
Wheelchair Dancers Gal Cucuy and Nahum (Humi) Prital win Barcelona Dance Competition
Festive Inaugural Event for Beer Sheva’s Beit Halochem
In these very moments, Ofer can be found in the middle of a jeep tour in South Africa, together with two of his best friends from the army. Sounds pretty ordinary, doesn’t it? Ofer was declared to be paralyzed 100+ percent from the waist down after being injured while protecting his teammates in Nablus in July 2004.
It was a tense, highly stress-filled afternoon. Izzy Ezagui and his seven buddies in the Haruv Kfir unit of the Israel Defense Forces, were in a tent by the Gaza border this past January, during Operation Cast Lead — the War in Gaza.
When the Second Intifada broke out, Matan’s unit was sent to the Gaza Strip. There he encountered areas filled with explosive devices and booby traps. One of those devices went off, wounding him severely and killing three of his friends.